My Journey Back To Me
Adriann Meyer
Upgrading the Human Operating System 2.0. the Conscious Entrepreneur. It is the Quantum Switch. Transformation Coach for the Great Resignation. I write about consciously reinventing, Create your world, life & business.
This is my journey back to me and the beginning of our journey forward.?
The beginnings of the Light Express
In 1997, I made a pact to find the truth about who we are, why we are here, and where we were going.?
The Life-quake
It began with a life-quake when I received a letter, one of which said, “Your services are no longer required.” This was my first experience of the sharp end of mergers and acquisitions. Many lost their livelihoods that day. I had to deliver those life-shattering letters.
The next part of the story is about the people of South Africa. It was the time when South Africa was lurching forward, trying to find its soul. It was a time of turmoil. The Rainbow Nation was starting a slow slide into oblivion. The coming years would only speed it up. But there is hope.
The realisation came that we, humanity, were our own worst enemy.?
We were not suffering from a crisis of identity, but a crisis of consciousness. This was a consciousness of fear, greed, and religion.?
When humanity suffers a traumatic loss of identity, society begins to self-destruct.?
A lie forms the foundation of your life. Self-proclaimed divine messengers impose these rules.?
We built our lives on the idea that we are insignificant. We must prove our worth by following the orders of oppressive entities that seek only their own good.?
Mortality terror grips people, preventing them from embracing life to the fullest.
At the time, in 1997–1999, many people were taking their own lives. They could not begin to think about going forward. No one seemed to know what to do with or for these people in crisis.?
In my corporate career, I sought talented people for my teams. It was successful. We re-created a department in a company. We grew its revenue from R23 million to over R100 million in three years. We celebrated, spoke at conferences, and won prizes. It was the people we built the department around. If you know the name Technics, then you would, if in South Africa at the time, know our passionate work.??
I wanted to help people reinvent themselves. That was the only way I could see. So, I began looking for a way to do it.?
And it worked.
?At their wit's end, people used their skills to reinvent themselves. They aimed to create a beautiful life from the ashes of a wasted one.?
A man who wanted to sell his hobby carpentry equipment to pay for food became a well-known carpenter. An unemployed teacher became a brilliant painter. He made more money in a weekend than six months as a teacher.?
Seeing possibility?
People began to see possibilities beyond their roles as corporate or government employees. r myself, I asked the question: What is my talent, and what can I do with it? I discovered that I loved teaching and what is now called coaching. It didn't pay well, but it was OK.?
I loved teaching, consulting, and training. In the process, I became an autodidact.
To get my kids through school and university, I delivered food at night and over weekends. It was a humbling experience for someone used to business class and Pierre Cardin suits. But we had to do it. So, I did it (and lost a lot of blubber and yuppie pride in the process).
The search begins.
The search began with one question: Who are we??
Is there a first principle? There had to be a place where we were all the same before we split into definitions, nations, cultures, cliques, clubs, and classes.?
There had to be a thread that would connect all of life. It was a search for the truth that would free us to be who we are.
?I had studied psychology and theology. But I knew the answers were elsewhere.?
I did not have access to much information. So I read books. There was no YouTube in 1999 to speak of, and the internet was dial up.?
Amazon delivered one book after another. They were always on time and had the right books. I read everything about spirituality and consciousness I could lay my hands on.?
What was most useful was all the things religion banned. It told us not to read things like meditation and "other religions."
The studies continued because now I had to find a way to help myself and others.?
I found a great convergence. It links science, spirituality, history, biology, archaeology, philosophy, and psychology. It also connects to ancient religious texts. They all point in the same direction.?
Then I read the 2003 book that changed my life and my direction.?
??Power vs Force by Dr. Dawid Hawkins. (Published March 5th 2002 by Hay House)
This was my first experience of the disappearance of the universe. Clarity burst forth, illuminating every aspect.?
Everything is consciousness, and consciousness is everything we experience. We call it spiritual intelligence, and it forms the foundation of all that we are.?
Another life-changing book was Developing Spiritual Intelligence: The Power of You (August 1, 2006) by Altazar Rossiter.? Starting a book list here is impossible.?
I read over 1000 books in these 27 years. The more I studied, read, and applied, using myself as a crash test dummy, the more I realised how little I knew. The different traditions and disciplines were not communicating with each other. If they would put their egos on hold, they would discover this great convergence.?
It was a brave new world in the early 2000s. I became a heretic among those who could not see or hear. So I kept quiet and worked away, waiting for the time when I could speak out. A friend told me that these things were way ahead of their time here and that this was a time of preparation.
I created teachings, workshops, and concepts. I found I had a gift for elevating people's consciousness. I called it sessions. Although it proved to be very powerful, most people saw it as a kind of entertainment.?
The sessions transformed lives when I worked with people who experienced radical change.?
A woman whose gym business failed reported, days later, that she was oversubscribed. A young woman, in an abusive relationship, reinvented herself fast. She said the sessions were a powerful catalyst for her change. A young rebel transforms, and her life undergoes a radical makeover.? Rapid transformation, indeed.
Ideas would come in words. Sometimes, a word. Over time, the word would develop into a concept - a set of principles and a body of knowledge. Then, the "how this could help people" on the journey of self-discovery. It is about returning to their true selves, before the world turned them into drones.?
One of the major processes began with four words in 2010. Wake Up - Get Up - Stay Up - Prosper. Over the years, these words became “The Journey Back To You.?
I was chomping at the bit to teach these ideas, but it became clear that I would have to wait for the invitation to share. This became clear when I discovered my Human Design.?
I was created to advise and teach. It also turns out advisors are natural coaches.?
All the pieces would come together in the Light Express. Its purpose is to take people on “The Journey Back to You." It is a journey of discovering who you were made to be. Also the journey of transition, transcendence, and awakening. I did not know that all this was about to be battle tested.?
?“Perfect” Timing?
The real test came in 2021. I returned to South Africa after a misadventure in Austria that turned into a huge fiasco. I arrived back here with a few possessions. We had departed South Africa to begin this work in Austria and the rest of the world.?
All this collapsed when Covid hit. My 14-year relationship failed the pressure test. The hotel we bought was a bankrupt money pit, waiting for a fool to buy it. All the signs were ignored. But that is another story for another time.?
I left most of my possessions in Austria. I took a room in a commune. A man who knew 500 Bible verses managed it. His life was a testament to "I have no idea who I am, and I don't care to find out."
It was a start over from nothing, a quadruple whammy. No home, no "job," no money, and no relationship.?
Now I have to see if I can make all this work for me and for real.?
The world is in a crisis. It is losing its identity. The old systems are collapsing. People must now rediscover and reinvent themselves.?
I am grateful for the knowledge I have accumulated. Without it, I would not be here. The process began to help others as I was helping myself. It became: "In teaching and coaching, I found my healing and growth."
When it took almost three years, I was thinking of giving up on the entire idea.?
But then I read about the great Carl Jung, who was out of action for three years after his breakup with Freud.???
It was a time of work. I had to journey back to rediscover my true self. Simply put, I had to reinvent myself.
As I worked away at this task, the invitation came to help more and more people.?
The proof of the change showed up as the great resignation, the creators' renaissance, and the creator's economy.??
People who have lost their identity must reinvent themselves. They must create a new world where they can fulfil their potential as creators.?
That is, in short, where I am now.
Back to the original purpose of why I am here. Working with creators committed to creating a world that works.??
In 27 years, I have created courses and a knowledge base. They can empower millions to be the creators they were meant to be.?
What is the future like? As the structures wobble and collapse, it is clear. The future of life and work is entrepreneurial, spiritual, and social.?
We are going to reinvent humanity by being who we were made to be, doing what we were born to do, and doing it together. We bring distinct perspectives to create the liberty we envision together.?
And now we have new friends like Claude, GPT, Gemini, and Grok to help us in the process.?
Join me in creating a world that works for us all.?
Who do I have to thank??
So many teachers, from all times and all fields, are contributing to this journey.??
Let's start at the beginning. The infinite Creator of all. Jeshua (the real one), Dawid Hawkins, Martin Seligman, the creator of positive psychology, Carl Jung who answered the question if he believed in God with "no,- he knows".?
Ken Wilbur (a great philosopher of our time), Gregg Braden, who continues to be a catalyst, Billy Carson of 4biddenknowledge, who caused many a red pill experience, Stuart Wilde (a true spiritual maverick), Rupert Sheldrake (morphogenetic fields), James Allen - The mind is the master. A course in Miracles - true transformational experience, The law of One - another Red Pill experience. Alex Ferrari with his Next Level Soul channel. Yehuda Berg who continues to teach me about Kabbalah, and Neil Douglas Klotz, who makes Aramaic alive for us. Swami Yogananda - Diary of a Yogi. Neville Goddard - Google him, you will see. Joseph Murphy: - the power of the subconscious mind.? Florence Scovel Shinn: - the game of life. Wayne Dyer, Joe Despenza, and Dan Koe - a modern maverick creator. ? The list goes on.?
Thank you to the future creators, whatever age they are from.??
Thank you Roosmarijn Haring - Invitation accepted.??
Gloria in excelsis Deo
#transformation #creators #creatoreconomy #greatresignation.