Boddapati krishna kishore
Author, Creative Writer, Editor & Publisher – Print & Web Media; Chief Promoter & Theme Presenter at Sing-India, Analyst & Trader – Stocks & Derivatives;
Sometimes a friendly vice can turn into a harmful addiction. That addiction can sit right on your neck where you’ll be gasping for breath. The result is more or less like buying one way ticket.??
Either during college days or during early part of business career, watching movies was always my favorite pass time. ‘Drinking’ was strictly occasional. But whenever there was an occasion, even though others doubt whether I was addicted, I used to consume hard by misjudging it as a friendly vice.
As a matter of collection, during my frequent travel to Singapore, I used to buy my favorite Johnnie Walker (black or red label) at duty-free shops. In the late 1990s, i have decided to suspend my ambitious future plans in Singapore and returned to Hyderabad to walk into a new creative profession. Eventually I took up a challenging new career - as a writer, editor and publisher.
Then it happened all out of blue. Somewhere in 1998, where I was living alone for few months, I got addicted to alcohol. Johnnie Walker collection was always there to console me! ?I got handful reasons to party with– to forget some bitter memories, and to deal with pain, frustration & loneliness.
After finishing the party with Johnnie Walker, I have started consuming local brands. The worrying factor is that I used to drink all alone during those days of pain and anguish. More or less, I became alcoholic for almost 15 years and I knew already that the friendly vice has turned into a dangerous foe. Like every other drunkard, I used to find some reasons to drink every night without interruption.
The consumption level kept on increasing - has started with 180 ML and went up to 750 ML or even 1000 ML every night. Initially it was for kick, later for sleep and then it’s a matter of escapism. The hard fact was that I couldn’t stop drinking because the inner urge was to consume more.
( Image Credit: City on Hill Press)
I don’t know how to quit. I never thought of - any medication, counseling methods or rehabilitation programs. The misery was that I can’t go to any one for guidance because no one knows that I am that much addicted. Ultimately I got a clear agenda– ‘somehow I have to kill the devil of drinking habit that is ruling my mind, body and soul’. I knew it was not easy to break the shackles. ???
Finally, on 6th June 2013, I have decided to put the nail into coffin. I chose a rugged tough path, as a matter of self-punishment, through indefinite fasting. I know that my thought was simple in thinking but crude & very difficult to practice.
The initial target was an INDEFINITE FASTING FOR ONE WEEK. ?I have the sublime belief that I can do it.
Hunger is the basic necessity that we should deal with every day, to keep us physically and mentally productive. It’s the ultimate curse or blessing for every living-being.
What happens if we carry hunger for days together? It will have the same profound effect on the physical strength and thought process, as alcohol did earlier. It will become much bigger ‘minus’ issue than alcoholism. Finally the typical mathematical formula (minus x minus = plus) has to come into play. That was my sublime belief. ?
( Image Credit: Strong Path)
FOR THE FIST FOUR DAYS, my daily intake was limited to a few glasses of plain water. It was the worst period where I was hit hard both mentally and physically because of the depressive effect on the system. I have started to feel the sluggishness in brain function & nerves communication.
Then I fought with a handful of withdrawal symptoms- hyper anxiety, body shivering, profound sweating, higher BP, abnormal heartbeat, feverishness, vomiting sensation and sleeplessness. The bitter taste and foul smell along my wind pipe, nasals and tongue is worth forgetting. Literally I used to shout & cry alone, now and then.
DURING THE NEXT THREE DAYS there was a reduction in anxiety & confusion. BP & heartbeat came to control. ?However, with the passing of each day, I started to feel physical weakness. So I used to take 2-3 cups of coffee or tea. I reduced physical movement and confined myself to a room.?But I was able to sleep well, possibly due to ever increasing physical weakness aroused from fasting.?Relatively, when compared to first four days of fasting, this period was calm and pleasant
Surprisingly, the idea of ‘drinking’ disappeared from my mind. Instead, there was a kind of aversion due to all the kind of troubles I faced. My only thought was about food. I starved till that time where I die to eat as early as possible. Finally it was on the eighth day I gave up my fasting.
That’s how the monstrous ‘hunger’ has killed the tiny ’alcohol’ devil. I came across Johnnie walker & other brands at many parties that I attend every year. Each time I look at those liquor bottles, the aversion is total as I recall those days of physical and mental torture.??Immediately I can feel the bitter & vomiting sensation that I lived with during those fasting & testing times.
That’s how my beloved friend Johnny Walker turned into a formidable foe!?That’s how I managed to kill the smaller devil by creating a bigger devil.
?As I know, Hunger is the greatest enemy for all of us. If used properly, this single enemy can become our mighty weapon to fight with many vices or addictions that we ‘pretend’ as our weaknesses.
(The method may be crude, but it’s simple and straight forward without the intervention of any medication or person. It will surely purify our mind, body and soul. Anyone can try it at any age, unless there are medical issues, to beat any kind of chronic addiction).?
* Today (on 6th June, 2022), as a sober, I’m entering into my TENTH YEAR ! For me, it’s almost a Decade free from Alcohol. ?
By Krishna Kishore Boddapati