My Iron Lady Role Model and her recent battle
Photo by Stephanie Cristal D.

My Iron Lady Role Model and her recent battle

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Content for The Hangry Wife's Stories Episode 3


Emotional wellness:

Our Iron Lady mom: Sickness, life & death
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Photo by Stephanie Cristal D.

How do I cope with the news to 'prepare for the worst' with regards to my mom's medical condition - again and again, and again for the past 16 years?

From obesity with high uric acid and water retention leading to heart failure, to self accident turning turtle twice due to split seconds of black-out caused by high blood pressure, later a stroke due to the bursting of right brain blood vessels paralysing her left limbs, and then to her uterus removal due to cancer, to later being diagnosed with an end-stage renal disease requiring dialysis thrice a week, to yet another large intestine removal due to cancer leaving her to live with a stoma bag for the rest of her life.

Summarising these episodes of her medical history purely by the flow of chronology doesn't do justice to the actual challenges my mom has been going through, the crazy big and little things that happened in between - the depth of the story for each episode.

You might have thought, such a difficult life must have drilled my mom into becoming a discouraged, miserable, and weak person having lost hope in this life. On the contrary, my mom lives up to the label her society gave her throughout her active years of leading as a Social Activist: "Madam Ma, the Iron Lady." She never gives up.

Upon hearing every doctor's report and recommended treatment, her response is always a confident smile and "Okay, let's do that." She gives us strength. She gives us confidence. Every time.

Now from my end, as one who has been taking care of her for most of those years of medical episodes, how do I cope with such mentally challenging episodes year after year? My greatest relief came when I finally learned to fully internalise what death truly means, and the reality that our life on earth is seriously just a temporary journey.

This is what I want to share with you. Because I hope that, if you are going through the same experience with a sick parent or loved one, perhaps sharing my story with my mom could give you strength, bring you hope, and grant you heavenly peace - yes, peace amidst the storm and raging sea.

How my mom and I view death

As a disciple of Jesus Christ, I believe in the eternal life that is made possible only by grace through faith that Christ has died in my place for my sin to give me eternal life through His righteousness.

Ironically, as a younger disciple, I used to desire to live as long as I could despite having the knowledge that the death of my body on earth is only the beginning of my eternal life. Because I was too into this world, especially when I couldn't fully fathom what eternal life is like.

But when I had to face moments of nearly losing my mom to sickness, I started to thoughtfully remind myself that this life on earth is just temporal, and that we would one day meet again in heaven eternally. The focus then was no longer about extending life on earth as long as possible, but to make sure we have solid faith in Christ (it's not about gathering good deeds).

I learned to praise God for good and bad reports. For smooth operation or one with complications.

Before my mom's recent major operation to remove her entire large intestine, we had a conversation.

I asked her what would she like to do after the operation. It's my very indirect, subtle way to ask what's her wish. She said, "I have lived enough of this life. But if I have more time, I want to help more people. Even if I don't have the money, I can find funds or agencies to help the people who need help."

I went speechless for quite a long time.

Then I knew where her positivity comes from - it's in her why.

And she wasn't bluffing; she really has been securing funds for countless poor and sick people in the past few decades. One of the most remarkable ones was to have fought for MYR1mil (approximately AU$334.2k) worth of medical supplies from the government for a young adult who suffered from a rare chronic disease requiring very costly medication.

Back to what she answered, it keeps me thinking: how are we living our life - for those of us who don't have to fight to live?


Insider Skincare Secrets:

Guys' questions about facial skincare answered (Part 1)
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Photo by Stephanie Cristal D.

I get asked many questions about facial skincare, and in this past month, I have encountered the most number of men reaching out to ask their burning questions - questions some of them said to be "too shy to ask" at the beauty and cosmetic counters.

One of them told me, "I would feel so out of place if I were to walk into Sephora and ask all the questions I have about facial skincare."

From the questions many of them asked me, I noticed there are several frequently asked questions by most guys which I believe could be questions that many more others would like to know the answer to as well.

So in this and the coming months' featured Insider Skincare Secrets, let me share some of these questions with the best answer I could help with to empower you with better knowledge of facial skincare.

Q1: Are men's facial skincare products different from women's?

A short and direct answer to this is: No. Most of the products carrying a label 'for men' are just label gimmicks. Of course, for the ones that did formulate the products differently for their men and women consumers, they may cater to unique skin conditions like facial hair or the relatively oilier skin for men doing laborious work outdoors.

Ultimately, the right skincare products for men (or women) still depend on what the current skin condition is as well as the past history of the skin (e.g. any unusual breakout? Trauma? Laser treatments?) or skincare routine.

So, if what you would like to know is whether you can use the same facial skincare products as your wife, from V Magic? biotech skincare products suite, I would say yes if both of your skin conditions are similar and require similar treatment.

V Magic? skincare products are formulated by specific functions to meet certain needs of the skin (to repair, awaken, activate, regenerate), not by gender. Because the truth is, some men have tinier pores than many women or vice versa, and depending on lifestyle and living environment, men and women can both be exposed to sun damage, or pimples and acnes problems, or lines and wrinkles issues.

Take my husband and me for example, we both use the same V Magic? Aqua Makeup Remover (to remove my sunscreen, to remove his sunscreen and air pollutants caught on his facial skin from his workplace at the processing plant), the same V Magic? Brightening Cleanser, our respective V Magic? Vigor Tonique toners (the moist one for my currently dry skin condition, the light one for his current oily skin condition), the same V Magic? Nuit-Hydrating Pre Serum (for deep-layer hydration), then I go on with my V Magic? White Serum (accelerated repair for skin damage done in the past) while he goes on with his V Magic? Bee Venom Age-Frozen Créme (light moisture while preventing further lines formation), and we both can use the same V Magic? Premium Sunscreen SPF30 for day time or I sometimes opt for the SPF50 variant with medium cover in place of foundation or BB cream.

Before you wonder, how would a man handle so many products in a daily skincare routine, the good news is my husband only takes 2 minutes or less each morning to apply his light toner, H serum, créme, and sunscreen. And the reward for his consistent daily routine? Always coming home telling me another colleague told him about his face glowing. Ha! Keep it up, my man.

So what facial skincare products suit you? Your first step is to get your face analysed for your current skin condition, then you will be better informed to understand which skincare products (their formulation, ingredients, safety, and effectiveness levels) would do good or bad to your facial skin.

I do 1-on-1 facial skin analysis and it is complimentary for my subscriber, so feel free to reach out to me when you are ready to learn more about what your skin needs and which skincare products are suitable for your current skin condition.

Q2: Do men need to put on Sunscreen - when we are not going to the beach?

Of course! This is so important, especially in a country with high exposure to harmful UV rays like Australia.

The biggest mistake for anyone is to think that they remain indoors and therefore don't need to put on sunscreen. Today's UV rays penetrate through the windows, glass doors, and anything that gives you natural light during the day. That's why, if you drive frequently, the UV spots on your right face would naturally be higher than the UV spots on your left face (data-proven via facial skin analyser machines).

So, you need to put on Sunscreen as long as it's still daylight, even after you shower in the late afternoon.

Along the three premium sunscreen variants from V Magic?, from my local (Australia) record as well as the global V Magic? records, the V Magic? Premium Sunscreen SPF30 (no color and safe for babies) are the most popular choice among men, with a small percentage of them preferring the SPF50 variants with light to medium cover - these variants are most popular among guys who used to apply foundation or BB cream.

Now, is SPF30 enough? SPF stands for sun protection factor. The higher the SPF number, the stronger and longer the product can protect your skin. Does it mean the higher the SPF number the better? Actually, the higher the SPF number means the UV protection ingredients in the sunscreen could be more clog-causing to your pores.

Most sunscreens in the market today are made with not-friendly ingredients (avobenzone, oxybenzone, octocrylene, octisalate, homosalate). That's why as a responsible biotech skincare brand, V Magic? took it seriously to formulate a premium sunscreen that is capable of providing sufficient protection under most cases while using only safe ingredients. All three variants of the V Magic? Premium Sunscreens are anti-inflammatory and are among the gentlest effective sunscreens available in the market today - a market that has already been so saturated with commercial-focused products rather than safe & effective products.

So, the SPF30 variant is enough to provide you with sufficient protection for 7+ hours, and you can re-apply the sunscreen to extend your protection. While for the two SPF50 variants, the protection they can provide can last for 12+ hours.

Now that you know this, if you haven't been putting on Sunscreen, you should seriously consider doing so soon. Of course, that means it should come together with adequate cleansing every night and morning.

Do you find these answers helpful so far? Stay tuned for the next episode on more facial skincare questions men are asking, and answered.

Or do you have a question? Reach out to me and ask away!



The Angry Wife Novel:

  • A fiction inspired by real-life lessons learned from doing marriage together

Episode 3: It struck me, then I packed and went with my heart
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Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

I received a call from my husband when the clock at the bottom right of my laptop showed "1:46 PM", asking if I were up for a movie with him tonight.

Looking at the remaining workload at hand before I could call it a day, I thought I would probably be too mentally exhausted to enjoy a movie by the evening. Anyway, I told him I would confirm with him around 4.30pm but high likely would be back from work later than usual.

"That's alright. Take care and don't overwork yourself. Love you."

Love you too, dear. Now, back to work.

The clock at the bottom right of my laptop kept running. When I saw it hitting "4:32 PM", I swiftly grabbed my phone and texted him that I would prefer to rest tonight. Then, I got my fingers back on the keypad of my laptop and my mouse. The reporting period was always the busiest time at work. I usually tried to do enough for each day and not to go home late from work, but it was just a few more performance data to analyse and I could wrap this report up to focus on kicking start the "ToHerHeart Anniversary" project with the team.

Anyway, I needed to see Daisy J at the other corner, for the market share data this month. She had not been responding to my emails and chat messages asking for these updates since last week. This is where physical interaction came in handy at work.

I carried my notebook and my favorite pink pen and I walked over to her place. From a few steps away from her desk, I frowned as I saw it was someone else sitting at her desk. Where could she be? I didn't know she moved to a different workstation, or was she on leave and currently covered by someone else?

As I tried to make sense of the possible scenarios of why she was not at her desk in my head, I continued to approach her desk and the woman who was already sliding into a slump at Daisy's seat slowly moved up her head to look at me.

Oh, my goodness! I almost expressed a reaction when I saw her face.

Why was Daisy J becoming like this? That sunshine, happy-go-lucky lady who always brightened up the office for everyone with her nicely blown hair, beautiful makeup, and elegant earrings, in her stylish outfits. She looked like she had aged a decade overnight with her heavy dark eye circles, slightly puffy eyes, and a sick look, in her simplest navy buttoned shirt and a pair of black slacks.

As soon as we locked eyes, she teared up and was about to break down in tears. I hurried over to hold her arm and led her to the pantry just two workstations behind hers and whispered to her, "What happened?"

She held herself together until we got into the pantry, and then she burst into tears.

"My husband asked for a divorce earlier this month. I didn't see it coming. I thought I was doing everything right. I worked hard for our family, I made sure I always looked great so he would always be proud of being with me."

I held her hand as I listened to her sobbing and telling me all that she was going through with her husband this past month.

And then something she told me about what her husband said to her struck me: "He said it's always about me, what I like, what I don't like, that he felt neglected for too long in this partnership, and he decided he needed to live for himself. Why did he think that I neglect him? Have I not.."

I didn't absorb what Daisy J said after that. I could not remember how I said goodbye to her and how I returned to my desk after.

I was staring blankly into my laptop screen when my eyes finally caught the clock at the bottom right of my laptop turning "5:12 PM".

It struck me when I saw the displayed date under "5:12 PM". After 1 second of inaction, I immediately began packing my stuff and went with my heart. My heart wanted to be home, near him, right now.

"It's always about me" and "he felt neglected for too long" kept lingering in my mind on my way home. Yea, how could I forget that it's our anniversary today? And my husband was essentially asking me out for a date, it's not about the movie.

When I walked out of the office building, I looked up and the sky had turned dark. I wondered what he would be doing right now. Sanding and painting his bike? Cooking his favorite Shin Ramen? Sitting on the couch watching one of his subscribed YouTube channels?

The edges of my lips curved up as I thought about the wide smile on his face when he saw me home. My steps kept moving. Through the escalator. Through the zebra crossing. Through the apartment carpet. Into and out of the lift. And then I stopped in front of a door.

Without further delay, I scanned my fingerprint on the access pad and pushed the door open. Soon, my excited heart went cold, and the feeling of emptiness started to creep in.



Risk management bite:

What Risk really means to you in your life
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Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

Your journey of life

If you were traveling the journey of life, would you choose the smooth lane on the left or the lane with potholes on the right?

Many of us would appreciate a smooth lane all the way - it is easy and safe. But the right lane with potholes feels more like the reality we are in most of the time.

There is a pattern

Over the years, we have learned to endure many small potholes in our life - things like having little arguments with our loved ones, catching a cold, having an unpleasant day at work, facing an angry customer, and more.

Have you noticed a pattern through each of these familiar small potholes in life?

The first time you experienced it, you felt uneasy and sometimes a little lost. You asked around and you learned how to handle it.

Then, when it happened to you for the second time, you kind of knew what to do, it was much smoother and less troubling than the first time. The more it happened, the more it became easier for you to manage it.

And then one day, you became very well prepared for it. In some cases, you might have even figured out the early signs that it could be coming and would try to avoid it altogether.

That is a true example of how practice makes perfect.

Unfortunately, we won't get enough similar major potholes in life to practice until we get good at handling a certain major situation. Well, I don't think we would even want to hit any major potholes in life if avoidable.

Because hitting major potholes in our life journey could mean having our vehicle seriously damaged, or in the worst case, keeping us from ever reaching our destination altogether.

A better way

While we try to avoid the actual consequence of hitting a major pothole, there is another way to help make our life journey smoother.

Have you seen navigation apps where you get alerts on incoming reported potholes and speed cameras?

What if you had a map that could alert you to the incoming major potholes threatening your most important life goals? That would be your most powerful tool to get you to your destination in the most optimized way.

And this is what I have dedicated this website to do: To lead people like you by hand to discover that map early - a map that is tailored for you and your life goals - so that:

  • You can navigate your way towards your goals avoiding most of the major potholes which could really slow you down or derail you from your destination.

  • Even if you hit a major pothole, you already had good-enough safety nets and Plan Bs ready to help you quickly get back on track to pursue your destination towards your goals.

And this series is the first step I would like to walk you through to equip you with a savvier awareness of risks threatening the important goals in your life, just like the major potholes along your journey.

Well, now look at this situation - when life throws us all kinds of potholes in every direction..

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Photo by Mrugesh Bandiwadekar

In real life when all kinds of potholes are screaming for your attention, which one to tackle first?

Finding the anchor

Look at the picture again and imagine you are sitting on the bike. If your destination is straight in front of you, will the super big pothole on your right bother you? No. Because you won't have enough energy and time to tackle every pothole, so you focus only on the major potholes that are in your way.

The problem comes when you are not sure where your destination is.

Remember those evenings when no one in the car could decide where to eat and you as the driver had to roam around wondering where to stop for dinner, then after driving a certain direction for some time, someone finally suggested a restaurant name that was at the opposite direction of where you were heading, so you had to make a U-turn?

Our life is short, and we don't want to waste it over unnecessary hurdles. Knowing your next life goal will help set your destination - that is your anchor. With it, you can focus on managing only the major potholes that could affect your journey to your destination.

In summary

Knowing your life goals is your first step to discovering major potholes that could affect your journey towards pursuing what you want to achieve.

You don't have to be stressed trying to figure out what your long-term goal is. You only need to be clear about what you want to achieve next - your nearest next goal.

When you drive at night, your vehicle lamps shine frontward just enough to show you the next stretch of road to take. Every five meters you move forward, you get to see the next five meters ahead of you. Identify your goals the same way, focus on achieving one at a time.

In the coming episode, I will show you the value that you could be protecting when you tackle the right potholes. I also want to show you how much you could be losing for not tackling the major potholes that are affecting your journey towards your destination. Stay tuned.

As always, these are my personal take on risk management. I am keen to hear yours. What is the one thing I shared about risk in this episode that is remarkable to you?


Career bite:

Promo Lever 2: Aim to exceed your performance targets
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Credit: masterzphotois

In the first March episodes, I shared the top 3 common career-killing mistakes that most young professionals make at work, which have been quietly but surely delaying their career growth and job promotion.

This ultimately means they take longer than they have to to get each promotion, and every year of not being promoted could mean losing thousands of dollars for even an entry-level young professional. You can read it here if you missed it.

In the April episode, this May episode, and the following five episodes, I will be sharing the 7 key Promotion Levers each with real-life examples, so that you can visualize how to apply them in your situation to accelerate your career growth and job promotion.

Promo Lever 2: Aim to exceed your performance targets

Firstly, you will have to be clear about the minimum appraisal cycle required for your current job grade to be eligible for your next promotion. You can best learn about this from your HR.

A Real-life Example (based on a true story)

Deborah is an entry-level junior executive in an oil & gas multinational company.


Her current job grade is at?E1-G1?(Executive level 1, Grade 1). She can be eligible for a job promotion to?E1-G2?(Executive level 1, Grade 2) with any of the following minimum combination of performance appraisal ratings:

  • A total of 2 consecutive working years with?Rating 2 + Rating 3?or?Rating 3 + Rating 2?respectively.
  • A total of 3 consecutive working years with?Rating 3 + Rating 3 + Rating 3?respectively.


Therefore by the process, the fastest she can be eligible for a job promotion from?E1-G1?to?E1-G2?is by achieving the performance appraisal ratings at?Rating 2?and?Rating 3?respectively in 2 consecutive years.

Once you know the minimum appraisal cycle required for your current job grade to be eligible for your next promotion, you can now focus on achieving your target performance appraisal rating for this year by meeting (better yet, exceeding) your performance targets.

Another Real-life Example (also based on a true story)

Laila's performance appraisal this year consists of 6 business objectives. Each objective has 3 levels of KPI targets:

  • Base (meet minimum expectations).
  • Stretch-2 (exceed expectations).
  • Stretch-1 (exceed expectations with distinctive achievement).


This is how Laila's performance appraisal will be rated:

  • Rating 5?if she fails to hit the Base targets for a minimum of 3 out of 6 business objectives.
  • Rating 4?if she hits the Base targets for a minimum of 5 out of 6 business objectives.
  • Rating 3?if she hits the Stretch-2 targets for 2 out of 6 business objectives.
  • Rating 2?if she hits the Stretch-2 targets for a minimum of 4 out of 6 business objectives.
  • Rating 1?if she hits the Stretch-1 targets for a minimum of 3 out of 6 business objectives.

In your case, discuss and set your annual KPI targets together with your superior, and be courageous to negotiate when a certain Base KPI target is set too high, which makes its Stretch-2 target almost impossible for you to achieve.

Once you are clear about your job performance expectations, it's time to take action - always aim to exceed your KPI targets for each business objective throughout the year.



What to eat:

The melt-in-your-mouth congee in Sunnybank
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Credit: Yat Tiu Rice Noodle Rolls

Back in Sarawak - a state in East Malaysia, we grew up eating the following common dishes for breakfast, among others:

  • Nasi lemak (steamed rice cooked in coconut milk and panda leaves, served with a side of spicy onion paste, egg, fried crispy anchovies, toasted peanut, and sometimes with fried spiced chicken),
  • Laksa Sarawak (thin vermicelli noodles served in a flavorful spicy broth with shredded chicken breast meat, prawn, beansprout, shredded omelet, accompanied by spicy shrimp paste with a squeeze is lime),
  • Roti canai (flatbread served with chicken curry),
  • Kueh chap (thick rice noodles served in herbal pork broth with different parts of pork from its meat to internal organs),
  • Kolo mee (dry egg noodles tossed in savory pork and shallot mixtures, topped with minced pork and sweet roasted pork slices).

It's not hard to notice that while these dishes are delicious and savory to the palate, they are not among the healthier options recommended as the first meal to start a day with.

In our search for healthier breakfast choices to swap out the habit of taking these relatively oilier, sweeter, more heavily seasoned breakfast dishes, my husband and I gradually grew into loving congee.

That's how we eventually found this restaurant, Yat Tiu Rice Noodle Rolls 一条肠粉 in Sunnybank.

If you appreciate delicious congee, you should definitely try out the congee here. These are our frequently ordered items for your reference:

  • Pork congee with preserved eggs 皮蛋瘦肉粥
  • Fresh prawn rice noodle rolls with shallots/chives 葱花/韭菜鲜虾肠粉 + Vegetable 菜
  • Fish fillets congee 鱼片粥

If you know of another place to enjoy delicious congee in Queensland, please let me know!


What to watch:

Think your daily sugar intake is okay? Watch this
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Courtesy of Madman Production Company

I had the privilege to meet Damon Gameau in person during PwC's signature The Outside program earlier this month. A few years ago, I watched one of his documentaries "That Sugar Film" and what I learned about sugar since then has been life-changing.

Regardless of how healthy you currently believe your daily sugar intake has been, I highly recommend you watch this sugar documentary on YouTube together with your family. It might save your loved ones from going down the path of diabetes due to a lack of awareness or knowledge.

I have been known as a sweet tooth, so I definitely look forward to hearing from you about your thoughts after watching this eye-opening documentary. Tag me in the comment.


What to listen to:

My go-to soothing Chinese instrumental song
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Credit: 溯宛宛宛宛

I love traditional Chinese instruments.

One of the greatest things I believe I have done during my university life was to join the Chinese Orchestra. Those were the times I learned to play the hundreds-string Yang Qin (the Chinese dulcimer), became the Second Student Conductor, performed as part of a huge Chinese Orchestra at events, and took up the responsibility as the Principal of String Instruments for the orchestra.

There is this sense of healing every time I listen to great music with traditional Chinese instruments in the arrangements.

So, this month, I would like to share with you one of my favorite on-repeat tracks - a Gu Zheng (a Chinese plucked zither) instrumental cover of a Chinese song 心上诗 (Poem in My Heart).

What is your go-to soothing song?


What to read:

Stories from five mothers, written a decade ago
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Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

Exactly 10 years ago, I published the very first eBook under then (now, "From Mothers' Hearts to Yours", co-authored by five willing mothers to share their hearts with young people.

As we celebrate mothers this month, I thought it would be meaningful to re-feature this eBook at its 10th-year anniversary.

May you enjoy this reading pleasure with great joy and gratitude as I do. You can download the eBook here, no sign-up required.



Featured article:

Struggling to have a quiet time with God? Do this
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Credit: Pras Boonwong

Remember those days when you were back in the university, that group of close friends at church whom you always hung out with?

Going to church was exciting every week. You went to prayer meetings, cell group meetings, and church camps together.

It was natural, and you didn't have to struggle much about spending time with God. It's like you were always connected to God and His people.

Then you started working. You slowly lost contact with these friends. You didn't know which new church to go to.

Your working life started to become busier and more demanding, and you slowly lost your personal life.

You are always busy and tired. When you finally have some space to breathe, all you want to do is to enjoy your long-lost me-time, maybe chill out for a drink, or binge on Netflix while you can.

Slowly, the thought of spending time with God only feels more difficult, and it makes you feel guilty sometimes like you are not a good Christian.

You tried.

You found a church to go to, you downloaded some Bible and devotional apps to your phone, and sometimes you read the Daily Bread, but it just feels kind of dry.

You are looking for something deeper with God, which you believe is very hard because you don't have the time, you are not always in the mood, and you are not sure where to start.

Then once in a while, you met some friends or colleagues sharing about things they did that you know are not right.

You felt like God was telling you to speak the truth into their lives. But you just didn't know what to say to them and how to say it.

You want to be a blessing to the people in your life, but you feel like a handicapped Christian sometimes.

Like you haven't read enough of the Bible to say the right thing when you want to, or you wonder if God would answer your prayer because you haven't been really praying for a long time.

That was my story before some big challenge I faced at work brought me to my knees, and then I started bringing God back into my working life.

The top 3 all-time struggles with quiet time

It's always because we are busy, tired, or we don't have the right devotional material to start.

So this article is written to help you overcome these 3 obstacles that have been conveniently keeping you from coming back to God day after day.

By the end of this article, you will know exactly what to do to move past any of these struggles when you think about quiet time.

#1: Super busy, no time

After swiping off your third alarm, your morning race begins.

You brush your teeth, hit the shower (if you have time..), get dressed, and off you go.

Oh, by the way, you have picked up the skill to put on your makeup on your way driving to work - thanks to the traffic jam.

And, you tried before but, you really can't wake up any earlier for morning devotional or prayer time because you are already short of sleeping time every night.

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The typical sleep analysis report from your fitness watch

How long do you think you need for quiet time? An hour? or 30 minutes?

Okay, let's say your hectic schedule really has no room for an uninterrupted 30-minute slot.

I will show you 3 ways to turn those little moments you have throughout your busy day into worship starting today:

1. Greet God "Good morning"

  • When: Morning | When your alarm rings.
  • You get to wake up to a new day! Take a breath or maybe stretch a little under your blanket, and say, "Morning, LORD. Thank You for another new day.
  • It may feel weird to greet someone you can't see. But if you keep doing this every morning, you will soon experience the difference of seeking God first in a day, even through small ways like this.

2. Refrain from joining in a gossip

3. Commit new concerns to God

  • When: Throughout the day | During your toilet break
  • As you go through your day at work, there will be new problems arising. This is a great time to share your concerns about anything with God like He is your best friend and seek His comfort and wisdom to deal with the concerns.

Want more of God in your life? I've prepared everything you need to start spending more quality moments with God again, and it only takes 7 minutes to start with.

#2: Tired, not in the mood

I know, you are so busy with your hectic working life, that when you are finally home from the long working day, all you want to do is to relax and rest and have your me-time, which seldom actually happens because you either continue working from home after dinner or unconsciously stressing yourself up with the unending social media feeds.

The truth is, your best mood for quiet time would probably be hard to come by. Else you would have enjoyed your daily personal prayer and Bible study in the past 3 months.

Think about the last time you were so really earnestly praying and reading the Bible every day.

What made you do that? I am guessing you were going through some really challenging times.

Here are some thoughts to ponder:

  • Should you wait till another challenging time to get in the mood to seek God daily?
  • Would you want another challenging time to get you to seek God?

I like to believe that, if problems and worries can bring us to our knees in worship, the opposite would work too: Thanksgiving.

Find reason to thank God for, so that the only natural response you have towards God is a deep gratitude that leads you to praise and worship Him.

Let's try it now, here are 2 ways to come before God with thanksgiving:

1. Think of your most recent testimony

  • Imagine the worst that could happen if God didn't intervene for your good, and consider how much that means to you for God to be so gracious to you.

2. Take a breath

  • Are you still breathing? That's one great reason to thank God for right now!

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Encourager artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

#3: Haven't found the right material

Sometimes when we finally feel the urge to resume our quiet time, instead of going straight to God in prayer or reading the Bible, we end up spending a long time looking for the perfect devotional materials to get started with.

After browsing through 7 websites and downloading 5 Bible study apps, oops time's up! You have got to rush to resume your normal life.

The reality is, there is a rich ocean of resources for quiet time and devotional from the Internet, in your church library, and most probably on your bookshelf at home.

But it's so rare to finally have some time with God, so you really want to make the most out of your quiet time by using the best devotional material. I get it.

Let me ask you: So what if you don't have any devotional to guide your quiet time?

Even if you just simply turn open the Bible and read the first verse that pops up at you and then spend some time talking with God in prayer, I believe God can speak to you through His Word.

All you need is a heart that is hungry to receive from God.

That being said, I promised to help you quickly move past your obstacle to have your quiet time at the beginning of this article. So I will hand you my devotional materials.

You may find better materials out there, but these devotional guides are good enough to help you get started with your quiet time today.

So I specifically prepared 5-Scripture devotionals which include:

  • The featured Scriptures,
  • Suggestions on how to apply them to your life,
  • Guided prayers,
  • Relevant praise & worship songs.

Just pick any theme that speaks to you and have your quiet time today. It also comes with audio to help you utilise the few minutes you have while driving or riding to work.

And before you go..

I'm curious. What's the craziest quiet time you have spent with God so far?

It could be being immersed in reading the Bible for hours that you didn't realize it was already 3am in the morning, waking up super early to go to the church and pray alone every morning, or understanding a familiar verse on a whole-new mind-blowing level.

No judging or comparison here. Just pure inspirational sharing in the comments below.

Let's talk about what you experienced and how it made you feel.


Monthly themed devotionals:

Consistent obedience
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Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

Our Scriptures this month are themed around consistently choosing to obey God as Jesus did for us on the cross.

If you are always on the go, put on your earphones and click here to listen to the Worship with Stephanie audio episodes expanded from the following 5 Scriptures, where you can join me as I:

  • read out the Scripture for the episode,
  • guide you to reflect on how you can apply it to your life,
  • pray along with you, and
  • sing our praise and worship together unto God - all in 7 minutes for each episode.

Scripture 1: Romans 12:1-2?

Themed Decotionals Consistent obedience: Romans 12:1-2
Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.

  • What are some of the patterns or common practices at your workplace and in the corporate world?

  • Take some time this week to test these patterns with the Word of God, and consider if there are things that you may start doing differently as you pursue career achievement and growth in ways that please God.

Scripture 2: Matthew 7:13-14

Themed Devotionals Consistent obedience: Matthew 7:13-14
Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

  • True success in your career is not secured by following what most people at your workplace are pursuing, it is found by following God's still small voice that cuts through all the noises.

  • It's okay to be the only one who says 'no' to your unreasonable boss if you know it's not the right thing to do. Whenever you doubt if what you are about to do is right or not, turn to God's Word in the Bible or speak with trustworthy advisers.

Scripture 3: 1 Corinthians 10:13

Themed Devotionals Consistent obedience: 1 Corinthians 10:13
Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

  • Recall some of the old habits you have promised God to change that you are still struggling with. Set this Scripture as reminders on your phone during the times that you are usually most tempted.

  • Think of one practical way to overcome this temptation, and include it in your reminders. So that when you see the reminders, you know exactly what to do to be victorious.

Scripture 4: Luke 22:39-44

Themed Devotionals Consistent obedience: Luke 22:39-44
Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

Jesus went out as usual to the Mount of Olives, and his disciples followed him. On reaching the place, he said to them, "Pray that you will not fall into temptation." He withdrew about a stone's throw beyond them, knelt down and prayed, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done." An angel from heaven appeared to him and strengthened him. And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.

  • When Christ was a man like you and me, He didn't give up on His obedience to God the Father's will of sacrificing Himself to make us holy again through His righteous blood.

  • If you know there is something that God wants you to make right in your job and you have been struggling to obey Him, pray earnestly that you will not fall into temptation. Tell God your struggle but ask that His will be done through you.

Scripture 5: Ephesians 6:11-12

Themed Devotionals Consistent obedience: Ephesians 6:11-12
Artwork by Stephanie Cristal D.

Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

  • Your full armor of God comes from deeply understanding and living out the Word of God in the Bible.

  • On top of reading and listening to this weekly mini devotional that I have prepared for you, think about 2 other ways you can grow more in the Word of God, and schedule these activities into your calendar to take action.

If you would like to share this month's themed devotional with someone, here is the full version from which the content here is extracted.



Birthday shout-out:

Happy blessed birthday to our May babies
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Salties Emoji Artwork by Stephanie Cristal.D.

Denise Hoo. Yeoh Sue Jane. Suhaib Mohammad Taha. Audree Maa. Lee Yi Tong. Sheril L. Isabella Wang. Michelle Ida Anslem.

Is it your birthday month, too? Join us and be part of the Salt Circle, don't forget to save your birth date.

As a birthday treat for each person in the Salt Circle, I am giving out 3x the Love Seeds (reward points) for every AU$1 you invested in any self-love products or services at Faithful Salt Solutions during your birth month or 20-day before or after your birth date.



Why 'Hangry Wife'?

If you missed the Introduction to this Newsletter series, I highly recommend that you give it a read. It is available in the opening of the first episode.



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