My Iris Experiment
Excerpt from the memoirs of Pat Otterness
My Iris Experiment
???????????In mid-life, by mystical means too lengthy to mention here, I left my home in Charlottesville and moved far out into the rural countryside near Lovingston, Virginia.??I bought an old farmhouse, a fixer-upper, in the middle of a working apple orchard.??I thought it would be peaceful.??Restful.??Healing.??Well, I guess one out of three wasn’t too bad.??Peaceful and restful were definitely not on the books.??I was awakened nearly every morning by either heavy trucks moving past my doorway, or Mexican migrant workers singing as they pruned trees, picked fruit, or took long drinks from my garden hose.??I discovered that living in the middle of a working orchard was not a restful business.??The?boom, boom, boom?of the bass on their boom boxes nearly drove me mad.
????????????When I was sleeping, I would be suddenly wakened by the howling of what sounded for all the world like wolves, a hair raising, and terrifying sound that evoked very primitive responses in me.??Even when I knew it was only my neighbor, out hunting possums with his redbone hounds, the sound was enervating. I had seen those redbone hounds rip one of my cats to pieces.??All of my cats were missing.??It didn’t take much to guess their fate.
????????????One feature of my new property was a stand of purple irises, the old-timey kind everyone’s grandmother used to grow.??They made a beautiful display in the spring, up on the hillside above my house.??Spring was beautiful here back then.??I had apple orchard on every side of my house, and an apple orchard in bloom is a sight to behold.??I had planted a few flowers here and there, but at that time I wasn’t much of a gardener.??What I was, though, was a retired geneticist.
????????????One spring, I happened to notice seed pods on some of the iris stalks, and my ever-fertile mind asked, “I wonder what would happen if I germinated those seeds.”??But of course, I had no idea how to germinate iris seeds.??Not a clue.??I had an old copy of Horticulture magazine.??In the back was the name of an iris hybridizer.??I called her on the phone and asked her how to germinate my (supposed) iris seeds.??She immediately shot me down.??Turns out, she said there would be no seeds in those pods, since they don’t self-pollinate, and bees don’t??pollinate them either.??I checked.??She was right.??But I was already committed to germinating iris seeds, so I asked her how I could get some seeds.??She suggested I try to obtain them using tall bearded irises.
????????????I had perhaps a half dozen straggly tall bearded irises in my yard at the time, things I had planted just to add some color to the yard.??On these, I practiced my newly learned pollinating techniques, with poor success.??I got one pod.??Nine seeds.??In the fall, I planted them.??None germinated.??That should have been the end of it.
????????????Instead, I bought more tall bearded irises.??I called a major hybridizer, and got better instructions.??My next try resulted in about 100 seeds, and the die was cast.??Many of these seeds germinated.??Among them was the bloom I named my garden after.??I call my place The Gardens at Laughingstock, and a laughingstock it truly was at first.??Nicely tended rows of vegetables fell before the onslaught of irises and more irises.??Soon I had so many that I had attracted the attention of an editor in Tennessee who asked me to write about my irises.??Those articles attracted the editor of the American Iris Society Bulletin, who asked me to come to the big iris convention in Portland, Oregon, and write about my experience.
????????????So there I was, sitting outside the airport in Portland, Oregon, waiting for transport to my hotel, scared to death.?I didn’t know a soul.?I’d never even visited an iris garden other than my own.?And now I was headed to the biggest iris convention in the United States.?I was afraid I was going to be very, very lonely.
????????????I had barely opened the door of the hotel when someone said, “That’s Pat Otterness!”?Suddenly I was surrounded by complete strangers saying things like, “You’re Pat Otterness, aren’t you?”, and “I’ve always wanted to meet you”, or “I love your articles.”?I was completely dumbfounded.?I mean, yes, my photo was often included in my articles, often a silly one of me doing something dumb.?I never expected it would identify me to all these people.?I was like Alice down the rabbit hole.?My whole world had taken on a magical aura.
This popularity continued throughout my trip.?I could be having a quiet lunch at the hotel, and suddenly someone would come up to me shyly and say, “You’re Pat Otterness, aren’t you? I love your articles.?I’ve always wanted to meet you.”?I was bedazzled by all the attention.
The best part came, though, when we began the tour of the iris gardens in the area.?The biggest breeders in the United States were all there, and … they all greeted me by name.?One even gave me a big hug.?I was speechless.?But the real surprise came when I saw Barry Blythe, the world famous Australian hybridizer, in one of the gardens.?I wanted so much to meet him, but I was feeling a little intimidated.?Still, I edged up to him, and said, “Barry, you don’t know who I am …”, but he interrupted me.?“Of course I do, he said.?We READ in Australia.”?If there was one shining moment in my life better than all the rest, that would have to be the one.?None of those hybridizers would have been at all impressed by my early iris hybrids, of course.?It was my writing … MY WRITING! … that they loved.?Only another writer can appreciate the kind of accolade that was for me.
?? Thriving in Retirement ? Web Diva? ? Zealous Wordsmith ? Cookie Queen ? Musical Theatre Maven ? Crafting Enthusiast ? Curly Girl
2 年Love this, Pat Otterness, and no surprise that your writing caught their attention ?? ?? ?? I had wondered how you got into the iris hybridizing, and now we know!
Experienced IT Technician | Specializing in System Maintenance & Efficiency | Tech Troubleshooter | Specialized in Hardware, Software & Networking Issues | Skilled in Multiple Operating Systems and Technical Repair)
2 年Beautiful share dear Pat?? how are you
2 年Pheeew ????