My Interview in China Radio International on the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of The People's Republic of China
Philippe D. Monnier
Entrepreneur / Board Director / Interviewer of Business & Political Leaders / Event Organizer
On the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of The People's Republic of China, I was interviewed by several leading Chinese media including “China Radio International. In a nutshell, I indicated that:
- The Sino-Swiss Free Trade Agreement (FTA) has been a test for China. It is better to start with a small, friendly country far away like Switzerland than with a larger economic bloc. More generally, this agreement has strengthened a positive general movement of cooperation between Switzerland and China.
- There is a lot of complementarity between China and Switzerland. Traditionally, Switzerland has a strong capacity for innovation and a strong image of quality. By contrast, China has a very large domestic market and traditionally the ability to produce at competitive costs. China of course also has a history of innovation (paper, powder, compass, ...) but more distant. Obviously, all of this is changing in China as China becomes more and more innovative.
- Regarding this FTA, I would say that the degree of satisfaction of Swiss companies is relatively high, but it depends a lot on the sectors. The most important benefit is not tariff reduction as it is often limited and gradual; in addition, these reductions require specific documentation (certificate of origin, ...). The key benefits of the FTA are rather the increase of mutual trust, mutual “publicity” and guanxi.
- To update this agreement, regular Sino-Swiss meetings take place, in particular to simplify administrative procedures.
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