My Internship Memories
The summer project at IIMB was a veritable feast for me, as I liked to travel. This three-month project had me touring the whole of Kerala, parts of West Bengal including Siliguri and Darjeeling, and the eastern parts of Assam near Tinsukia. I had to cover the plywood manufacturers, assessing demand for some cutting tools like saw blades that had tips made of tungsten carbide. The Bangalore based company which I worked for was very professional, and treated us trainees well.
I encountered a lot of very nice and helpful people during my visit to the North-east. They were a lot more laid back and friendly compared to the typical rushed corporate executives that I encountered elsewhere. The natural beauty of the parts of Assam that I saw was amazing, but I suppose there were underlying economic issues that erupted in violent agitation from time to time. In fact, one of the worst massacres at Nellie had taken place just before my visit.
Recently, I visited Assam and Nagaland a couple of times, and peeped into Meghalaya, and got to appreciate the people a lot more.