Credit Officer at Capsave Finance Pvt. Ltd. | Ex- Kotak Bank | BBA MAIMS 22' | MBA 24' DY Patil Vidyapeeth University, Pune |
I am Geetanshu Rana and I am a Management (BBA 2nd year Undergraduate) student at
Maharaja Agrasen Institute of Management Studies, Rohini, Sector- 22, Delhi. I worked
with the organisation as a Sales and Marketing Intern for a duration of 1 month and the
various things and skills that I have learnt during this entire course of my internship, I just
cannot describe it in words.
I got the opportunity to enrol for this internship program through my friend, Varun who
send me a link on whatsapp specifying the details of the internship and after filling that
google form I was added in the main whatsapp group of the internship program and got to
know about the complete details of the program through my Reporting Manager/HR,
Saksham Chugh. He was the leader who helped in every possible way in explaining me
about the complete details of a task when assigned, how to perform the task effectively and
efficiently, how to excel in it and even gave me some leads when I was struggling to make
the students register for the event, i.e, STEPAHEAD – India’s 1st and largest Virtual
School Fiesta. I am very grateful to him for his service- minded contribution towards the
completion of my internship at the organisation and even would like to work with such a
leader again in any organisation I join later in my career.
Ifortis Corporate is an organisation which has grown into one of India’s leading Corporate.
In its infancy, Ifortis was in the business of IT Services & Marketing Services. As time
evolved, dependence on the technology bagan to hinder Ifortis’ ability to guarantee
competitive pricing and provide innovative services. Ifortis also noticed the lack of
communication that had become an industry standard. As a result, a strategic decision was
made to set up its own headquarters in India in order to better satisfy the needs of Ifortis’
customers. The organisation is situated in Shivakasi,Tamil Nadu and is basically into IT
and consultancy services and believes that ethical management is not only a tool for
responding to the rapid changes in the global business environment, but also a vehicle for
building trust with its various stakeholders including customers, employees, business
partners and local commumnities.
The organisation also started a Public Projects for the youth. Kevin C. Pride, founder/CEO
of Atlanta-based Influencer 365, an integrated marketing and branding agency, along with
Rohit Naidu, CEO of IFortis Corporate, India came together as global partners to offer the
Global Youth Entrepreneurship Program.
For more information regarding Public Projects for the Youth, visit
Focusing on youth in the U.S. and India, Pride and Rohit Naidu combined their company’s
respective professional expertise, and those of other business experts in the areas of
information technology, digital marketing and branding, communications, creative events
and interactive education. As a result, the Global Youth Entrepreneurship Program offered
participants “Best in Class” corporate trainings that are key to successfully building a
successful business, industrial exposure, as well as a 30-day hands-on CEO program,
whereupon program completion, participants get an opportunity to take the reigns of a
company for 30 days. Among the key online workshops to be covered in the Program
included trainings from global business experts in the areas of critical areas of strategic
planning, operations, marketing, networking and finances.
The 1st edition of the STEP AHEAD "India′s First & Largest Virtual School Fiesta" by
IFORTIS CORPORATE will be held in 26th & 27th June 2021. Bringing together the
dazzling school children, from all over the world and providing the spotlight to make
it beam even brighter! – depicting the main tagline of the event STEPAHEAD which is
going to be the largest and first ever virtual event for school going children wherein they
will compete in different competitions such as Dance, Singing, Art, Slam Poetry
competitions and many more. I personally loved campaigning virtually for this event and
inviting school students to register for the event so that they could showcase their skills to
the whole world and win some exciting prizes as well. Initially, I faced a lot of difficulties
in marketing this event among my known ones but after the guidance and some tips given
by my head, Saksham Chugh; I overcame all the hurdles and was able to bring 9
registrations for the event.
For participating in any competition of the event, visit
I had a great experience in interacting with the customers (mostly strangers) and learnt the
art of convincing someone to buy any product or service being offered while representing
the corporate. The skills I learnt while doing my internship at IFORTIS has changed me a
lot. It has amellorated my personality traits,communication skills, developed a sense of
never give up attitude even after I was not able to convince someone for the first time I
talked to him/her and forced me to think of a better way of pursuading the client and
helped me in gaining success afterwards.
Talking about the company’s future goals, IFortis Corporate is stepping into Apparel
Manufacturing Industry (Textile & Manufacturing Industry) with an ambitious mission to
create more employment opportunity for the women & youth across India and helping
them to become self-reliant with obsessive focus on the quality, worker’s safety & welfare,
social responsibility and customer satisfaction.
At the end, I would like to end this note by saying that I’m a great believer in luck, and I
find the harder I work, the more I have of it. And the hardwork I did while working in this
organisation proved to be fruitful as I learnt many skills and earned huge rewards as well
during the course of my internship.
For contact, mail at [email protected]