My Interactive Portfolio
About the author
I describe myself as a passionate Front-end developer, focusing on create, test, and optimize full web apps with compelling user interfaces that runs in web browsers on any device, from desktop computer to tablets and cellphones, therefore, my principal allies are javascript, html, css, and the browser's event loop. That's why you will always find me learning and improving my skills to master those pillars and it's surrounding frameworks and technologies, such as angular, nodejs, ionic, react, etc.
Some times I find it a little bit hard to interpolate/transmit the description above to recruiters and hiring managers, just with my online presence (before any interview or conversation). That's why my intention is that they just get it by seeing and interacting with this portfolio.
Thus I decided to create a portfolio/profile/interactive resume as a complement for my actual resume and Linkedin profile, in addition to that, also for this two reasons:
1. To challenge my skills with css animations and interaction.
2. To create a showcase and challenge myself in a cool framework that I was recently immersing: Threejs which is used to create 3D environments, interactions, etc. on the web.
I wanted to do something different for this project, so I thought... why don't I create a 3d interactive version of myself. I did a research on the internet and I found this article, about how to create an interactive 3D character with Threejs, and I used it as a guide to create my own 3d interactive character:
About the (portfolio/profile/interactive resume)
Now, the portfolio/profile/interactive resume can be broken down into 2 main parts:
1. The get to know the non-technical side of the person, the activities that he likes more (the 4 inner buttons) click on the buttons to know more about the author and see the interactions and animations of the character...
2. The more technical part, more like a resume, showing the technical skills, places he worked, some of his recent work (games, Ionic starters, etc.), featured blog posts, certifications etc. That you can access by clicking on the outer buttons, (placed in the corners)
You can navigate to the portfolio/profile/interactive resume here: