My Inspiration  -  Pat & Patsy this #IWD.

My Inspiration - Pat & Patsy this #IWD.

This year, International Women’s Day is all about Inspiring Inclusion, a theme that resonates with both PA EDitorial and me.


Last month, I was invited to a workshop where I met with several independent business owners. One of the questions asked was, ‘Who inspires you?’.

We could put as many people as we liked, so I picked two.


My first choice was, and always is, Pat Anderson, my mum. To me, the reasons she inspires me are obvious. She’s a strong, independent woman who believes in herself, pushes the boundaries, and goes out and gets what she wants.


Growing up in an era when choosing a family over a career was the norm meant my mum jumped through hoops, overcame obstacles, and encountered disapproving opinions when she didn’t conform to societal pressure. Pat broke through the prejudices with her determination not to adhere to what society thought women should be. My mum’s hard work paid off. She not only laid the foundations for the success of PA EDitorial, but, more importantly, she carved out a life that has given her joy, doing the things she wants to do, going places and seeing things that are important to her. Every day, I am inspired by her resolve and resilience. To me, she is the most inspirational woman I know, breaking through inclusion barriers and giving me the best role model a daughter could have.


My second choice is Joanna Lumley . Although I loved her in Absolutely Fabulous, my reasons go beyond her talent for delivering an iconic character with such self-confidence. Joanna Lumley inspires me because of the life she chose and the life she has guided with her own determination.


Growing up in a similar era to Pat’s, Lumley also followed her dreams of being a model, an actress and a television producer. But that isn’t all. She is an advocate and activist for human rights and supports charities and animal welfare groups. Lumley was awarded a DBE (Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire) in 2022 for her services to drama, entertainment, and charity.


Despite her successes, Lumley has had many knockbacks and rejections, including being turned down to attend the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. But she kept going, never giving up on her ambitions, self-belief, and dreams. She continues to fight for the rights of the Gurkhas, Survival International, and the Born Free Foundation. Honestly, when I look at her life, energy, and tenacity, I don’t know how she has time to do it all, but she does, and a root cause is her fight for inclusivity.


What have these two women taught me? To be inclusive and to give everyone the right to do what they love. If I could take just one message away from these two women and pass it on, it’s to follow your dreams, work hard and be your own inspiration. You never know, you might just inspire someone else.


This ethos is something that we, here at PA EDitorial Ltd support.

We provide our excellent team with flexible working, ensuring that they can not only work remotely but can adapt their careers to fit flexibly around their lives. We believe in inclusivity, involving our team in decision-making, and recognising their unique and individual skills so they can be harnessed and developed. We know that when our team shines, we shine as a whole.


If you are interested in working with us, we have a variety of roles and training available for people who share similar values. Take a look at our vacancies here -?? send me an email at [email protected]

Finally, I am curious, who inspires you? Comment below and let me know.

Happy #IWD to everyone!



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