My (Insightful) Covid Infection (Part 2)

My (Insightful) Covid Infection (Part 2)

When my fever didn’t go after 7 days, my doctor advised me to get a lung scan done as per protocol.

I got the lung scan done. It revealed involvement of all the 5 lobes of the lung, and the total score was 12/25. The score was 2 in 3 lobes and 3 in 2 lobes, thus coming to a total of 12. Here is what these numbers means:

  • 1 – Less than 5% involvement
  • 2 – Between 5% and 25% involvement
  • 3 – Between 25% and 50% involvement
  • 4 – Between 50% and 75% involvement
  • 5 – More than 75% involvement

My doctor advised, “Looking at your score, your age, the fact that you have no co-morbidities, and your SpO2 is above 95, you don’t need to get admitted to a hospital. But if you can, I would advise you to get admitted, just to be on the safer side.”

So I decided to get admitted to a hospital but finding a hospital bed for me wasn’t a cakewalk; in fact, it was anything but. 10 people had to make calls in 10 different hospitals to make it happen. And this was before things got worse. A few days after I got admitted, things started to get really bad, and I might not have got a bed. Who knows?

In the hospital, they pumped many different medicines in my body which I wrote in the previous article. For the first 3 days, I received all these medicines positively because I genuinely believed that they were treating my pneumonia. Which they actually were. But then, as it turns out, they were too much for my body to take. And there is a very strong reason for that.

As an adult, I have fallen sick of course, but I never had to go to a hospital. So this 7-day stay is the first time it has happened in my life. When I did fall sick, I never took allopathy medicines of any kind if I could get away doing that. I have never taken pain relievers as well, which people pop on a regular basis.

Whenever I fall sick I rely on Ayurvedic and Homeopathy medicines. I came back to India for good in March 2003. So it’s been 18 years since then. In this period, I must have fallen sick a dozen times. Out of these, I did not need any allopathy medicines half the time. I cured myself with the help of Ayurvedic and Homeopathy medicines. I also rested completely whenever I fell sick. To give you an example, the last time I fell sick (2-3 years back), I took the Ayurvedic and Homeopathy medicines and was lying down on my bed for 72 hours straight! I got up only to go to the toilet. I didn’t even take analgesics; I broke the fever by pulling a couple of blankets over my head and sweating it out.

I needed to take antibiotics only half a dozen times. Half of these times it was a 5-day course. While on the 3 other occasions, it was a 7-day course. That’s it! That’s all the allopathy medicines that I have consumed in the last 18 years! And I have consumed very little before that as well. I used to go to an allopathy doctor till my 7th grade but then I figured out that his medicines caused me problems which were worse than the cough / cold / fever for which I was getting treated. So I stopped taking his medicines.

Given that this is my history, it’s no wonder that my body found the medicines a bit too much. And I suffered quite a bit because of the medicines themselves. After going home, I had a lot of gastric problems because my digestive system was completely screwed up.

As it turns out, during my entire illness, my SpO2 was always good (>95%), when I was in home quarantine as well as in the hospital. So I didn’t need any supplemental oxygen. But the thing is nobody can tell when your SpO2 will dip below 95 (or even lower) and when you will need supplemental oxygen. That is why I decided to go to the hospital.

The doctors also don’t know when you will need supplemental oxygen. So they have come up with a protocol to treat Covid patients and follow it. It is a good protocol but at the end of the day it is a one-size-fits-all approach. But one size doesn’t fit all, does it? So it works like a charm for some while it causes problems in others, like I did in my case.

I got a lot of red-coloured sores all over my body after I was discharged from the hospital. These are very common after a prolonged illness. For that, I took an Ayurvedic medicine called Paripathadi Kadha. This medicine works wonders for these sores. It is an excellent medicine for general convalescence, not just from Covid but from other prolonged illnesses as well. I also took Laghu Malini Vasant Guti Vati and Chyawanprash. These medicines no doubt helped in my recovery.

But the bigger problem I faced was gaining back the strength that I had lost because of the weight loss that happened during my illness; I lost 8 kgs in 2 weeks! So when I got back home and started walking, it used to feel very shaky. Then I started a high-protein diet to help expedite the recovery. That helped and I gained a decent amount of strength in a week’s time.

Then I started morning walks, walking at a gentle pace. The 1st day, I walked for 10 minutes. I increased it by 5 minutes every day. By Friday, I was walking for 30 minutes. All this was on a level ground. Then I started walking in my apartment complex one end of which is higher compared to the other. That leads to a decent amount of cardio activity. On Saturday, I could walk for 30 minutes in my apartment complex as well.

I never got winded while taking these walks. My main problem, as stated above, was the loss of physical strength. But I have heard numerous accounts where people said that they used to get winded very easily. This just highlights the point that this virus is highly unpredictable, and does different things to different people.

Then one day I felt a bit dizzy. So I checked my blood pressure (BP). It was 165/105. I had seen much better numbers in the prior weeks, after getting back from the hospital and the following week. So I saw a doctor. In his office, the number came out to be even higher: 175/110. So he started me on an anti-hypertensive tablet, to bring my BP back to normal.

Then I was asked to get blood tests done to see if everything was right. As it turns out, most of the report was good but my fasting sugar came out to be 305 and the after-meal sugar was 595! Needless to say, these numbers were alarmingly high. I don’t believe that I had Type II diabetes before I got sick although I can’t prove this because I hadn’t checked my sugar levels for 2 years prior to that. But I didn’t have any symptoms of diabetes… feeling tired / fatigue, excessive thirst, frequent urination, skin infections, loss of vision, slow-healing wounds, etc. So in all likelihood, this is a consequence of the Covid infection itself and the steroids that I was given as part of the treatment, which are known to elevate blood sugar levels. So my doctor has started me on anti-hyperglycemia medication as if I have diabetes. I am also following all the dietary restriction like all diabetic patients follow (or are supposed to follow).

That's all. I hope these details help you get a better understanding of Covid and help in one way or the other.


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