My Husband Wants To Leave Me But I Still Love Him (My Husband Wants a Divorce But I Don't)
My husband wants to leave me but I still love him - My husband wants a divorce but I don't.?
What do you do when your spouse wants to leave you but you want to save your marriage? Do you just accept a divorce, and lose your family? Or do you stand and fight? The fact that you are reading this right now means that you chose the latter. Congratulations. But it can be hard to understand exactly what to do in such a situation - so read on!
What you have to keep in your mind when your spouse wants to leave you is to not push further. Your spouse is already fed up with the marriage. They simply need more space right now - of course we want it to be temporary, not permanent. But right now they need space. There is only one thing in their mind - and that's being by themselves. More and more, each day they aren't getting this, the more they will believe that they are being "forced" to live with you, and that makes it much worse - your spouse will start blaming every negative thing in life on the fact that they haven't been able to get away from you. Each day you will be the central "villain" in your spouse's life - the source of all that's bad.
Of course, that's if you try to keep your spouse from leaving, either by taking things very slowly or outright crying and begging him not to go. The above scenario is something you should expect if you do not allow your spouse to do what he or she wants when he or she wants to leave you.
That does NOT mean that you should agree to a divorce - far from it. Usually, a trial separation is a great way to prevent divorce and save a marriage completely. Just tell your spouse that you agree you two should be separated for a time. Tell your spouse; "I agree that we should be living separately for some time. Let's try it out. If after some time we still think we are better of without each other, then we'll get divorced."
This is great because unlike what you might be feeling right now, a trial separation is a great thing for any strained marriage. It eliminates any "taking for granted" issue your spouse has - they will come to greatly appreciate you and what you add to their lives once they get a taste of life without you.
Another positive aspect is that it just makes sense for both of you - so your spouse will more than likely accept it. When your spouse wants to leave you - just make him agree with a trial separation and everything will be better from there.
Even if both spouses love each other sincerely, at times they might find themselves getting more and more distant from each other and getting close to a divorce. But like me, you too can take some steps into saving your marriage and turning it into a satisfying relationship.
Discover one of the most destructive things you're probably doing to your marriage right now that is destroying your chances of saving it. Learn the key tips to make your spouse turn towards you instead of turning away - Learn more here
Making Marriage Work
Today is our 48th wedding anniversary. I'm so grateful my husband and I stayed together, and now enjoy the blessings of our commitment. We have a close, loving family unit. Our kids are emotionally stable and successful and we enjoy the nine grandchildren we share together. The best part is, as a couple, our closeness and love have grown over the years. We are content and satisfied with our relationship.
In contrast with that, I look around at many of the people we know and wonder why my husband and I are still married, while many of our family and friends are divorced.
Their lives didn't seem a whole lot different than ours. We all had our differences, as couples. We all came from different backgrounds, with different habits and beliefs.
At times, none of us liked our mates. Sometimes big challenges happened that really caused problems, but my husband and I stuck it out, while others we knew divorced.
I feel sad for them, because I have seen the consequences of how their lives have turned out. A few seem a little happier, but many of them have remarried and are no happier in their second or third marriages than they were in their first. Their kids have all been seriously affected, because they lost the bond between mom and dad and the security of their family. For most of those kids, after the divorce, their lives seemed to fall apart.
On the other hand, our family is still intact. Our kids didn't get shuffled between mom and dad and a new step mom or step dad. Our kids didn't have to take on a whole new family of stepbrothers and sisters.
I know that in many cases divorce is necessary, for the survival of the individuals involved. On the other had, with a little work, I believe many of the broken marriages I knew could have survived.
I talked with someone, close to me, who is on his third marriage. He told me that he wishes he had worked harder on his first marriage. He said, "at the time of your break up, you are only thinking of yourself, with no idea what the future and consequences will be or how your divorce will affect your kids." He said, "people don't think of the alimony, or the conflicts between the two families or how the kids will feel about a family break-up."
In his case, his new wives did not like his children, but he was expected to like and help theirs. His children had to live with a step dad, who did not love or care for them, like he did. He was not able to be with them and have the influence in their lives he would have liked to have had. He tried to be a good dad, but how good could he be, when he rarely saw his kids because they lived in a different city with his former wife and her new husband?
I'm grateful that my husband and I stayed together, even though there were times when we really weren't getting along and had thoughts of splitting up too. I'm grateful that we were committed to our marriage and even though there were times when we didn't like each other, we hung in, until the negative times passed and we got to like each other again. Each time we went through tough times and survived, our relationship seemed to grow.
We still don't have a perfect life. There still are things I don't like about him and he doesn't like about me, but we have learned to accept each other and even like each other better. The best part is we have an intact family. My kids are his kids and his kids are my kids and we don't have to share them with anyone. We don't have any outsiders involved. We all know each other and appreciate each other and my husband and I don't carry around the guilt, that many of my friends have, of how their divorce has affected their children.
We also, as a couple, love each other more than we did years ago, because we stuck it out. We got to know each other better and understand each other more. We appreciate what our mate has sacrificed, in order to keep our marriage together.
I write this because I hope to encourage other's, who may be thinking of breaking up, to stick it out. Endure the hard times, until they pass. Get counseling, or what ever it takes to solve your problems. If you do, you will likely find you have less problems than if you walk away. A study was done, I'm not sure where, but the outcome was that people who had thought of divorce chose to stick it out and found five years later they were happier in their marriage. While most of those who chose divorce were no happier five years later.
I hope to help you think of reality. Please be fully aware of the long lasting consequences to your children, if you choose to break up your family. How will you feel when you see someone else taking your place, as a mother or father to your children? And what about this? What if you find you loved your mate more than you realized and now it's too late to get them back?
I believe marriages were made in heaven and we were sent to earth to learn how to love and make our marriages work. Lasting marriages don't just happen. They take sacrifice, giving, suffering and enduring. Mostly we both need to learn how to love each other. If we can accomplish unconditional love we can stay together.
A close happy family, where people appreciate, love and accept each other is the greatest blessing you will ever find in this life. It can become a very spiritual experience where you feel God's hand in your life. It is worth the growing pains. It is worth sacrifice. It is worth enduring. It is worth getting help to make it work.
Don't give up too soon! Your happy life might be, right around the corner. You just can't see it yet. Do everything you can to make your marriage work and keep your family together.
It's all up to you! If you don't take this action to save your marriage, then who will?
To learn how to save your marriage alone, then check out this plan of actions that is 100% guaranteed. Over 60,000 couples were able to save their marriages by doing the very same series of steps that you will be doing. If they saved their marriages then you can too! Click Here to see how it's done… All my best to you and your spouse!
Specific things you do and say can compel your spouse to fall in love with you all over again. Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause them to feel even more distant from you. If you want your spouse to fall even deeper in love with you now than when you two first married, visit this Helpful Site