My Husband Treats Me Like A Roommate (Rekindle the Passion and Love in Your Marriage)

My husband treats me like a roommate - Rekindle the passion and love in your marriage.

Marriage is a happy thing if you and your partner know how to take care of it. As years go by, you will most likely be dealing with the battle of avoiding routine, too much familiarity and staleness. Indeed, it is important to keep that marriage happy and fulfilling despite the changes in priorities and expanding family size.

Among the important elements in making your marriage work is to make sure you have remained in love with each other and that you have a fulfilling sex life. Although there are many other factors that makes up a healthy and happy marriage, intimacy in marriage is one of the things that you have to focus on. Indeed, love and sex are among the important elements in a happy and fulfilling marriage, and if you want to bring back that spark and intimacy in marriage, here are a few things that may help you bring back that sexual intimacy in marriage.

- Strive to make communication lines open and make sure that you can effectively communicate with each other. Healthy communication should exist between you and your spouse so you can talk about anything that is bothering or distracting you to make an effort in making your marriage work. When it comes to intimacy, lack of communication can be the start of a marriage going down the drain. Of course, if you can talk to each other for hours and hours when you were still engaged, then there is no reason why you can't communicate effectively to each other now that you are already married.

- Cultivate the very important skill in listening. Listening is a very important skill that a few people practice yet very important especially in making marriages work. Men and women have differences and you and your partner cannot settle into a healthy communication if neither of you wants to listen. If you both practice listening to each other, you will eventually learn to make communication lines open, make your sex life more satisfying for both of you and not just only for one and will eventually allow you to work out on your marriage.

- Find ways to pleasantly surprise your spouse in bed. Rekindle that lust and sexual intimacies. Having a fulfilling sex life is also another important part of making your marriage work and you have to make sure you are not regarding lovemaking as a mere routine. Learn new techniques to please your spouse in bed. Men can get bored with your predictable lovemaking routine and women often hope their man knows where to touch them and how to satisfy them. With open communication lines, even in your sexual intimacies you can still develop that bond and your relationship stronger.

- Do not take your partner for granted. In marriage, it is important that you take care of each other and not take each other for granted. Take time to still appreciate and thank each other. Support is also another thing that you can give your partner as well. Spend quality time together. Enjoy a good laugh, a good story, a funny movie or anything that allows you to spend time with your spouse. Never lose the romantic gestures and go out together on a date.

Intimacy in marriage is indeed important and make sure you don't lose as you move on to the challenge in making your marriage a successful one as well.

Specific things you do and say can compel your spouse to fall in love with you all over again. Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause them to feel even more distant from you. If you want your spouse to fall even deeper in love with you now than when you two first married, visit this Helpful Site

Intimacy in Marriage: 5 Benefits of Scheduling Sex

We can all see the logic of scheduling life maintenance tasks like medical appointments or our car's oil change, or even social events, like lunch with a friend. But when we hear of the idea of penciling sex into our busy calendars, we tend to balk... after all, "Sex should be spontaneous (shouldn't it?)"; "Scheduling intimate time will take the romance out of it (won't it?)"; "Sex should just naturally and organically 'happen'-making a specific plan for it may upset the mojo (might it?)."

But the truth is, scheduling sex between you and your partner might do your relationship more good than you realize.

Nurturing Sexual Intimacy: 5 benefits of scheduling sex

1) If it isn't scheduled, it won't happen.

Modern life unravels at a frenetic, break-neck speed. Most people agree that, frustratingly, there are more things to be done than there are hours in the day. And most people acknowledge that their scheduling device of choice is the tool that keeps them organized and efficient. How many of us have failed to record an appointment or event, thinking for sure we'd remember it, only to completely forget it in light of a busy work day or the ongoing demands of homelife?

This is why we use calendars in the first place: to carve out time for the things that matter. Sex in a long-term relationship matters very much, so marking a time for it among the other important parts of your life is not only wise, but it will go a long way toward ensuring that the intimacy actually happens.

2) If it gets the sexual motor going, who cares how it started?

No one has a gratifying, satisfying sexual experience with their partner and demotes it after the fact because it was predicated on something banal like scheduling. In other words, the intimacy is what matters; the closeness between you and your partner... it's the act itself that's important and what it does to bring you two together and foster your emotional connection; it's not how the act began that is the concern.

Good sex transcends even clunky or halting foreplay, so don't let yourself get overly focused on whether or not you think planning for sex is romantic. Furthermore, couples often report not being in the mood at all until after they began to get intimate. So, rather than waiting for the mood to strike, invite the mood in by acknowledging a mutually beneficial time for both of you and then join each other in the goal of sensual exploration. You might be pleasantly surprised (or even amazed) at what happens.

3) It creates a relational orbit that supports both sexual and emotional intimacy.

Intimacy flourishes in an atmosphere of trust. And trust flourishes in an atmosphere of reliability. This means that some element of predictability is a good thing. It doesn't mean that you can't or shouldn't bring surprise into your sex life (that's a good thing, too, when both partners are open to it)... what it means is that planning for sex-in essence, being able to count on it because you're both committing to making it happen-is a way to nurture that trust and reliability so vital for intimacy. We don't reveal our deepest, most vulnerable selves when we don't feel safe, when we don't trust the other.

Acknowledging that sex is important and that you will make it part of your schedule (in other words, committing to this) goes a long way to supporting both sexual and emotional intimacy.

4) It's a time to escape from the daily hassles of life.

You may feel like 'demoting' or 'reducing' sex to a square on your calendar will lump it into one of the daily hassles of life. Actually, it's quite the opposite: scheduling sex can provide you with an oasis in the desert of non-stop life routine, all the annoying things that have to get done and all the things that demands your attention yet feel so ungratifying and unsatisfying.

So carving out a time and place for sex with your partner/spouse is a way to reclaim what you and your relationship need and want. Yes, all those mundane life maintenance tasks will still need to get done afterward, but you'll feel better for nurturing yourself and your relationship. Temporarily escaping the pressures of daily life can bring a sense of relief and release. Research shows that people who report having a satisfying sex life also report less stress and more general life satisfaction overall.

5) It's shared love that transcends the spoken word.

Physical intimacy between committed partners is a shared love that transcends the spoken word-this is part of its power, its beauty, and its mystery. But the essence of modern life is such that we often need to use the spoken word to arrange circumstances so that we can experience the rarer, more beautiful moments that soar beyond the ordinary and commonplace. Scheduling intimate time with your partner is no different. So before you resist the idea of trying this because "lovemaking should be beyond words," think back to point #2 above: when the result is something that benefits you and your partner in extraordinary ways, who cares how you get the fire started? (Even if the way it's started is rooted in the world of ordinariness, i.e., a to-do line in your planner.)

The truth is, our lives are ones of competing, relentless, and often stressful demands. Prioritizing is essential, but the risk we run in mindless prioritizing is that we're too likely to let things slide that we think can wait, even if those things are good for us.

It's all up to you! If you don't take this action to save your marriage, then who will?

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