My Husband Says My Weight Is A Problem (My Husband Isn't Attracted To Me Because I Gained Weight)
My husband says my weight is a problem - My husband isn't attracted to me because i gained weight.
Today, I have a story to tell. My story!
Once upon a time, I had a svelte body. Something terrible happened. My body got filled out more than I desired with unwanted flab. To make matters worse, I had stubborn cellulite that decided to make my body their permanent home. It all happened because I became pregnant.
I thought all that will go away after giving birth. The problem became worst after my second child was born. I looked more like an elephant. I became depressed. Everything I did to try and loose those extra pounds did not seem to work. I was unable to neither control my appetite nor regain my slim body.
My weight ballooned to 87 kg. Fats were bulging from every nook and corner. XXXL sizes were the only type of clothes that I can fit into. I assumed I had other more important priorities and losing weight was not on the list. Boy was that a BIG mistake.
I got an awakening call one day when I saw the look on my husband's face as we went shopping. A slim and beautiful girl walked past us. She was wearing a tight fitting blouse and a mini skirt. I saw his sinister smile while his eyes trailed her body. Tears filled my eyes when he reminded me bluntly that I once looked like that.
The situation at home became worst when things at the office made him stressed out. To release the stress and frustration, he was constantly throwing hurtful comments about my looks, my weight gains and how less interested he feels towards me.
He was spending more and more time away from home with excuses such as there is too much work in the office or he has a deadline to meet. If he is at home, he rather spends time alone on the computer or watching TV. Family time together and sex was a non-existent. Conversation between us was reduced to asking mundane questions such as 'what's for dinner' or 'where is my blue tie'.
The ensuing months that followed were physically, mentally and emotionally draining for me. I went into depression and sometimes things got so bad that I vented my deep unhappiness on my innocent children.
I made another attempt to lose weight. I resorted to popping slimming pills and going on crash diets.
I was happy for a short while because the excess weight seems to slowly disappear. However I became irritable due to the food deprivation from my crash diets. The weight piled back fast and furious as soon as I stop my crash diets or stop taking the slimming pills. My relationship with my husband became worse.
I almost gave up trying to lose weight and am resolved to accepting the fact that my marriage will end soon. Looking at my children's happy faces made me realized that they do not deserve the life I am giving them right now. At that moment I made up my mind. I have only one life and I must make the best of what I have right now.
I sought help. I started to learn more about losing weight the correct way. I realized that my postnatal weight gain did not happen overnight. Before I can regain my pre-pregnancy body, I know I need to put in the extra effort to lose what I took 4 years to put on.
I relied on friends and my children to help me through my ordeal. With a strong determination and love support from those close to me, I change my life. Not only did I manage to regain my figure but I am also happier and stronger now.
After taking control of my weight problems, I found the confidence to take control of my marriage problems. I regretted letting my weight get out of control. My failure to take action earlier almost destroyed my marriage. Do not let the same thing happen to you.
Specific things you do and say can compel your spouse to fall in love with you all over again. Saying or doing the wrong thing can actually cause them to feel even more distant from you. If you want your spouse to fall even deeper in love with you now than when you two first married, visit this Helpful Site
Nurturing Your Relationship is Vital in Marriage
A relationship as sacred as marriage needs to be nurtured in order to make it last long. This is the reason why a husband and wife should find ways and means to keep the relationship strong. Being married does not mean being complacent about your feelings for each other.
Do the best you can to prevent your relationship from becoming stale. Show your love in a variety of ways and let your spouse know how much you want to make your marriage work. There are many ways in which you can nurture your marital bond whether you're always together or miles apart.
Keep the peace. Having a peaceful relationship is a blessing but since life is not perfect, conflicts are bound to happen. What's essential is how a couple handles these problems. Both should aim for peace as often as possible because when you have peace of mind and peace between you and your partner, you can go on with your life without much stress.
Communicate often. Maintain an open communication line because it is an effective way of solving issues that may harm your relationship. Constant communication is key to building a solid marital bond. It allows you to discuss things that matter to both of you such as your feelings, plans and dreams for your family and enables you to get to know each other deeper.
Stay committed. Getting married means making a lifetime commitment of staying together through good times and bad as well in sickness and in health. Marriage is sacred and because you've vowed before God and man to love each other until eternity, it's also appropriate that you keep that vow by being faithful. Show your love towards each other, respect each other and look for interesting ways to connect.
Accept the imbalance. Couples know that marriage is and should be a give-and-take relationship. However, it is also important to accept that this idea can be unbalanced oftentimes. It's not always true that all is fair in love and so sometimes, you must be willing to give more than you receive.
Show your interest. Even if you don't like your spouse's hobbies or sports activities, do try to show your interest in them when you can. It may be hard to do this sometimes but your spouse will truly appreciate it if you go along with him or her such as when she goes shopping or he goes to watch a live football game.
Avoid competition. Your spouse is your better half and your lifetime partner. In other words, you should complement each other and not compete against each other. When in a social gathering, for instance, feel confident about yourself and be a good listener. If you feel, however, that you're being put on the backseat by your husband, let him know how you feel about that when you get home.
It's all up to you! If you don't take this action to save your marriage, then who will?
To learn how to save your marriage alone, then check out this plan of actions that is 100% guaranteed. Over 60,000 couples were able to save their marriages by doing the very same series of steps that you will be doing. If they saved their marriages then you can too! Click Here to see how it's done… All my best to you and your spouse!