My Husband Says He Loves Me But He's Unhappy (My Husband Keeps Saying He's Miserable)
My husband says he loves me but he's unhappy - My husband keeps saying he's miserable.
While love is very important in a marriage sometimes it just isn't enough. Just like any other relationship you have to put some effort in to make your marriage successful.
So to help you on your way, here are 10 absolute must-do secrets to make your marriage a happy marriage:
1. Be open and honest in your communications with each other and be considerate of your partner's feelings. You might think that these two things are mutually exclusive. They're not. You can be open with your communication and express your feelings honestly while doing it in such a way that is respectful of your partner.
2. It's also important to let your partner know if they have said or done some thing to hurt you. If you hold onto negative feelings your partner will be unaware of what they have done to hurt you and may be likely to repeat their actions. Simply coming out and telling your partner why you are upset can help you find a resolution to whatever might be bugging you.
3. When money concerns come up it is important to discuss the issues so that both of you are aware of what is going. This way you can work on finding a resolution. Working together to find a resolution will ensure that neither of you feels left out or bearing the stress of worrying about the finances on your own.
4. Be willing to make sacrifices. This is another secret to a happy marriage. Sometimes the sacrifices may be big, like sharing a kidney, but most often it's the smaller things that really make the difference. Something as simple as preparing a meal that you don't like, but that you know your partner likes, lets them know that you care enough to put their happiness first.
5. Sharing household chores is yet another secret to creating a happy marriage. If either of you feels as though you are taking on more than your share it can lead to resentment and ultimately to anger. Working together gives you an opportunity to work as a team which in turn strengthens your connection.
6. Yet another secret to a happy marriage is to maintain an intimate and affectionate relationship. This may or may not involve sex. Sometimes it's simply about sharing physical closeness. Even small gestures such as a hug or holding hands as you walk gives you the opportunity to reconnect with your partner on a regular basis.
7. Do something spontaneously. Do not allow yourself to fall into a predictable pattern of behaviour as this can lead to boredom. Being spontaneous at times will prevent boredom and keep your relationship interesting. This might be doing something as simple as posting a note on the vanity mirror saying "I love you" to planning a trip to a place not visited before.
8. Understanding that you and your partner won't always be in complete agreement is also critical to a happy marriage. While you may agree on a lot of things it's unrealistic to believe that you will be in sync at all times. Its okay to disagree sometimes as long as you respect each other's feelings and beliefs as you seek resolution. And don't think that one major disagreement means the end of the relationship.
9. And while making sacrifices is important in a happy marriage, it is also important to do things that are just for you. While it's great to have a lot of common interests it's also essential to have some things that you like to do on your own. Having some separate activities gives you some time away from your partner, gives you an opportunity to explore things on your own, and prevents boredom in the relationship as you reconnect and share what you've been doing.
10. Finally, remind yourself often why you married your partner. This is one of the most important secrets of a happy marriage. Remembering what it is about your partner that drew you to them originally will ensure that you never forget your love for your partner. So while many things may change throughout the course of your marriage the one thing that will always remain is the reason you fell in love in the first place.
All of these secrets bring a couple closer together and foster a happy marriage. But remember, a happy marriage is not guaranteed no matter how much you love each other. There are so many other variables that will have an affect on your happiness and the ultimate success of your marriage.
And while communicating about problems and concerns is important it's also important to communicate about your aspirations for your future together.
At the heart of all of this is the importance of both of you remaining conscious and vigilant of these aspects if you want to stay happy in you marriage.
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Hi-Tech Ways to Spice Up Your Relationship
People in a relationship have two choices today when it concerns improving their personal ties. Either they go the traditional way or the more modern and high-tech methods. When it comes to marital relationship, though, a combination of both can prove beneficial.
Spouses differ in the way they nurture their marriage. How they were raised by their parents has a lot to do with it the reason why some are old fashioned while there are also those who believe in the modern ways.
If you are a modern person, there are so many steps you can take today to maintain or spice up your relationship especially in the aspect of communication. With numerous advanced communication gadgets available on the market, there's no reason why you can't find a way to enhance your marital bond.
Marriage counselors often point out the significant role that communication plays in any relationship. It is because through interaction that people get to learn more about each other's character and better understand the needs and feelings of the other partner.
The mobile phone is one tool that can help couples reach each other easily. This alone allows different ways of communication such as through voice calls, text messages or SMS, picture messages and even email. Sending SMS to your spouse every now and then can be a sweet thing to do whether your message is just a simple "Take care" or "I love you." This type of loving message is enough to inspire your partner for the day.
If you are frequently using the internet, another way you can do is send online personal greetings or perhaps an electronic greeting card. You can be as creative as you can with your message and the graphics that you want to use. This will make your spouse feel good about himself or herself while at work or running your business.
The popular social media sites on the internet can also help. You can send a personal message there to your spouse's page or even on your own page to let the whole world know how much you value your marriage and your family.
On special occasions, don't forget as well to give each other gifts. Buying your beloved partner a new mobile phone or iPod or a digital camera or other communication gadgets can contribute to your effort towards making your bond stronger by means of communication.
Marriage counselors acknowledge the fact that nurturing the marital bond is one of the most important responsibilities of a spouse. This should not be taken for granted to establish a strong foundation and make everything work going forward. Just like in learning, finding ways to spice up your relationship is a never ending process.
Keep in mind then that consistency is very important when considering these hi-tech steps towards making your marriage work. You should not just follow them for the first two weeks but rather, commit to doing them as often as you can. This should keep the flame of love alive not only for the benefit of your spouse but for every one in the family.
It's all up to you! If you don't take this action to save your marriage, then who will?
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