My HSE Career Part 4 - Assist and Assure for Goal Zero… offline and online

Behavioural safety is the core part of any OHS Management System. You can write perfect rules, film an amazing safety induction and hire the best specialists. But if your supervisors in the field shout at workers, scorn at safety suggestions and prefer to finish the job earlier rather than safer, you would not go far.

?So, when our HSE General Manager Stephanie Lock told me about the improved Goal Zero program, I was excited to make it work. The task was not simple, as we already had a number of safety practices working for us, and needed to integrate the new ideas into the existing tools rather than starting from scratch.

?Stephanie gave me a lot of support and insight, and many good ideas about the program have been successfully implemented - such as the leadership training, staff surveys and listening tours (this is a kind of a safety inspection, but better, because you don’t talk but listen to people doing the job).

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Delivering Goal Zero induction for the new team going to maintenance turnaround.


As we were in the middle of implementation, the offshore leadership team changed. Marat Rezyapov brought a fresh perspective to safety, always finding time for safety leadership discussions with people at all levels.

All the hard work brought results. Quoting our CEO:

The company has made a transition to a new, proactive phase of the Goal Zero programme, aimed at expanding its scope, diversifying and improving personnel skills, and engaging contractors in Goal Zero activities. For example, Sakhalin Energy’s offshore production platforms have reached an important milestonetwo years without recordable injuries, which is especially significant given the increased complexity and hazards associated with working at offshore production facilities.

Sustainable Development Report 2018


?After the first successes we realized that we need more. Initially, when you start talking with people about safety culture, it brings immense value. But then you need good tools to keep the momentum.

?This was when our Drilling Team in the Technical Directorate shared the Assist and Assure program with us. Thanks to Marat Rezyapov and Rene Woertman, offshore asset was to become a pilot in joint introduction of several simple and useful tools.

?The next step was logical - if we want to integrate the safety leadership programs, we need to integrate the teams! So, from January 2020 Alexander Petrov took my role as Offshore HSE Manager, while I started working in his role in the Technical Directorate.

?I am very happy to work with Alexander - we think alike about all important work matters, implement good practices together and laugh a lot in the process. And I received from him a very skilled team as well, as it was proven too soon.


-???????Don’t worry, - I told my new team during our first meeting in January 2020. - I am not going to change anything for the first ninety days.

I am usually better at fulfilling my promises. This time I failed. In approximately 80 days after that meeting we all were working remotely, figuring out the new processes and working methods.

My team still laughs about it from time to time.


Imagine starting in a new role, working for three months, still learning the ropes… when the world changes completely within a few weeks.

Luckily I didn’t have time to worry about myself. I was too busy making sure that everybody is comfortable at work, that we have a convenient meeting structure, that the key processes stay intact, and that Covid-19 prevention controls are in place.

?In a week after commencing remote work everybody had all equipment set up, the schedule was in place and the tasks were clear (thanks to Ruslan Oblekov, Konstantin Troyanov, Rene Woertman, Henri Jaspers and many others for making it happen!)?

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Delivering Lunch and Learn about Cognitive Biases, HSE Intervention and COVID-19


In a few months we initiated our QHSE Forums with contractors remotely, and then the Assist and Assure training with several interactive exercises, discussions and group work, all using remote working tools and techniques. We still continue this now, and I am so proud of my own team (Katerina Rubanova, Anton Serzhanin, Sergey Lobko, Irina Batenok, Alexander Dostovalov), for delivering the HSE Plan, coaching and supporting the staff and contractors, and being proactive with every job that we do.

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- What can we do better next time? - All is great.


Life goes on, and I am happy with my choice of profession every day.

And I feel ready for new challenges and have many ideas about safety leadership, risk management programs and personnel coaching solutions - so, let me know if you would like to discuss any of that.




