If the total amount of sound energy which is used by the people of Kolkata and rest of the world by saying 'WE WANT JUSTICE' could have been converted to Electrical Energy then probably it would have been immense to illuminate whole India for days and month together. Mostly one month is over. We are still fighting. I am now deeply frustrated. Shall we really get justice after vanishing most of the evidences of the crime scene by the culprits? This crime made us cry for months. How long shall we have to wait to catch the culprits? So many news, so many lectures, so many programmes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But what is the ultimate outcome? CBI lawyer was late by 50 minutes in the hearing of Sanjay Roy. Why was he late? I am deeply confused by seeing all of these. Tomorrow is my Birthday and it will be the first time in my life I will not celebrate it. No Cake, No Mouth Watering Food, No Drinks. This will be my style of protest in a silent and subtle way. Wrote many things in vengeance in Facebook, but people neither commented nor shared. So I deleted them. It's true that Facebook is a place of cold traffic. Is it the time to take the law in own hand for not getting timely justice? In case of NIRBHAYA there was no politicization of the matter, for that though late but the culprits were hanged. But this case is different. One political party tried their best to hide all the matter and the other party is probably indifferent. Though the leaders of BJP are fighting tooth and nail for the justice. During the Assembly election of West Bengal Hon'ble Home Minister of India Shri Amit Shah visited West Bengal innumerable times, Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi too visited West Bengal. Both of them visited West Bengal for campaigning and awakening the people of West Bengal against TMC. But now the situation is different. Public of West Bengal is totally awake. This time if any one of them visits West Bengal and stands by the side of the bereaved family members of ABHAYA I will salute them from the bottom of my heart. This is the high time to implement Presidents' Rule in West Bengal. I am praying to the Hon'ble Prime Minister and Hon'ble Home Minister of the country to visit at least once and stand by the side of the family members and shocked public of West Bengal. This one visit without any political agenda can bring fountain of respect for both of you. I am an ordinary person. Whether you will listen to my request or not is your own discretion. But I think if the child doesn't get her father during the hour of need what's the use of fatherhood? In Love and War everything is fair, same is the case in politics. But there are places and incidents when emotion surpasses all this politics. It is that time. So I expect both of them to visit Kolkata and stand by the side of the bereaved family members and bereaved common people of West Bengal. It will not cost them much. Hardly six hours including the time of to and fro flight. CAN'T WE EXPECT ONLY SIX HOURS FROM OUR HON'BLE PRIME MINISTER AND HON'BLE HOME MINISTER FOR A SOCIAL CAUSE WHICH IS THE OUTCOME OF THE MOST HEINOUS CRIME OF THE RECENT PAST? Sir, Please cooperate, otherwise probably I will stop saying, " WE WANT JUSTICE." My voice of protest will be choked forever and I will curse my luck for being an Indian where in spite of so much protest the CBI lawyer reaches the court 50 minutes late. This is my last post related to ABHAYA. Unless we get justice her soul will not be rested in eternal peace.
With Profound Regards.
Prof. Suvasish Mukhopadhyay
Phone No-98 23 29 36 41