My Home Did Not Sell!
William Hague, RMP? MPMC
Owner and Property Manager at Hague Property Management Team, Signature Realty Associates
It’s every home seller’s nightmare—your house sat on the market for months with no bites.
If you’re in this situation, don’t panic. We’ve outlined the top reasons homes don’t sell, and we’re here to help you address them.
Bad timing. Everything from the time of year to economic factors can make it harder to move inventory.
Ineffective marketing. If you didn’t get many showings, your listing description and photos may need a redo.
Poor first impression. If buyers were visiting but not biting, you may need to reassess your home’s staging and curb appeal.
Price was too high. The housing market is changing fast, and it’s essential to keep your price in line with buyer expectations.
You hired the wrong agent. If you feel that your previous listing agent didn’t do enough to sell your home, or you didn’t hire one in the first place, it may be time for a fresh perspective.
Read our latest blog post to learn more about why your home didn’t sell and what you can do about it
This marketing piece is not intended as a solicitation for properties currently in an exclusive agreement with another Broker.