My Holiday Gift to You
HOW TO WRITE A NOVEL – Dr Jac, from a piece by Jerry Jensen
1.??????Must have a winning story idea. Will someone - besides your mother -?be interested in it?
2.??????Choose to be an Outliner or a Pantser
a.??????Outlining is a detailed plan, chapter by chapter.
b.??????Pantsers start with an idea and let it develop naturally.
?3.??????Hero must be in terrible trouble, otherwise it is boring and won’t compete with other stories
a.??????It gets progressively worse from the start and it appears hopeless
b.??????He/she is totally committed to fixing it
?4.??????Characters must be unforgettable
The flawed hero must have inner turmoil, what does he/she want? How will he/she overcome it?
Readers love reading about people. Make them as interesting as possible, and not too many.
?5.??????Do thorough research, then do more as you go along. This provides a rich background that sometimes carries the story by itself.
?6.??????Point of View of the Character
One POV per scene/story. Keep it simple, especially as the reader is learning about the character
1st or 3rd person point of view is up to you. I’ve written both ways and 1st person.
?7.??????Grab the reader: Begin in the middle of some event or action; a surprise – a dramatic statement – something philosophical or even poetic if you can handle that – poetry is very sensitive.
?8.??????Trigger the theatre in the reader’s mind – keep up the drama throughout: tension and stress….
a.??????Play to the reader’s imagination
b.??????Show v. tell describe the action as it’s happening, more powerful than past description
?9.??????Increase the character’s problem
a.??????Don’t make it too easy. The more complex the better - to a limit
b.??????Conflict and problems provide the energy to carry through the story to the climax
?10.??Make the predicament appear hopeless
a.??????the lowest point – can be the death of someone
b.??????lead character must react and respond – be the hero – make him/her work for it
?11.??Bring it to a head – climax, can be a surprise or a twist reader wasn't expecting
a.??????The solution is not the end if you plan a sequel
b.??????Don’t rush it; let it come naturally
?12.??Leave the reader satisfied, people usually like a HEA ending (happily-ever-after) or
the problem solved
?13.??Separate writing from editing don’t edit everyday as you’re writing. Let each day “incubate” until it is ready for refinement – maybe once a week review and rewrite