My history with Downtown Las Vegas
Downtown Las Vegas has changed over the past 2 decades. Restaurants, bars, lounges, coffee shops and events like Market in the Alley and Life is Beautiful continue to redefine DTLV. Zappos, The Ferguson, PublicUs and Atomic Liquors bring culture and life to a neighborhood once littered with trash, drugs and empty buildings. I was fortunate to go to Vegas High School during a time when we were able to leave campus for lunch.
After class, the five of us would meet up and rush downtown for pizza, burgers or hot wings. All you could eat pasta drew us in every Thursday. This small mom and pops pizza shop took care of us. They never gave us a problem or a hard time, they would spot us if we were short on cash. Many small restaurants looked out for the kids that ventured into the streets between bells. With that in mind, I always try to support small businesses, those starting something new and those looking to make a change.
A few years back I drove my Buick past Vegas High. A reminder that old school quality and service never go out of style. As those downtown continue to engage and inspire, let’s not lose our sense of the past.
More about LVHS
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