To My Heart's Content #8
Did you forget about me?! Because I sure forgot about this series ?? Buuut I’m back again with my eighth roundup of much-loved content bits from the last nine (!) months or so.
For the LIFE of me, I cannot work out why this program isn’t more widely known about, raved about, and obsessed over??? Having flown through the first two seasons in less than a week, this show has made me laugh, cry, jump out of my skin, and say “What the fuuuuuck” at least three times an episode. It is so good. And so beautifully filmed. And the storytelling and intrigue are incredible. I have barely been able to stop thinking about the end of season 2 since last Wednesday. Watch it. And then talk to me about it, PLEASE.
NUMBER TWO: All My Mothers by Joanna Glen
A book so beautiful that I barely knew what to do with myself other than sob my heart out—twice. Didn’t think anything could ever compare to my love for Still Life by Sarah Winham, but this did. It really did. What genre of book is this, and how can I filter by it for the rest of my life!?
NUMBER THREE: A tweet with depth
This small little unassuming tweet crept up on me like a f*cking STEAM TRAIN late one night last week. How painfully, heartbreakingly, beautifully, emotionally touching is this!? And the only thing better than the sucker punch of this tweet…was the comments left underneath it. My heart was lovingly filled and made new again in the space of 5 minutes. Thanks, Twitter (I refuse to call it X, soz Elon).?
NUMBER FOUR: Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard
Specifically, this glorious episode with one of my all times faves, Jake Gyllenhaal. The Anna Kendrick episode was also great (even if you're indifferent to her). There’s something so soothing about the way Dax interviews; he’s not ashamed to be painfully—often shockingly—honest, his relationship with Monica is delightful, and I love how some interviews are so meanderingly, pointlessly wonderful that two hours feels like two minutes.?
NUMBER FIVE: Architectural Digest
I’ve become embarrassingly O B S E S S E D with Architectural Digest in the last few years (does this reflect my age?!). Snooping around famous homes is apparently one of my favorite hobbies. And, bloody hell, I have yet to see a home that has left me feeling so grotesquely inadequate and creatively deficient as Chrissy Teigen and John Legend’s. Truly, one of the most impressive, unique, and envy-inducing homes I have ever seen. God, is it hard to watch someone else live your dream?! The write-ups are, as ever, a delight to read.?
What the bloody hell have YOU been loving recently?!