My habits failed me but I still believe
Dana Zellers, PCC, ELI-MP
Executive Coach | Facilitator | Speaker | I help busy professionals succeed at work without sacrificing their personal lives
I'm a habits person. I took a brain science course covering habits, I follow James Clear, and I track up to three new habits a quarter in my agenda. I'm in. So why did all my habits fall apart?
First off nearly half of our day is habits so it wasn't like all of my habits stopped. I mean I kept brushing my teeth even if I didn't use my Waterpik for a while. You get the picture.
But I did stop doing a few things that I had been doing for more than a year. So if habits on average take 66 days to create (with at least one noted range of 18 to 254 days) those puppies should have been locked in. So what gives?
Well, first off it's important to remember the aspects of a habit. You've got the trigger or cue, the craving that it prompts, your routine or action, and then the reward. And then there's habit stacking where you use one habit as the trigger for the next.
Cues can come in multiple forms: location, time, event, emotions/thoughts, and other people. In the mornings things are mostly consistent and within my control so that's a good time for me to focus on some habits. I had a nice little habit stack post bathroom: pills with a full glass of water, meditating, journaling with 3 gratitudes, stretching, and making my bed.
Of those over the summer, I have been consistent with my pills and making my bed.
Tempted to just force myself to get them going again since I know they're possible for me but it's important to take a step back and see what's working and what's not.
Here's what I think the issues were:
I still believe that we are what we do so creating habits intentionally that create the life I want is a process I know is helpful for me to lean into. Knowing what was going on helps me create systems that will better set me up for success.
So what's the new plan? As noted I normally create goals quarterly but since some of these are reinstituting I'll check in when October starts to see whether I want to adjust for Q4 but here's what I'm prioritizing.
Wish me luck! I'll post in my IG stories as to how it's going. Do you have any habits you're working on so we can get on board together?