My Growth Mindset Journal 304
One day on a bus, I felt a surge of anger towards the driver who, after making a mistake, offered excuses so poor and ridiculous that they only deepened my frustration. Seeing someone evade responsibility, thinking they can brush off their actions with flimsy reasoning, is infuriating. Don’t I often have similar experiences? If I truly examine them, I make the same excuses if I fall short or even sin against the Lord, and they sound just as ridiculous. The Bible also mentions an example of giving absurd excuses in Genesis, chapter 16. Sarai, Abram's wife, couldn't have children; she gave her slave to Abram to have a child through her. Later, Sarai had second thoughts and blamed Abram for easily accepting her offer. As a faithful husband, how helpless was Abram when he faced Sarai's absurdity? The realization humbled me; how often do I present half-hearted justifications for my sins, believing I can absolve myself of the weight of my actions? It made me consider the anger that the Lord must feel in those moments. Yet, despite my shortcomings and the absurdity of my excuses, I am thankful. The Lord, in His infinite mercy, does not unleash His full wrath upon me. Instead, He offers grace and forgiveness.