My Great Uncle, Lieutenant Francis Roy Brown and the 11th Battalion's Timeless Legacy
Christian Schweitzer
Marketing, Management & Communications Executive | Leadership | PR & Media | Experienced at adding value | Snowboarder & Tennis Player
The photograph of the Australian troops on the steps of the Great Pyramid of Cheops is a poignant and powerful image, capturing the young men of the original Western Australia-raised 11th Battalion during their time in Egypt before the infamous Gallipoli landing.
Taken on January 10, 1915, after a church service, the picture serves not just as a snapshot of the Battalion but as a lasting tribute to their camaraderie and spirit.
Lieutenant Francis Roy Brown, my great uncle, was among these proud soldiers.
Each face in the photograph, whether marked by a cheeky grin or the fashion of the day, a mustache, tells a story of courage and youth at the precipice of war.
The Western Australian Genealogical Society has meticulously worked to identify these men, noting the unique ways they chose to stand out: reflective items, identification tags, and various personal touches.
Sadly, for many of these men, this photograph would become a final, lasting memory before their deployment to Gallipoli.
Here, they would be part of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War.
On April 25, they landed on the beaches, a day now commemorated as Anzac Day, facing a fierce and ultimately costly campaign.
The bravery and sacrifice of Lieutenant Brown and his mates, the original ANZACS, forged a legacy that is deeply etched into the national consciousness.
Their deeds on the shores of Gallipoli are remembered not just as a defining moment in military history, but as the forging of national identity.
It is a legacy that speaks of the valour of ordinary men thrust into the extraordinary circumstances of war, shaping the ANZAC spirit—an enduring embodiment of courage, mateship, and sacrifice.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:?Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.?At the going down of the sun and in the morning?We will remember them.
I was very fortunate to have been reunited with my great uncle's stolen war medals, which formed the basis of a story I wrote previously and posted here.
#AnzacDay #LestWeForget #WorldWarOne #Diggers #AustralianWarMemorial