As my grandma used to say...
Dear reader,
?I'll tell you what I know about Napoleon:
Very little.
Although some say he was of average size.
Here's what else I know:
Napoleon wasn’t just a master strategist - he was a master of men. He knew that a great plan is nothing if you can’t make those who follow you believe it’s worth dying for.
As my grandma used to say, A war strategy is only as good as the soldiers who execute it.
A tough old broad was my grandma.
Now, as I was saying, Napoleon knew how to motivate and inspire his men.
He didn't waste his time screaming orders like some constipated drill sergeant with hemorrhoids. Napoleon knew that fear and intimidation were for amateurs and dictators with small empires. Instead, this crafty little bastard tapped into his men's sense of honor and their desire for recognition like a con artist tapping into a senior citizen's retirement fund. ?
And they ate it up like it was the last croissant in Paris.
Napoleon knew that one soldier who wanted to fight was worth ten who were just following orders.
It's like the difference between a stripper who enjoys her job and one who's just paying for college - both will dance, but only one will make you feel special while emptying your wallet.
Or so I've heard.
Alright, let's wrap this up.
There are many leaders who rely on their titles to get things done, but few are the leaders who rely on their understanding of human nature.
True leaders don't bark orders - they inspire.?
They motivate.
Now, I'm going to finish with a line so cheesy it could come with a serving of nachos.
But that doesn't make it any less true.
Here it is:
Bosses say "Do it!"
Leaders say, "Let's do it!"
Your friend,
P.S. The people (mavericks) I feature in my monthly issues are eclectic and random. The March issue is no different. Those featured in the March issue are as follows: Estee Lauder, General Patton, the co-founder of Red Bull (the main feature), Christopher Nolan, Ian Fleming (you writers will dig this section), Albert Einstein, Kate Bush, Henry Ford, and Elvis Presley.
Should you get this issue?
I dunno.
Should you go to sleep tonight?
It's kinda the same question.
But Kelvin, how do I know if your content is any good?
Well, here's the thing:
You won't!
Look, the paid newsletter is for those who understand investing. No. Not the stock market mumbo-jumbo (although your finances will improve if you can execute on the wisdom inside these issues), I'm talking about the ultimate investment of all:
Investing in Yourself!
For those who want to see how this all works, take a gander here: