My google developer account was closed
So, I have got an answer to my question "Where is my Google developer account?". Support team sent it at morning. As I thought, my account was closed.
First, I should remark, that this account was associated with not main mail account. I was spent near 30 minutes to find password from it. Only after it, I found several notifications, that my account will be closed. Ok, It is my fault.
Next, what is the reason why my account was closed? "Your developer account, Yauheni, has been closed because it was not being used." After, there is a present link on several conditions, when your account will be closed. It looks like a complex if-else statement.
The funniest moment is that they suggest a solution/lifehack how to prevent the closing of your account. Just upload a new release at least once every 180 days. In other words, I should just create a fake release with a bumped version to keep my account alive. When you don't have a published application, just create a stub project. It sounds like "the best" practice.
In the dry rest, If you don't publish regularly new releases, you will lose not only your account but all applications published before. And, you can't restore an account, just start again. All of that looks like the direct way to an annual subscription.
By truth, I am slightly sad about all this situation, it feels like #Google stay not your friend; it's just your next regular service.