“My goal is to build a life I don’t need a vacation from.” -Rob Hill Sr.
David Kleinhandler
Building Legacies as CEO of Optifino | Life Insurance Expert, Investor, Coach, Serial Entrepreneur
I keep asking myself - when is enough, enough? I think a lot about growing up in the Bronx and what life was like before I had money. I try to remember the simplicities of life back then. No drama or worries about which of my friends had the best car on the block or who was wearing the best designer jeans. I remember buying my first pairs of Puma, Adidas, and Nike sneakers. I was the talk of the town. It was a real treat when my mom would splurge on my brother and I. We used to go to Beefsteak Charlie’s, Jahn’s Ice Cream parlor, and The Golden Gate for Sunday night Chinese food. That was big for the Kleinhandler family back then. We lived day to day and moment to moment. My parents were divorced when I was 5 years old. My mom did the best she could without resources. She stretched the dollar and did it all with no money.
Let’s fast forward to today and what life is like for my three daughters. I like going down memory lane with them. Every Thanksgiving I take them on a car ride from our home in Westchester to the Bronx. I like to show them where I grew up and learned life’s toughest lessons. I believe if you teach your children where you come from, you can ground them and get them to buy in. I’ve watched them grow up to become productive, thoughtful teenagers. They all believe in community service and have each done a lot to serve the community at large in their own unique way. From volunteering at places like Edenwald or the Ittleson House in the Bronx, to delivering care packages for the elderly. They’re engaged in giving back and love it. My wife and I are very proud of them.
I must address the elephant in the room. How do you share with your children how you’ve built yourself up - from eating when you got food stamps to 5 star, gourmet restaurants? I believe you must engage them in constructive conversations and get them to understand how and why you’ve made it. You need to explain that life is full of opportunities to use your money wisely and help people. I understood I had a responsibility to step up and lead by example to set my daughters up with the right perspective. Lead, teach, harvest, and watch with amazement. The outcome is beautiful, 3 daughters who are grounded and know what life has in store for them.
My answer to the questions...it’s never enough because you have to continue to do more for the people who really need your help. It’s not about how much money you have saved or what you own. It’s about what you do for mankind. If you don’t have money, volunteer like my daughters. So when is enough, enough? Remember where you came from. I think about my good friend, Brandon Steiner. He shares his message and knows where he came from... Brooklyn, NY.
If you need any help…I know plenty of charities that could use a helping hand.
Perfect quote and mission!