My Give and Take, 12 and 5 - updated
Midjourney's take on networking

My Give and Take, 12 and 5 - updated

In November 2018, I wrote an article which I have since shared with every person who has connected with me here on LinkedIn (if I have missed you, it was purely by accident, I promise).

I wrote it because I was fed up of simply ‘collecting’ connections with no clear idea of why they had requested to connect with me. What did they see in me and my posts? What did they want from me, or think that they could do for me?

This article has probably been the single thing which has most changed my experience on LinkedIn. The idea was simple – a list of 12 things that I felt I could offer people who connected with me, and another list of five which I wanted to ask their help with.

As a result of this single article, I’ve formed some amazing relationships and have helped, and been helped by some wonderful people. There are several projects and groups that I am involved in now that would never have happened otherwise. I can definitely recommend to everybody that they write a similar post – or even to write your list on an index card and take it to face to face networking meetings too.

You can read this post here.

But after five years, it’s definitely due for an update. Lots has changed – lots more than usual in five years. So here goes – my updated 12 and five. The original 12 things I offered still stand, but I’ve picked up a few new skills along the way – so consider the below ‘additional’ offers. The ‘What I am looking for’ section is a complete rewrite.

If you do decide to write a similar post, comment here with your name, so I can go and look through your posts and find out what I might be able to do for you.?Incidentally, just to make it clear, what I am talking about here are not the services I offer professionally – although obviously I want to promote those here too.?What I mean here is the give and take of people in a supportive network.?So if you ask me for something which I think that either I, or someone else, should be doing in a professional capacity, don’t worry, I’ll let you know – and I’m sure you will do the same.

What I can offer

1.???I can take you through how to set up an issues-based magazine using Wordpress and a number of quite funky plugins – having learned loads about all of this when setting up

2.???I (possibly foolishly) went through the process of organising an online TEDx event in 2020 with nine ‘new’ speakers and some collated talks. If you are planning on doing similar (and it’s very rewarding), I can share my experiences and dos and don’ts, including setting up an event website.

3.???I can offer to review books, courses, games etc. that you have created, in my online Games-based learning magazine Ludogogy.

4.???I did a lot of learning during Lockdown, and even picked up a few qualifications along the way.?If you’re interested in studying for Octalysis Level 1 – and you should be, if you’re at all into gamification, I’ve got that under my belt and can help as a sounding board for your submission.

5.???Subject to my workload at any given time, I’m happy to get involved in games design projects, playtesting or any related activities.

6.???I can give you pointers on setting up a Mighty Networks community – and know all the technical aspects of that inside out.

7.???I will share your posts if you ask me to, so long as they are not contrary to my values, in which case, as you have asked nicely, I will simply ignore them rather than starting up an online argument.

8.???I learnt about Zettelkasten during Lockdown too, and if you are interested in that way of notemaking, I can take you through a free to set-up technical solution, that I’ve found has exponentially improved what I get from information I note down.

9.???I’m pretty good at using Midjourney and ChatGPT for games and learning design thingies (andmost other things too), and you can always tap me up with a quick query. Don’t worry I’ll let you know at what point you’ve asked too many questions and should come on one of my courses.

10.??I’m available to make up the numbers in play sessions – virtually, or in-person if you’re nearby.

11.??Subject to time constraints I’m usually pretty happy to join in with your conference / panel discussion – best topics for me would probably be games-based learning/ games design or lived experience of ADHD and associated mental health issues.

12.??My ADHD (and my age) means that I have gathered a lot of interests along the way (and the books, equipment, and practice that go with them) so always feel free to ask ‘Do you know anything about …..?’

What I am looking for

1.???I’m looking to run a Kickstarter soon, to publish a physical version of a deck of cards I’ve created. Any hints / tips gratefully received.

2.???If you run a regular game-playing group or similar online, I’d love to come along - I don’t get enough opportunities to play.

3.???I’m always interested to hear about the potential for collaboration on games/learning projects – particularly if they have a ‘for good’ impact.

4.???I’m not a fan of the unsolicited Endorsements from people who don’t know me from Adam, which seems to be such a feature of LinkedIn, but if we have had some meaningful interaction, which was of value to you, then it would be wonderful to get a thoughtful recommendation to adorn my profile.

5.???Most of all, I want to get opportunity to get to know you, so we can muddle out between ourselves how we can best give value to each other.?

I'm glad to be connected to you, but I don't just want to collect you, I want to offer you value. Let's talk about what you want, so that can happen.

Aman Zaidi

Leadership & Talent Development | Organisational Development | Diversity & Inclusion | Experiential Education and Training | Business Storytelling | Executive & Career Transition Coaching | Wellbeing | TEDx speaker

1 年

Mohsin, Sarah Le-Fevreis looking for opportunities to play online!

Nick Drage

A fractional cyber security strategist using game based methods to enhance your decision making.

1 年

Can you describe what technology you use for your Zettelkasten? I'm not really looking for recommendations, I'm just interested in what you've chosen...



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