My gear on a Protective Detail
KIT, a Very broad and common term used in the Military generally meaning your gear, what are you carrying to get the job done on mission.
In the High Threat environment, it can be very extensive, but how do you equate that in your transition into the domestic executive protection setting?
When I look at KIT, as far as what do I carry, I look at very specific items, and I am very particular about those items. So with all the questions I see out in Social Media, I thought I would go through a break down as to what I carry and what I look for.
Specific items:
1. Flashlight
2. Knife
3. Notebook
4. Weapon
5. Holster
6. Smart Phone
So first is a flashlight, You always need a good flashlight. Back in the day, it needed to say "Surefire", but people caught on and started making really good flashlights. I’ve picked up some good ones from truck stops for under $20. The main thing you want to look at when purchasing a flashlight is… Does it have a Bezel on it, meaning can I turn my flashlight into an impact tool if needed?
A Knife, I love knives and have some really cool ones but it doesn’t mean I should be carrying a giant Bowie knife on my side. When you are looking for a knife in this industry, you should be viewing it more as a tool rather than your last line of defense. Find a blade that is serrated, a handle that is made of a non slip grip, it is has some type of guard/ramp to prevent your hand from riding the blade then that is a plus. I personally like Bram Frank’s knives because they are tools, in which you can employ Non-lethal, Less than lethal and of course Lethal. Bram’s knives work off kinetic opening in which you can safely employ if properly trained in all these levels of force. Before I discovered Bram’s innovations, I always carried Emerson knives. So today, I carry an Emerson and an LLC Knife by Bram. Best of both worlds! ;)
A notebook, in today’s day and age, most operate off of smart phones and tablets. But there is nothing more aggravating in my opinion than putting out information and someone breaking out an electronic device to write down their notes. Maybe I am a little archaic but that is just me. If you are using a notebook, just make sure it is weather proof.
You Weapon… So if the assignment is armed, then I am very particular about weapons. The weapon that you are using represents who you are and the people or property you are protecting. If a Weapon is brought into play for contractual reasons, then there is most likely a threat, in which you are doing a disservice to your client by circumventing name brands to save money on who manufactured your weapon. In Florida, we have to do an annual qualification and I cringe when I am doing mine. I am a self proclaimed shit magnet, just because of some events that I have experienced in my life, so I always look twice when I am next to someone on the firing lane, especially when they produce a “Hi-Point” or an equivalent. Get a name brand when purchasing a firearm, and by name brand, do not show me a Taurus!
Food for thought: If you ever have to resort to employing your weapon then it is or should be a life or death scenario. So go with something you can trust! I am a Glock guy, but that is another conversation.
NOTE: Do not modify your weapon. If it came with a 4” barrel, then I am sure that barrel is fine. Do not put a compensated barrel on it. You are screwing with your night vision when that flame shoots out of your weapon. There is no need to add an optic to your pistol. If you are putting an optic on your pistol, then you probably need to go through a shooting course. If America’s Tier One Special Operation’s Forces are not using optics and you are…. then you are obviously doing something wrong. Learn to point shoot! J
Holster….. A holster is more important than people recognize. In the EP World, a Holster is something in which you want quick access to, however you want that invisibility factor, with no printing. Kydex has been my goto for sometime now. High Threat Concealment puts out a great product that does not print and the retention level makes for a great concealable holster on the job.
Smart Phone… Have one! Welcome to 2018! Smart phones are capable of running businesses these days. Apps are endless, and you need to be evolving and adapting. If you are questioning something on how to do something, there is probably an app out there that might be able to do that for you. Think smarter, not harder!
IFAK……. Ok, so I have worked in the High Threat environment for a long time. WE had the luxury of having a team medic, in which we utilized often. When you talk about IFAK, you are talking about an individual first aid kit…. Yes, we all had our Blowout kits in which we carried daily, but you are talking about a completely different threat. I am really not worried about Hamas hitting me while traveling with my client in downtown Tampa with an RPG-7. An IFAK is for you, not your client, so be careful as to how you advertise that. If you want to start thinking about medical services for your client, then start thinking Tylenol, Midol, tampons, and things that you can buy over the counter. Sure, if your client has an allergy then yes, have an EPI pin ready, but be careful when you try to start distributing medicine. I have been through multiple medical courses, the highest being a live tissue trauma lab, and I am comfortable dealing with high level trauma, however I am NOT a medical professional. I see job postings, wanting you to be CPR certified, or AED certified. First off, CPR changes day by day. I remember when the amounts of breaths versus chest compression changed form day to day, and now they do not even allow breaths. Who knew? In a Domestic setting, make sure you have a cell phone that works, know your location and dial 911! J They are actually pretty fast!
Now what to wear?????
We always want to emulate our client, but have to be careful as to not show them up. Meaning if your client is wearing JC Penny, then do not show up with Brooks Brothers.
Now most of the time, if your client can afford to have a protection detail then they can definitely out dress you price wise as far as brands and such. When you are talking about out dressing a client, it means, how flamboyant are you, and are you trying to stand out? When working with your client, you are meant to blend in, be apart of what they have going on and never take the spot light off them. How many times, have you seen a segment on TMZ, “Check out XXXXXX’s Bodyguard? It means they are probably doing it wrong. You need to be in “arm’s reach” but not the one that is in the spotlight. Make sure your attire is fitting for the assignment. Be that guy that is walking with Tiger Wood’s children across the course in which nobody pays attention too. That is winning in this field.
Finally, lets talk about shoes! Lol
I see post after post talking about shoes. I will tell you that shoes are as much as important as the holster you carry. Anyone that has back issues (Me) can relate. I carry a gun now a days with my back, then I have back issues at the end of the day. Shoes can effect this as well. There are a number of brands out there, the most important issue is to make sure they fit and are comfortable. And just because they fit a year ago, and were comfortable on the job doesn’t mean they work well for you today.
A few years ago, I was doing a job for Joe Lasorsa, A great name in the Industry and I wanted the job. I handled it, received my accolades, but what Joe doesn’t know, is within an hour of being on assignment, a huge blister on the back of my foot started in which was bleeding through my sock. It was quite painful, and luckily the client I was assigned too was going to back-to-back meetings in which didn’t entail a lot of walking. I reached out to the Director of Security at the Hotel we were at that I previously made contact with, and asked him if they had band-aids. He happily obliged and brought me up a few in which I was able to wrap up my heal and continue on like nothing happened without the client even realizing. All this started because I put on a pair of shoes that were broken in, however I had not worn in sometime. So the moral of the story is what ever shoes you prepare for, make sure you have worn them, broken them in, and are current with them!
I hope this post assists other in what they are looking for in equipment, or as we say "KIT" for their day to day operations!