(My Future Film: Hood Liberator Made In Chicago)

This year I am still looking for qualified film directors and producers who will work with me in turning my revised book "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America" second edition into a motion picture. It will be released across multiple platforms domestically and internationally. This film highlights the cause and effects of urban violence and living in black poverty.

In Chicago, there are two voices that claim to have their best interest in the African American community Reverend Jesse Jackson and Minister Louis Farrakhan but for twenty six years there has been another voice which has been overlooked by established black organizations in the city of Chicago. Since 2001, over 4,000 people in Chicago alone has been killed due to urban violence. His name is Emmanuel Barbee

This story focus on the experience of Emmanuel Barbee who face growing up in the inner city of Chicago, and how he survived in the hood. Perhaps the most important message in this film is Mr. Barbee’s vision to end urban violence in the city of Chicago and throughout the Midwest. His Christian organization the Grass Roots Community Activist Institute OF Chicago will provide an infrastructure for emerging artists and upcoming black entrepreneurs.

GRCAI represents a new movement in Black America which will be committed to addressing the need that goes well beyond the traditional service role of a black organization our focus is on an academic center, with strong focus on closing the gaps in African American health data by engaging research scientists to conduct innovative descriptive, explanatory and methodologic research and ongoing monitoring of socioeconomic, racial/ethnic and other social determinants of health and access to health care. GRCAI will play a vital role in the community through our economic approach, community empowerment, e-commerce, business creation and finance. GRCAI will comprise a unified body of people working towards a more prosperous outcome for the African American community.

GRCAI will introduce to the world a new strategy for resisting evil without creating new evils. But more importantly, the vision his creator has given him to share with Black America and others is a new way of thinking that yields a vision of peace more powerful than all the armies of all the nations of the world. GRCAI is about building a strong unified global community and providing basic resources to communities and families that want to utilize his programs and services. This is Emmanuel Barbee’s contribution back to his community, society and throughout the African Diaspora.


This movie is based on Emmanuel Barbee, revised book "The Solution For Black America: Reclaiming, Rebuilding, And Restoring The Urban Ghettos In America" Second Edition. The film depicts a place in America where people are deprived of most luxuries, and in constant struggle to survive. The burden of his struggle falls on Emmanuel shoulders as he tries to protect and help his mother with their daily needs. His family lives in the midst of violence wrought by local drug gangs, who control the neighborhood. Children living in those communities have a bleak future dealing with failing school system and trying to survive on a daily basis to adulthood. Emmanuel does his best to get others within and beyond his community to start a new movement in Black America which will bring about real change at the local level and in other cities, but he is unable to convince others to join his cause “Help Stop The Genocide In American Ghettos.” But his ultimate goal is to find thirty people within the United States to work with him in turning his vision into a reality.

The Grass Roots Community Activist Institute of Chicago will be membership based and private in order for them to weed out trouble makers. Everyone will be screen and must attend the mandatory orientation and sign the community pledge. No harden criminals, No active gang members, No urban terrorist, No pedofiles, and no half steppers allowed. GRCAI is open to all ordinary law-abiding citizens, all racial groups, and undiscovered artist.

The Low Income African American Community:

The inner city offers few productive activities for those, who are trapped in American ghettos. There are some community organizations which offers programs for troubled youths, but space and funding are extremely limited. Apart from playgrounds and a few recreational centers, there are few safe places where children can go within the black ghetto. Capitalism benefits from poverty stricken communities, because it creates a black market, such as the drug trade in order to entrap career criminals to be imprison for the penal system this is capitalism 101.

Drug Gangs has a great influence on children in those neighborhoods. They are lured by the fast money as drug dealers or gun traffickers. Though Emmanuel never joined a gang, he occasionally found himself in a group of shady neighborhood kids, who committed petty crimes. Emmanuel steers completely clear of wrong doing throughout the book, as he has tries to be a model citizen. Emmanuel was chased out of his former community by criminals and street thugs during his street campaign. He relocated to North Chicago and begin creating online groups in 1991. He is on 300 social networks and he correspond with 125,000 people worldwide spreading his vision and trying to convince others to join his cause. His organization will fulfill Dr. King’s dream of ending poverty and structural inequality in the communities and cities they will serve.

His story presents the other side of the so called American dream. This film focus on children as young as ten years old who are already engaged in gang membership. There are several points Emmanuel mentioned in his book which are useful in understanding the social context of the urban poor in American society. First, his story addresses some of the causes of domestic violence. Emmanuel points out that the youth are robbed of their innocence by their social environment. Their attitudes are shape by violence that they encounter on a daily basis due to neglect from the broader society which is why Emmanuel calls for starting a new political party to address community issues and to create their own laws which would be compatible to the dominate culture. More resources are given from the federal government to combat international terrorism, because capitalism have an interest in protecting commerce more than urban terrorism which effects those who are trapped in American ghettos.

Secondly, his book presents the case that children could succeed if given a chance. Emmanuel exemplifies this by excelling when given the chance to attend college. The story also reveals a gross violations of human rights, depriving most of the youths of chances of successful futures. Established black organizations and career politicians who are supposed to maintain peace and order as well as look after the welfare of the community are the ones who corrupted the budget intended for the betterment of the people they were supposed to serve.

I am currently seeking legitimate film directors to help me turn my book into a motion picture. I call upon Film Makers, Writers, Poets, Performing Artist, Musicians, Actors/Actresses, Models. Once my panel select people during our open auditions I will discuss compensation with you behind closed doors.

This organization is open to artist who are not afraid to be themselves and not just what the music industry wants them to be. This campaign is to get this movie made in order for me to start my Christian organization so that we can confront urban violence, poverty, structural inequality, institutionalized racism, and police brutality within our urban communities and cities we will serve. GRCAI will serve as a resource for 21st Century community building. Members will view themselves as political ambassadors of the freedom movement in Black America. We will use spoken word and hip hop performances, documentary films, stage plays, and panel discussions as our preferred means for reaching the masses.

GRCAI will take the lead in working in high crime drug and gang infested communities throughout the Mid-West and abroad in 10 countries in Africa to advance human rights and respond to the needs of endangered populations particularly the poor, the isolated, and the displaced through the provision of comprehensive and respectful services and the promotion of permanent solutions leading to a more just global society. It’s time for us as digital citizens to create a world that we want our children to grow up in it starts by turning my ideas into action.

What We Need & What You Get

* The proceeds from the book sell will help me fund this movie and to market the movie. The production cost, marketing, and traveling to push the movie in major movie theatres across the United States and around the world.

* My goal is to get this movie in schools, churches, community centers, and prisons.

* After you have purchased and read my book, if you agree with my plan to improve our inner cities then share my book information with your family, friends, place of worship and also at your local community center.


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