My Fundraising Appeal – Donate a Hippo!
As you likely know, I’ve been participating in extreme desert running challenges since 2010 to raise awareness and funds for social causes and campaigns making a difference in Africa.
Starting on 24 June 2017, I will be competing in one of my most challenging races yet - the Big Red Run in the Simpson Desert in Australia. This race involves running 250km over 6 stages. Essentially, a marathon a day…in the desert.
As in the past, running the Big Red Run is ultimately about more than just completing another desert race.
I’m using my participation in the race to raise awareness and money to donate 50 Hippo Rollers to needy communities in South Africa.
South Africa is not only a water-scarce country, but many communities still lack adequate infrastructure to access clean running water. As a result, they have to spend countless hours queuing or trekking to distant sources, and carrying heavy buckets.
Fortunately, a unique South African invention – the Hippo Water Roller – makes it extremely easy to collect water in tough rural conditions and informal settlements – up to 90 litres or 5 times more water than a single bucket, by simply rolling it along the ground. It is an appropriate technology, with immediate benefits, transforming water collection from a daily chore to a task performed only a few times a week.
My aim is to raise $6 250 – the cost of 50 Hippo Rollers – which will be distributed through Youthzones, a youth organisation working in needy communities throughout South Africa.
My appeal to you is very simple - please visit my fundraising page, make a donation, and encourage your friends and colleagues to do the same.
It's easy to change lives with the Hippo Roller.
Together, we can make a difference!
# Click here to follow my progress during the Big Red Run.