My Freedom Plan
Orange Slice Training + Coaching
Helping you UNLOCK the block through 1:1 Coaching, Team Coaching and Development sessions.
July 2011 is when I created my first “Freedom Plan†as I worked with my coach Jane. The independence, freedom, and autonomy I get to realize today was planned. I get sentimental at this time of year – July 4th.?
Independence. Freedom. Not just as the US celebrates its independence, but it’s the same time I started to create independence for me and my business.?
There have been amazing experiences, client interactions, financial gains, and confidence I’ve learned as I’ve executed my Freedom Plan. Not exactly as planned. There were bumps, bobbles, and turns I didn’t expect – and some plot twists turned out even better than I anticipated.??
Here are a few of my take-aways in the 10+ years of working on that original Freedom Plan:
Freedom & Independence.??Values are important. These are two of the values I’ve held at the heart of who I am and the work I do. As a coach, I’ve enjoyed championing others to get the freedom and independence they crave.?For some that freedom and independence have taken the shape of developing new skills in a new job, or finding the courage to take the leap and leave their 9 to 5 for the freedom of defining work on their terms. And for others, it’s been about getting out of the rut and creating the freedom to explore a new groove.
Create a Plan.?Although I like to be spontaneous and go with the flow, I also believe in creating a plan so that I feel comfortable deviating as needed. The comfort – or prep work – I do in planning allows me to experience and feel confident when I need to give in to the competing value of being adaptable. As an instructor in the Leadership Minor at the University of Minnesota I learned and practiced this idea.?
And the time I put into planning allows for the prep and confidence to abandon it when needed. Like so many, my career plans also deviated back in December 2019 (right before the pandemic) when I shifted focus to work with a non-profit doing leadership development inside the organization. I still have the flexibility and autonomy and (perceived) control to be doing my “own thing†while inside this amazing organization.?
I still get to teach, coach, and create.?
Create Ways to Say Yes.??While Positivity is my #1 strength according to the Gallup StrengthsFinder, I’m not so much pollyanna as I am driven by priorities. I strive to be helpful. I want my workshops and coaching to be helpful and useful to others. I want to find ways to say YES to helping my clients, myself, and those which whom I work get the results they desire. This type of YES-saying isn’t about overfilling my plate, as it is about prioritization. When the goals, values, or priorities are clear – I can easily say YES to those things that help me move close to achieving those results.??
There is still plenty of work to do ahead. The type of freedom and independence I’m working towards today is about the stories that are trapped in my mind. The narratives and distractions have a hold on me today.?
With patience and persistence, I keep working to detangle and untether from those stories that keep me stuck. The inner game of this work is never done. If you’re interested in doing this work for you – LET’S TALK.??
Jeff Stafford is the owner and founder of Orange Slice Training + Coaching. As a Certified Coach, he regularly works with individuals to help UNLOCK the Block.?
Whether you’re a leader inside an organization, a leader in your community, or a leader in your family what if now was that moment to rewrite your story - what do you imagine would be possible?
Let’s Talk. You can find out more information at? message me on LinkedIn.
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