My Framework For Success

My Framework For Success

Background To My Framework For Success

My framework for success, let first me start by telling you a bit of my journey to figuring this formula out, this is a whole mind approach to learning and it heavily leans on the scientific method of trial and error, psychology, Psych-k (psychology- kinesiology) and NLP ( neural linguistic programming) while I could go to the nth degree to explain every aspect of it these are the core aspects.

So when I was 14 I realized the school system was not my idea of the pursuit of knowledge or designed for my learning style. So on I went in the pursuit of knowledge, first learning trades skills, hospitality, and customer service the entire time analyzing every aspect and watching people for their behaviors. I would always catalog or tag behavioral patterns against any variables that I could identify no matter how small or insignificant they may seem.

My natural learning method is to become obsessed, with knowing every aspect of the task, and then once all those aspects “I would say perspectives on how to approach or complete the task” once I understood the different little pieces I would be able to bend and manipulate said task or project at my will. Because the truth is rarely is there a wrong way to do tasks as all may have similar objectives but different missions and this may give the impression one is more effective than another which is not the case.

Your Mission to Grow

Firstly your mission is unique to you and you are the only one judging. So don’t compare yourself to others, as that only puts you in competition with them and when this happens you’re capped at their level “Create your own level!” Remember that you define who you are and none else. Throughout the last 16 years, I have focused on refining my core concepts of sustainability, Minimum Viable Product, Guerrilla/ high impact marketing just to name a few and many more I am still in the process of refining.

That is where growth is the stage between no knowledge and basic understanding that is where your mind is forging new neural pathways. When you push yourself to do what your mind cannot yet comprehend, that is where you are the most alive, and when in a state of learning you are working out your “brain gut”. That is why my favorite place to be is that uncomfortable place of learning something new and I am just addicted to acquiring more knowledge and resources.

My Framework For Success Stages Outline

Ok, so onto the framework First I will outline each step/ aspect This formula is laid out based on the efficiency model I use that is based on forcing additional stress into the process to force additional growth because whatever level you set becomes your level “so do what’s hard until what’s is hard becomes easy”.The first stages of the process look at trying to formulate an opinion/ belief Cause and effect are the two easiest control levers for any task/ project or even business to get instant results ” Look at it like this cause and effect in a business if the product, marketing and sales are good purchases increase vice verser if they are bad”.The next stages are designed to bring emotion into this, Some people may find staying committed without doing these things and that is okay I personally struggled with this aspect. I was able to overcome the emotional side by journeying inside myself, to find what motivated me I mean what really lights you up, and when you're not doing it life just isn’t the same.

But when you are doing it life just makes sense, This has been my personal search to find that meaning and it was a long journey. With what I found I came to the conclusion that this is life and to deny others opportunity based on material wealth or social standing is inhumane and we should all personally try to do our own part. The next stages of the framework look at the tactics and strategies of how you will accomplish this task/ project This looks at the nuts & bolts.

As mentioned when planning your strategy for achieving the task and the tactics of how you will work towards achieving it what will you do and how will you do it physically, financially, emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and most importantly what timeframe do you want to achieve it in. the next stages look at the data from your initial results and the processes to measure them.

The next stages look at the results of the task/ project, Did it go your way or was your thesis wrong if you were wrong no stress you just take what you have learned and start again. But this time it’s easier, and quicker The thing with this process is it is designed for you to fail quickly and reassess then take action by starting again until you succeed.


With the scope, we are trying to gauge three different things (what has been done, what is currently being done, and what are the current beliefs around the task or project). These three things will help us understand in-depth what has currently been attempted, which given enough data and time will show us success trends. So these are key factors that have a high probability of successful outcomes and we can use trend patterns to help formulate ideas.

Next let’s look at current times, this will give us an in-depth understanding of where all the players sit and what they think is important. This will help us to understand their psychological position ( which is good for mapping behavioral patterns/ trends).

My framework for success will help us understand, where they have invested all of their resources or portions of it at least and just understanding this will save you money. Because if you know where the bigger guy for example invests their marketing budget, well you can do one of two things play offensively or defensively, and knowing where your competitor sits gives you first-strike ability.

Understanding the final aspect of this will help you to really understand where people are currently setting their own limitations and you can choose to agree or you can choose your own limitations. This part of the process is to help you see all of the pieces on the board and to give you a clear picture when deciding your position.


My framework for success will help you formulate your thesis/ beliefs, I believe X outcome will happen based on the Y variable, and what we want to do is find out truths. For example, I want to learn Facebook marketing and my thesis might be (highly engaging content, leads to an increase in engagement and results in more sales over the following months).

Now at present, this is just a statement or theory and what we want to do is create a truth statement ( in this state a truth statement, refers to a proven theory x = y with high probability). This is why I created this formula, to take a concept/ idea from just a basic thought through a process of refinement, which should result in the achievement of the goal naturally.


In the objective stage, we are really trying to define the parameters for success and we want to picture what your success looks like “Touch it, feel it, taste it”. With my framework for success, you need to be able to emotionally define success, otherwise, you have no clear path to success, and even worse you have no guidelines for how you should feel in succeeding.

This is a big one because as human beings we are governed by our hormonal responses and rely heavily on our biological chemical responses. Now that we have defined our objective, we need to define how we are going to measure our momentum and what form will we represent the data in.

The last aspect of the objective is to define a clear timeframe for Parkinson’s law paraphrasing “the timeframe you a give a task defines how long the task will take to finish”. This is why it is important to set clear timeframes for your objectives and remember not to invest too much emotional energy into completing them in the timeframe.


Your mission in my framework for success should be emotional motivation as to why you have to continue pushing even when you become unsure and this will happen to you as it happens to everyone. That is why having a clear, powerful reason why, but further than that who are you doing this for and when we understand “our motivation needs to align internally and externally”.

Throughout my life, I have always been fascinated by the military, and how they can take strangers, beat them down and in doing so cultivate a strong level of shared trust in them. When you look at the process of rebuilding soldiers, the military’s aim is to have highly collaborative individuals who maintain high levels of communication and teamwork in situations where they are fighting self-preservation urges.

In these situations, a lack of cohesiveness will lead to lower levels of performance and now in the military, this means (death, loss, and failure) Lucky for you this isn’t the case. But you can definitely use their benefits for yourself if you understand that you must first teardown your old values to build new ones.


With my framework for success, in your strategy stage, you want to define our upper & lower limits, define how you are going to achieve this and what the path looks like. Use your strategy to look down your future path, identify potential hurdles, and work out contingency plans for when you get hit in the face. Having pre-set plans of action will increase your ability to respond quickly and decisively when you are wrong or the market conditions change.

You have to be malleable/ flexible because you cannot be prepared for every situation and it’s more important to use your resources to put out fires than trying to insulate every aspect against fires.

Look at the current market strategies, as these will give you some easy wins in insights and help you cut costs by learning from others.Also, you want to always be thinking about how in your strategy you can pivot into your strengths and force anyone trying to compete with you to do so on your terms.


When looking at the deployment section try to think of it as physical, financial, and social depending on if you are trying to learn a skill/ new knowledge, to have a physical achievement/ result, or to share results with others.

Thinking about the different ways you can go about achieving your goal, by using your definition of success, your upper/ lower limits, and your timeframe to find the best deployment method. For example, let’s say you are trying to learn Facebook marketing and define how to physically deploy it (ads, content, pictures, posts, stories, and messaging).

Okay next let’s look at your deployment budget ( marketing spend ads, boosted posts, stories, staffing, and then any production costs). So now we have to look at the social side, how are people currently deploying ideas and where is their focus currently directed.


In my framework for success when observing we need to first define our method of observation, in I mean what are the key variables that you’re seeking and how will you capture those observations?

I think this is one of the key aspects of this concept as if you are measuring the wrong variable your outcome might look completely different.For example, take door-to-door sales, most salespeople measure the number of sales as their variable and see this as having low conversion rates.

When in actual fact this is their first interaction with you or your brand, this means in the consumers’ sales cycle they are usually unaware of any problems and this is the perfect time to build a relationship with them. Because they are unaware of the problem, it is not high on their priority list and usually, this is a pitfall for conflict and once you are in conflict you’re done.

A big thing to keep in mind when you’re in observation mode is to always be mindful of the lens of bias that we use( now this to take witness or step back from your own biased opinion/ beliefs and to look at it with truth to see it for what it is). Most things in life have no bias, Take COVID-19, for example, it’s not out to get you it’s just happening and it doesn’t have greater meaning outside of a reflection on our health as a species.


So when using analysis in my framework for success, start thinking about the different ways you will analyze your results and think about the different things you might find out. Next start to interpret the data, You need to analyze the data for meaning and to start to formulate conclusions based on meaning (why did this happen).

For example, take cold calling you get rejected again and again Now you can look at this like people don’t want your product ending there. On the other hand, you can look for trends/ patterns, looking to understand why the result is occurring and what variables you need to manipulate to change the results. So why is finding meaning in your observations important, mainly because it is a key way for you to be able to communicate why the observations are relevant and what the risk-to-reward ratio will be.


In the outcomes, we look at how we reached this point, it is key to understand the measurement metrics we used throughout the observation and analysis stage. As we need to ascertain that yes we were measuring the right aspects of what we were trying to achieve.

Now, remember in this stage we are just trying to formulate a picture of what has happened and we are only looking at the fact x = y. You need to find out if your outcome, reflects your current thesis was in the right general direction and then we need to identify if your thesis was proven or broken.

If it happens that you were dead wrong in your thesis and you have ended somewhere you don’t want to be. It is quite easy to resolve that, as once the thesis is broken you should move back to the thesis step and create a new thesis.


This part of my framework for success is to understand why the outcome was so for example let’s take Facebook marketing and we have run a Facebook ads campaign. Let’s set the budget at $20 a day running for 10 days with an expected reach of 100-200 people a day and a CPC ( cost per click of $2.0) which is quite standard depending on the targeting.

Okay so let’s say our objective was to win 1 sale per day, 10 new sales over the 10-day campaign, and let’s say we are running a text campaign. Initial observations with the ads 1 in 100 are clicking on the ad, your actual reach is only (75 a day) and your CPC ends up really being ($2.8) This turns your plan upside down.

So first we need to understand, how this is happening: i.e. lower than expected engagement on the post, a higher CPC leads the ad to perform at much lower efficiency and this means for you to reach your target you need to increase the budget by 25% to remain on target. This is why it is important to look at why you are getting the results, If you look at Facebook's guidelines to get a general scope of what they want you look at what others in your industry are doing.

This will help you to formulate an opinion on why this happened, this will either prove or break your thesis and you need to find out why it was broken or proven.

Ways Of Improving The Process

How can I use the knowledge or experience I have just gained to improve my framework for success to better suit me and how can I find ways to increase its effectiveness. For example, we ran a Facebook ads campaign, we identified that the current CPC price was too high and we looked at why people engage with our competitors.

We identified there were three key factors they wanted to be resolved before purchasing, let’s say they were quality, insurance/ warranty and they really wanted a good experience through the process.

Ok so straight off the bat we can do one of two things, firstly we can amend our ads campaign to target them with updated ads targeted at those factors and now this can be highly effective at a higher cost.

The second option you could take is to start creating content addressing the issues, promoting why your business is different, and taking the time to educate the customers as they will have a higher engagement. When deciding to boost content over ads, you will see an average CPC or video playthrough will typically be cents to the ads dollars and if your content is naturally engaging those prices will come down again.

As in Facebook’s algorithm, they want people to connect, engage with each other, and build communities Facebook will give you advantages for aligning.

Reassess &Reengage

This is where you rinse and repeat, Once we have mapped the process we then move to improving and optimizing your process for maximum efficiency or even autonomy.

As once we have set out my framework for success, we have found out that it works, we know why it works and we have thought about ways to improve the effectiveness.

My framework for success can be applied to any task, project, business, personal goal, life goal, career goal, refining skills, building new skills, and many many more things as this is just an action-based trial and error.

My Framework For SuccessScope?

What is it you are trying to do ( full Overview of the task/ project)?What’s the full history ( the comprehensive history of said task/ project)?What is the current consensus ( what does the majority currently believe to be true).?


What do I think will happen ( what is your gut feeling/ prediction of the future)?The potential of success ( this is if everything went right how far could you go)?What has currently been done.


What am I trying to achieve ( what does the future look like if you succeed)?How will I measure this task’s / Project’s success or momentum ( how will you be able to tell if you are heading towards your objective)???What is my timeframe for this task/ project ( how long I think it cloud take / How long I want it to take.


What is my purpose for achieving this task/ project ( What is the reason that this task/ project must be completed)?What am I doing this for (What is your driving force for why this must be a reality).


What are the parameters for this task/ project ( what are my upper and lower limits, where will this be operated)Frame what success looks like for you ( this is in terms of forming an idea of if you did succeed what would that strategy look like)?What is the current markets’ strategy ( what is the majority currently doing)Based off of the current markets’ strategy how can I pivot into my strengths ( what is the best way I can use my likeness/ knowledge to give me an advantage).?


What is my method of deployment ( How will I physically, mentally or spiritually start this task/ project)?What is my financial/physical budget for this task/ project ( How much time and money am I willing to spend to achieve this goal)How does current deployment work ( how does the majority currently deploy their tasks/ projects)How will I assess my deployment capacity ( how will I be able to tell when I reach my capacity).?


What is my process of observation ( what are the key variables that I am trying to measure the outcome of)??How will I record Observational Data ( how will I physically record my observations for further study)?What lens will I use to view my data ( what beliefs/ views/ perspectives will I let influence my decision making).


What methods of analysis will I employ ( what forms of data will I be using to assess my findings)?What does the data mean ( what is the meaning put behind the results of the task/ project).


What metrics will I use to measure my results ( what kind of results do I want knowledge, emotional, spiritual, relationship, engagement)Did my results prove or break my thesis ( was my thesis aligned with how my actual results formed throughout the entire process was I on the right line of thought)?What did I learn from this task/ project ( what new information/ skills did I directly and indirectly gain from this).


Why was the thesis either proven or broken ( what were the factors that caused the thesis to be broken or proven)?Did your anticipations align with the outcomes ( the factors that influenced the outcome were you expecting them or were they an unforeseen aspect).

Ways to Improve

How can I use my findings to either collapse the time length of the project or how can I manipulate and multiply any future results??What processes can I put in place to maximize efficiency ( where is the information I need to be located, this should be a daily search to find new perspectives on old ideas.

Reassess & Reengage?

With the new information you have obtained, populate the new process based on that knowledge and refine it again.?If the results were to the point of non viability then you may want to choose a new project or task.


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