In my four years at Elon...Navigating Personal & Professional Development Opportunties through Covid-19, lessons learned
Madison McCart
CREATIVE; Photo/Video, Creative Direction, Marketing Communications & more
Wow. Yesterday was the last day of my final Fall semester at Elon University - Martha and Spencer Love School of Business , Elon University . For some reason, I had an inkling to organize my personal and professional development experiences in a way that provided a birds eye view to all my “accomplishments”.?
I’d been feeling a little irritable over the past couple of months. Feeling like I wasn’t juggling things as well as I used to and like I was dropping the ball on some important commitments.?Over the past four years, I’ve often been the first to claim “These won’t be the best 4 years of MY life!”. Looking at this, I’m a little embarrassed. It worries me that the time I have left at Elon is short and that I am just beginning to realize how many choices and opportunities I’ve been able to explore due to the environment being a college student has provided me.?
Over the past four years, I’ve held internships from three amazing companies/organizations Mary Square, LLC , Lockheed Martin & The White House . I’ve started three businesses, two of which I am still working on growing today. I’ve been a part of countless organizations, some of which have dramatically changed my experience at Elon for the better; thank you InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA , Elon University's Real Estate Club , & Beta Alpha Psi, and have been given countless opportunities to expand upon my personal and professional development.?These opportunities have been pivotal, life-changing moments in my development both personally and professionally.
I’ve also failed to get internships I really wanted. I’ve dropped organizations and resigned from on-campus positions that I’d thought I’d be be a part of for all four years when I started. I’ve struggled. I’ve felt lost. I’ve felt like I didn’t belong.?In some ways, these struggles and, in other cases, these endings largely felt like failures but in organizing my experiences in this manner, I’ve realized in every ending, there’s a new beginning right around the corner.?
I realized that so many of the times I was worried about stepping back from something that no longer felt right, that nothing else would come. That’d I’d be stuck. I was wrong. In so many cases, something even more amazing was just about to start; sometimes that I’d planned but more often times than not, it was something that had come by complete surprise.?
Covid largely affected my college experience socially and I don’t think the Class of 2023 as a whole will ever receive the recognition for the adversities we’ve overcome. Covid didn't take away half of our senior year, it took a chunk of 4 semesters out of the middle of our college experience: half of our Freshman Spring, Sohopomore Fall, Sophomore Spring, Junior Fall and half of Junior Spring but I fought hard, really hard for it to not to have an affect on my personal and professional development opportunties. ?
A lot has happened in the past four years and a lot will continue to happen. I’m sure my last semester will bring lessons of its own but for now, here’s some of what I’ve learned over the past four years…
#ClassOf2023, it's officially #SeniorSeason!!