My Five Ways of Adaptability Upon Joining the Bangkit Academy 2023 Program

My Five Ways of Adaptability Upon Joining the Bangkit Academy 2023 Program

Hi everyone! This semester, I joined the Bangkit Academy led by Google, Tokopedia, Gojek, & Traveloka as a cohort on Machine Learning (51) Learning Path. This program has many important soft skills training in building a career, one of which is Adaptability and Resilience. High adaptability skills are considered important at this time not only to deal with difficult situations but also to cope with the fast-changing world.

On this occasion, I will share my experience in applying the 5 ways of adaptability I learned upon joining Bangkit Academy 2023 program.

"The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings." - Kakuzo Okakura        

Ways of Interacting

This refers to the ability to communicate and collaborate effectively with others to address some aspects such as a wide range of ages by still maintaining social norms that apply in Indonesia, language barriers because in Bangkit Academy the recommended main language is English which will help improve my basic English skills, different communication preferences which will make me explore the various ways of communication available right now, different personalities helps me to understand and cope with other people's personalities, & online/offline interaction address changes in the way of interacting directly with others post-pandemic.?

Ways of Achieving

This refers to the ability to set goals and achieve them in different situations. On our way to achieve the goals, we need the sense of purpose in order to help us find our value on doing the things we pursue. Furthermore, we are social beings who need collaboration with others to achieve larger goals and group norms help us direct and stay in these goals. My experience regarding this is when my Capstone Project team need to put our thoughts and values together; and setting the boundaries or frame in order to work harmoniously and achieve our goals.

Ways of Learning

This refers to the ability to acquire new knowledge, skills, experience, & perspectives. Come across mentor who are always nurturing, patient, and a lot of help like Ridha Nafila Turrahma , who always motivates me to keep fighting at Bangkit Academy; participating in the start of the Capstone Project with a team of unyielding great warriors consisting of Aulia Annisa , Faraz Beniqno Muhammad Fauzan , Nadhilah Noor , Rezkytadewi Puspita , Ari Rachman helped me discover new perspectives; being in class ML-51 certainly enriched my social experience; and getting tech skills & soft skills training every week through ILT at Bangkit Academy 2023 makes me always learn new things more comprehensively.

Ways of Working

This refers to the ability to work effectively in different environments, working hours, new company culture, & working tools. The learning method implemented at the Bangkit Academy 2023 is divided into 2 parts, namely synchronous and asynchronous. Synchronous through Instructor-Led Training (ILT) is carried out once a week online with disciplinary regulations such as always oncam and encouraged to be interactive during learning. Asynchronous through the media Dicoding Indonesia and Coursera which have been prepared in such a way as to meet the needs of my learning materials.

Ways of Thinking

This refers to the ability of managing our mindset whether it is a fixed mindset or a growth mindset everytime. In this way, I have learned to let go of many things that hold me back in learning and developing the skills needed to build a career by applying a growth mindset and not a fixed mindset.

#LifeatBangkit #Bangkit2023 #adaptability #resilience


