America Pizza Association Network
Our Blog aim to educate the Consumer on how to eat better in this chaotic Food jungle of the industrialized world! Follow us on our Blog you will thank us for the rest of your life !!!!!!
Our Blog is intent not only for Pizza Owner who loves to improve they business revenue while offering high quality Product, but also for Consumers at large who never knew the real truth about Pizza making or Healthier Food in general !
With my Blog I hope to please all the Pizza Lovers but also the Food health-conscious as well ……..
Hello everyone !
My name is Danny Odato I am an Italian gastronome, Pizza Expert, Quality, Healthier Food Fanatic, and a Pizza-Restaurant Consultant, anywhere in the Country, a father of 4 and a loving husband !
America Pizza Association Network
This Blog's aim is to educate the Consumer on how to eat better in this chaotic Food jungle of the industrialized world.
You will thank us for the rest of your life!
This Blog is not only for Pizza Owners, who want to improve their business revenue while offering high-quality product but also for Consumers at large who never knew the real truth about the pizza-making process and healthier food in general.
Welcome, everyone!
My name is Danny Odato. I am an Italian gastronome, Pizza Expert, and Quality officer. A health food fanatic, and a Pizza-Restaurant Consultant, a father of four and a devoted husband.
I was born in Italy in 1953 and migrated to New York in 1975. Back then I couldn’t speak one word of English, and without formal education I had no choice but to take on any job offered to me. My first job was as a counter help in a Pizza Place in Flushing Queens NY at $1 per hour. (Barone Pizza) At 22 years of age, I was married with my first child on the way. I must admit that humble job sparked the love and passion not only for the Pizza Business but for Food preparation in general, and soon after I seek a place to manage. As I possessed not enough money; not even to support my own family those days to start my own.
Growing up in a small village of approximately 900 people, in the south of Italy, my mother made pizza almost daily. Because it was among the cheapest meals to prepare. It consisted of a basic flatbread base with some fresh tomatoes and a few basil leaves on top. Her version was much more basic because there were not many options available in those days. We didn't know about any toppings. Many times she had made it without Oil and mozzarella or, if she had, used it sparingly, but everything was fresh, growing on our farm. That was our snack or meal for the day.
As I gained more experience my knowledge increased, and I got to learn every aspect of the Pizza Industry; my devotion to cooking led to a passion for food which lifted my spirit and brought out the best in me.
In NYC I obtained a job in the kitchen at the Plaza Hotel, for a couple of years. Those days it was the mother of the culinary world. The determination to learn encouraged me to stay as long as I did and not as much for the money, which was very little at the time, but I accepted it as a time of learning, and Oh Boy did I learn…
During that time I had the pleasure to cook for and meet many celebrities like Mohammad Ali. His favorite meal was: Shrimp scampi in tequila brandy…Oh Boy. What a treat…Mel Tormé, nicknamed "The Velvet Fog", Liza Minelli, Ron Perlman, Joe Pesce, Woody Allan, Sean Connery, Anthony Hopkins, and many more…I enjoyed every hour I worked there… It gave me the most tremendous satisfaction and I learned to appreciate the sophistication of the culinary world.
At age 30, after a few years of managing and learning, I was able to buy my first Pizza place in Queens NY. After three years I sold it for a substantial profit, with that money I invested in a Midtown Manhattan restaurant located on 34th Street and Park Avenue. One of the busiest corners in Manhattan, launching a charming upscale restaurant called: “Il Piazzile” (The Little Square.) This place comprised of a duplex which I turned into two categories, the lower level with a terrace served only Pizza and take away sandwiches, while the first floor had a full upper scale restaurant, with a full bar and signature dishes most of them made by yours truly.
It was a killer investment that lasted for 8 years. However, the long hours and the family needs took a toll on me, and I decided to sell at a very good profit. The new owner proposed to remain on and teach the new staff, and I stayed for another 6 months. This bonus time of learning represented a valued-added period to my knowledge. The shorter hours was hugely beneficially to my family life, and I left behind an outstanding name and reputation to both my customers and the new owner.
The dedication and passion for food grew stronger, and I started to ask questions no one was able to answer at that stage. Therefore, I started studying on my own time, reading articles and books regarding food preparations and health benefits. The knowledge I gained during that period money could not buy. Now I was equipped to offer my Food knowledge to the world. I became a Food Restaurant Consultant for a few years offering full package deals: assisting new and existing ones, from teaching the staff how to cook to coaching the chefs the how, when, and where to buy fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, and fish. Schooling waiters on proper serving techniques, I showed the owners how to décor for an appealing restaurant and set up budgets for preparation: food cost-cutting methods, how to promote which included creating events set up.
To me it is critical to provide a lasting impression to every client, enjoying the entire process while dining. I simply love it.
Through it, all my goal was to enlighten the world, how to eat better and be healthier. Living longer in life!
At this point, I was well prepared for the Big Step, so I wrote letters to the biggest Pizza Franchises in the USA. At the outset I made it clear I wasn’t seeking a position in their franchise; I was on a mission to alter the world’s eating habits. To me, it is significant to stop cutting quality to gain more exorbitant profits. I believe to revolutionize the Pizza Industry we need to make pizza the old fashion way. Without any mysterious formula but purely producing many of the ingredients at home and saving on unnecessary food cost. I offered to make multi-color pizza made from natural food color like red cabbage, yellow peppers, green basil, and by combining these colors to create new ones, etc.
I expanded their mind to envision new shapes; like a heart -, triangle -, pentagon -, oval shape, and many more, it is something that nobody has the guts to do primarily for lack of knowledge.
I shared with them how to create healthier pizza bases. Bases made from chickpea flour or oat flour, spinach crust, cauliflower crust, Chia Seeds, Hemp, Quinoa seeds flour, and so on.
Wheat products became resistant to severe weather and have been bred for higher gluten content. Therefore gluten's malicious effects are likely amplified, without mentioning bleached flour.
My goal is to redeem the Pizza Image from being junk fattening food to a nutritious meal and till selling a slice at $0.99c making a 300% profit just like the old days.
How to do it?
Follow my weekly blog where we will discover the how to do it, and much more.
I have found the lack of creativity and training in the new generation is poor and insufficient. Training has become so expensive but still, they know very little once qualified. In the old days, we learned to be passionate about food, even being without money. Today we think our more excessive salary is enough not realizing the damage it has caused the Pizza Industry for starters. Just like so many other industries we are relying these days, mainly on high-tech results, in fact, thanks to the high-tech revolution the Pizza Franchise still survive.
Look closer at the quality part of the pizza today, you will be disillusioned to learn how franchisers are offering the lowest quality of pizza money can buy. Remember the Tofu being used as mozzarella?
I observed some pizza places adding corn starch into the marinara sauce to make it thicker faster. Some places used sugar to fix the sauce or ‘kill’ the tomato’s acidity. Some use shortening to sauté the fresh vegetables, (shortening is basically animal fat.), while others use pork cutlet but calling it veal cutlet because the veal is too expensive…I can go on and on…
This is the shame of today’s pizza industry. My goal is to educate the consumer at large not only by way of sharing my life experience but also to teach the world how to make good & healthy quality Pizza. You don’t necessarily have to spend lots of money to do so. To me it is important to make most of the fresh ingredients. By making quality products at home, we are cutting out the middle man. This is no magic formula; you merely need some extra time in your day and put some effort in the preparation.
Now, at 66 years old and retired, I would love to share my experience in Pizza and Food related issues to inform others and prevent millions of people to succumb to cancer because they are victims of the food manufactures lies, misleading labels, and preservatives in food.
Today food manufacturer’s philosophy is to look at the appearance of packaging while content is less relevant. The farmer’s philosophy is the size and appearance is more important than flavor. And as the consumer, we are stuck in the middle. We buy a beautiful red-looking tomato from the shelf, but it is not ripe. At your place, it's placed on the window sill hoping to have a soft tomato in a couple of days. To be surprised with a rotten fruit. Their taste diminishing as well and you throw it away, disgusted.
Together we will discover this journey, including, how the older people ate. How they lived and transferred their food knowledge to the next generation. They had one thing in mind: Health and Simplicity.
Yes, the industrialized era has modernized our food world but at what cost? Is it worth it? We at “American Pizza Association Network” are the only people to send out this message for FREE (the real truth) to the world and help to educate in how to buy food, how to cook it, where, when and what to look for?
We will inform you how much calories is needed with each meal. It is important to you, as in today’s food jungle you need to be educated to overcome not only the misleading of the labels but identify the lies the food manufacturers are telling us every day while the FDA looks the other way. Especially in the USA the economy is more important than human lives… A downside of the Capitalism world?
Every week we will learn more and most importantly by following my principles you will provide your body with what it deserves. THE BEST OF THE CROP, while being healthier and living a longer life!
Feel Free to ask me any question regarding the Pizza Business and healthy food. This is the reason I have created this blog. If I don’t know the answer I will get an expert to work with us and help us understand, because together we can change the World!
Look out for our weekly Newsletter and follow my blog at
Our Motto: “Eat Better Live Longer.”
We love to hear back from you: [email protected]
Your Host and CEO
Danny Odato
Title salesman Specialist at MacGregor Abstract Corp.
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