My First Hero (my mom) and many other individuals along the Way.....
My First Hero (my mom),and many heroes along the way
Friday, September 20, 2024
10:40 PM
To my mom (my first hero):
From the moment, my sister, and I were born, you, mom, always have continued to care for us, taught us the meaning of life, and giving us a loving heart.
There is nothing that can ever replace the amount of love you have given to my sister, and I each day.? Your wisdom, values, principles, and power through adversity is what is most inspiring.
No amount of money can ever replace all the work you have done each day (priceless).? In times of my own struggle, you always gave me something to look forward to-HOPE.
My vision and goals are possible because of you and many other individuals. Your belief in me each day inspires me too.
Finally, your heart is as big as the ocean, and is beyond measurable.?
If there is every some sort of wisdom you give me each day, it is to remain "Hopeful."
Thanks, mom