My first book ?? is available ??

My first book ?? is available ??

After almost 2 years of hard work the book is avalable in Paperback, and E-book formats, as well as English and Polish version.

Are you interested in personal and spiritual development, meditation, and body work? Are you just starting out or have you been developing spiritually for a long time?

Are you trying to make good conscious decisions in life that will help you achieve your goals and make your dreams come true?

Perhaps you have noticed that you are always reaching for another book or training for some time. Each of these may give you a little more knowledge, a little more inspiration to act, but they are all generally about the same thing, just expressed in different words. You already know a lot about personal and spiritual development, but do you know how to protect yourself from potential dangers?

This is not talked about or too little is said on the subject. Personal development is beautiful but it's worth knowing that not everything is as colorful as it looks at first glance. The good news is that you can learn to tell the difference.

You feel ready to learn more. To know the truth. You want to finally learn the facts about meditation, and a simple and clear explanation for all four aspects of masculine and feminine energy. You want to know what types of meditation exist and how each of them affects your daily life. Or maybe you want to know what real tantra is and why 99% of what they write about it on the internet or that the "masters of tantra" say has nothing to do with tantra and is fraud.

You feel that you want to know more about relationships with people and about setting boundaries in relationships at work and with children. You want to learn how to recognize sects and learn real stories of abuse from workshop group leaders.

But, most of all, you want to pursue your dreams in a safe way and feel lucky!

Great! The good news is that I have a book for you called The Power of Spiritual Development. It is about what no one has written about yet.

You will learn how to fulfill your potential with the "Energy Rose" that even international teachers have no idea about. In the book, I will walk you through topics such as:



Have you heard that masculine energy is the one that gives, and the feminine energy is the one that receives? None of this? Or almost nothing? In this book you will learn that both male and female energies are divided into two aspects: active and passive. Thanks to this knowledge, you will be able to move faster in the direction you choose.


First steps towards your goal

This is a chapter that will help you comprehensively focus your actions on achieving your goals. You will learn the importance of intention and clarity of what you want to achieve.



We will talk about real tantra, pure tantra. I will tell you how to use its miraculous properties to bring about the desired results and how much it differs from the omnipresent pseudo-tantra.



Do you already meditate? Or maybe you are taking your first steps in meditation? This is great. In this chapter, you will find a repository of knowledge about how meditation works, how it allows you to grow, and, finally, what type of meditation is the right one for you.



This chapter talks about your body's important energy centers and how to stimulate them so that they work smoothly and bring you benefits.


Sex and emotional relations

Sex and relationships are some of the most delicate spheres of our lives. In this chapter, you will learn how hormones work and how to set limits in a safe and healthy way. You will learn how to avoid conflict so that relationships can develop and serve us well.


Avoid obstacles and problems

There are dark sides to spiritual development as well as in other spheres. Thanks to the stories I have described in this chapter, you will learn to recognize them and protect yourself from falling into a "spiritual" company that could manipulate you.


Further explorations - about the harmfulness of some practices

At the end of Personal Development Secrets, you will learn about the traps that can stand in the way of your development. You will gain tips to keep you safe from toxic people and from following the wrong path.

I could write about hundreds of conversations I have had with people who are struggling with various difficulties in life. I could write that I have participated in more than 1,000 hours of personal and spiritual development courses and workshops in various countries where a lot of people in different fields and job titles usually take part on (psychologists, hr managers, medicine doctors, arhcitects, sales managers, designers, etc). I could write about how many years I spent studying psychology and how I helped many people get out of sects after their relationships broke up, they lost their jobs, and they fell into depression. I could also say that I have been helping women achieve their goals and dreams through mentoring sessions for six years.

Yes, I could describe all of that, but the knowledge that is in this book is much more valuable than the story of the way I got it.

In The Power of Spiritual Development, I have described my experiences of over a dozen years of working with people. I learned a lot of stories, both beautiful and those that you might prefer not to revisit. I have condensed all of this into one book.

Just a note! You should know that the knowledge the book contains differs significantly from that found in other personal development books! Do you dare to read it anyway?

The Power of Spiritual Development is like the seat belt in a car. You can choose whether to fasten it or not, but it significantly increases driving safety.

I guarantee that you will finally be able to build specific and advanced foundations to enable you to consciously develop and achieve your goals safely.

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The book was positively reviewed by well-known psychologists, trainers, coaches, and therapists, including: Katarzyna Zawisza, Magda B?benek, Milena Wojnarowska, Tamara Gonzalez Perea, ?ukasz Jakóbiak, Magdalena Palmowska, Deborah Sundahl, and more.

My name is Sergio S Dorje. I am, apart from my programming skills, a development mentor and therapist, a specialist in recognizing sects and destructive groups, and the author of The Power of Spiritual Development book. In my therapeutic work, I specialize in helping women overcome difficulties in their relationships.

The book is available in English on Amazon .com, .uk, .de, etc.

The Polish version is available on the Sekrety Rozwoju Osobistego website.

I will be really grateful if you could help me and share this news with your Network!


