My first BindView day (exactly 16 years ago)
(Cover Photo: Second BindView office I worked at. Clicked by me back in those days from a Meeting Room.)
I know that my emails used to be fantastic (and sometimes Over The Top), but I was always a quiet person, which is why people always made assumptions about me (mostly wrong notions) :P
I always included my so-called "friends" (select few Engineering classmates) to all the Job Applications that I made back in 2004 as a Fresher, however, my "friends" skipped me quite often, and that used to hurt my feelings A LOT - because I don't know about you, but I loved people (or may be I was deprived of LOVE back then - as I realize now).
My mother and I always remember That One "friend" who DID call me up while going for a company called BindView. I used to give Home Tuition during my Engineering Days, and had earned INR 14,000 over several months, using which I'd bought a Hero Honda Street of my own to travel all around. I rode on it to the company. It was too far!
This may sound arrogant, but 5 of us attended an Aptitude Test at BindView on the 6th of August, 2004. I was the only one who cleared. I was called for an Interview on the 9th of August, and was asked to join from the immediate next day. The HR told me my Salary, and coming from the financial background that I did, I was about to say to her, "You can give me less, I don't know if I deserve this much." I'd never seen that much money in my life. Designation: Software Tester ("chukaa kaadhne" is how my mother used to describe it).
As much as I repel coding now, I was - naturally - looking for a "Coding" job, because (as someone told me just 3 days ago) I was one of the best 'Coders' in my Engineering Days. On being told that that's a Testing job, I did hesitate, but "had to" begin working, because of a tragedy at home.
I still vividly remember some of the answers I gave in my 3 Interviews, but I hardly remember the first day. The sweetest thing that I always feel proud of was that they asked me to join on the very next day. It might have been their requirement, but I take pride in it - may be, because I was a Topper, or they found me capable, or they found me sincere (all of which I always have been).
That changed my life - totally. That was a massive turning point in my life - from all angles (not just financially). I cannot thank all those Souls enough.
That was my Honeymoon Period with my Work. Well, all my 10+ years were, but those were BindView's Golden Days. All work was welcomed. Unlimited passion. Late night work. Pizzas. I've never seen (rather, experienced) that kind of Team (family-like) Unity after those days. I can imagine how wonderful it must have been for people (Seniors) already working there for much longer than me.
There was no looking back.
Changes happened in my Job Choices thereafter, I know, (and there have been many rumors / conjectures around this), but some lucky people (like me) have multiple "massive turning points" in life - all of which only contribute to one's existence.
I vividly remember and I am completely aware of my "mistakes" back then (small and big), however, I am super-proud of everything that I have been and everything that I am. No regrets, No guilt.
I have no idea why I'm writing this at 4 am, but "10th August" is a Special Date in my life. I remember all of this each year.
So is "11th February" (the exact date when I got married, got divorced, and met Madhuri Dixit in three separate years). Uske baare mein... fir kabhi...