My first Art-Exhibition Maifest 2023
Arni Gudnason
Lehrer, Vision?r @Ev. Gesamtschule Wittenberg & - Schule der Zukunft
Last weekend, at the proud age of 42, I did my first art exhibition.
I must say that I am quite proud of the results. At the same time I am humbled, because it would not have been possible without the help, encouragement and participation of many many people.
An art installation embedded in a childrens fairytale story. As part of a childrens-theater that 12 children, a handfull of grownups, and I, developed over the course of two months. As part of the performance the audience was lead through a fairytale world, installed in the old abandoned school in Wartenburg. In order to save the fairy-creatures from a group of mad scientists, the audience was encouraged to follow our protagonist on her journey to rescue her wondrous friends. Of course the mission was a success and the connection between fantasy and reality was reestablished.
Thank you Wartenburg. Thank you wondrous beings. We will break through into a new world.
Special thanks to: Deisi′s Schneiderstube Wittenberg, Gallerie Arnarson-Sehmer Berlin, Wohnkultur Wittenberg, Rehhahn Bau, Freie KFZ Werkstatt Albrecht Pfefferkorn, Sandra Franzke, Karina Baschin, Juliane Gucinski, Angelika Korge, Jana Kebisch, Rita Burkhardt, Sven Jordan, André Hoyer, Dieter Krambeer, Maria He?ler and Christine Zepperitz.
Pictures by: Juliane Gucinski, Marco Friedrich and Yvonne Standke