My first AIESEC Conference

My first AIESEC Conference

It was March 2016. I joined the world's largest youth-led organization because I dreamed of going on exchange someday. I attended the induction at my Local Committee, and although I hadn't quite grasped what we were doing or how we would achieve "Peace and Fulfillment of Humankind's Potential," I knew it was something I liked.

One day, I received a message from my LCVP: "There's a conference in another city in two weeks. I was supposed to go, but due to a commitment, there's a free spot available. You don't have to pay anything because we've already covered the costs. AIESECers from all over the country will be there, and you'll be able to learn a lot." I accepted because it sounded like a cool opportunity, even though I wasn't exactly sure what to expect.

Skipping ahead to the conclusion because I think we all know where this is going: it was one of the best experiences of my life—seeing a bunch of people working tirelessly to achieve their goals, sharing ideas, and seeking solutions to further the organization's mission. Lots of shouts and roll calls. Obviously, a ton of fun. More learning than I ever imagined. And so many other things I could spend all day here writing about.

That first conference served as the catalyst for me to continue working for the organization eight years later and be here writing this blog. Following that initial event, I couldn't resist attending EVERY following conference. I've been on exchange three times, served as LCVP, MCVP in Puerto Rico and Mexico, AIESEC International member and VP twice, hosted numerous interns in my home in Mexico, survived a pandemic where exchanges were halted, and many other experiences that only AIESECers understand and live through.

That's why if there's one thing I could wish for, it's that ALL AIESEC members attend a conference at least once during their journey. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same opportunities, and nowadays, many AIESEC US members are seeking financial resources to attend national conferences. For this reason, AIESEC United States has decided to allocate funds to enable our members to attend these conferences. Throughout the month of February until March 1st, all donations to our Legacy Fund will be directed towards providing scholarships for our members to attend the Spring Conference. Each scholarship is valued at $250, so no matter the amount you donate, all funds will go towards supporting as many members as possible.

Thanks to the generous donations of two individuals, we've raised enough funds to award five scholarships so far! However, there's still much more to do. Our goal is to provide 50 scholarships. Can you imagine that? Being the first AIESEC US conference that's entirely free for EVERYONE who wants to attend. I believe in the power of AIESECers to achieve that and more.

If you're interested, please donate through this link: Legacy Fund

If you'd like to learn more about the campaign or the organization, feel free to reach out to me at [email protected]. I'll be happy to chat with you.

Written by:

Soraya Morales, Head of Business Development at AIESEC US


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