My Fight With Bugs, Thugs And Scoundrels to Protect My Daughter
Dr Kadiyali Srivatsa
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COVID or the pandemics that follow are not the problems, but the tugs and scoundrels are. When I got elected as a secretary of the student association of the medical school in 1976, my friend told me I am a scoundrel. This made me angry but realised he was right.
Dr Samuel Johnson said, "Patriotism is the last refuge for a scoundrel", and in George Bernard Shaw’s words, ‘Politics is the last resort for the scoundrel.’ Were these two great critics alive today, sure they would have corrected their quotes by replacing ‘last’ with ‘first’'.
What made me think of writing this article was the question my daughter asked me, when she called to wish on my birthday. She will be eighteen soon and was sad because she cannot manifest her dream of going clubbing, experience the pleasure of dancing, flirting and even kissing and cuddling, as we did. It looks as if the club culture is dead.
I promised to do all that I can to protect her and make sure she will acquire the knowledge and experience and be happy. Unfortunately, I failed not because of my contribution was based on practical reality, and based on an illusion of theoretical idealism implemented by thugs and the scoundrels.
There are thousands of people publishing articles talking about Antibiotic Resistance infections every day. The majority, of authors, scientists are talking about surgical procedures, joint replacement, transplants, C-section delivery and not about the treatment-resistant Gonorrhoea, sexually transmitted disease, emerging infection or the cuts, bruises and thorn pricks that will result in sepsis and death.
I was a scout leader in my school and was the one who treated students with cuts and bruises. I used Fusidic acid, Bactroban, Tincture of iodine and potassium permanganate to treat. If my first aid treatment did not work, the kids were admitted to the hospital treated with intravenous antibiotics. The rapidity in which serious infections that spread, is scary and one that most doctors have never seen. I have the passion and the strength to continue warning, knowing what will happen, because I have seen and managed the infections I am talking about. First, wee must stop giving importance to COVID-19, test, face mask, sanitisers and vaccinations, and start sharing information about the threat of bacteria, sexually transmitted and fungal infection that follows. After the Spanish flu pandemic, it was the staphylococcus aureus that spread and killed million until Antibiotics was discovered.
Majority of people I talked to do not know the difference between bacteria, fungs and viruses and believe they are immune to treatment-resistant bacteria because they are healthy. It's very hard to explain "Bacteria and fungus are Immune to antibiotics and chemicals and we are creating them by abusing antibiotics, using ant-septics, sanitisers or chemicals. I think we must do all that we can to changing their mindset of people about viral, treatment-resistant bacteria and fungal infections. Bacterial co-pathogens are commonly identified in viral respiratory infections and are important causes of morbidity and mortality (7). The prevalence of bacterial infection in patients infected with viruses is not well understood. secondary infections often following an emerging viral infection like COVID-19 is a major threat to our very existence. An army of microscopic enemies are waiting and soon will rapidly start spreading with a vengeance (8).
You may think one million people with Coronavirus infection out of 33 million have died today, just imagine how the situation will be when 10 million people die every year by 2050.
When the fourteen years old boy died with the so-called "Normal Commensal" (MRSA) in 1989, I was shocked. I spent days and nights observing doctors and nurses find out how infections spread in hospitals. The spread was common in children who required multiple intubations, and so I invented "Intufix" (Endotracheal tube fixation) Fixation of a tracheal tube, published in Anaesthesia in 1991. The infection rate did not decline and then I found the most common surgical procedures in the hospital was "Intravenous cannulation".
I developed a Spring-loaded device to reduce multiple punctures in 1992. I stopped working on this project because I did not get any help or encouragement. Members of my profession, pharmaceutical companies and device manufacturers were confident of inventing new antibiotics that will fight infections. We have not invented or developed new antibiotics since 1970 and so it is unlikely we can discover 18 antibiotics to treat 18 treatment-resistant bacteria now spreading all over the world.
After my daughter was born in 2002, I looked at her face, knowing how life could be for her when she grows up and so started my research to help fight infections. Initially, I invented the U-Cannula in 2004, published article, begged cannula manufacturers (B Braun, Viggon, Becton Dickinson, Arrow, Smiths, Johnson & Johnson, Hindustan Syringes, Viggo-Spectramade and numerous cannula manufacturers in India and China), NHS Innovation and Department of Trade & Industry in the UK to help us, but none did. Even after I told them, these bugs will bring us to our knee and destroy modern medicine, they were vigorously promoting their "Safety cannula" and did not help us bring in changes to help reduce the number of attempts, cost and prevent iatrogenic infections that kill. When I was searching for articles, I came to know, some companies are shameless, copied IP (spring-loaded cannula) and are selling them as safety cannula. To win this war with germs, we must reduce contaminated hospital waste, masks, antibiotic/chemical abuse. With no good anti-bacterial or fungal that can sterilise equipment like laparoscope, endoscopy and scanners that are colonised with bacteria, fungus and viruses.
The main reason is colonising people with superbugs because people in power and some doctors have accelerated because they have forced washing hands using sanitizers, claiming this can kill viruses and bacteria. This is based on so-called "Evidence-based medicine" that look at publications that are absolute. The superbugs, viruses and fungus carry plasmid with technology and know-how how to disarm drugs and chemicals.
You must be better prepared, because any person who lands up in hospital in the near future may not return home, because they will develop sepsis, that often kills because we ran out of cheap drugs and left with very expensive, toxic drugs that may help. The dream of living on earth forever by banning smoking in pubs, educating about alcohol abuse, reducing cholesterol, using a face mask or sanitisers is an illusion based on theoretical idealism without understanding the practical realities. The life expectancy has started declining and likely to rapidly decline to 35-45 years by 2050. Perinatal mortality will also increase and health women can contract infections during labour that cannot be treated.
If few scientists working in a lab are creating plasmid and use viruses as vectors because they can deliver the new gene by infecting the cell, just imagine how trillions of virus can create a plasmid in a fraction of a second and infect cells. Some types of virus, such as retroviruses, integrate their genetic material (including the new gene) into a chromosome in the human cell. Other viruses, such as adenoviruses, introduce their DNA into the nucleus of the cell, but the DNA is not integrated into a chromosome.
The scientist is using HIV as a vector in gene therapy. This may seem like a great achievement, but you must know this has lots of limitations and will probably never be available for use in this century. Viruses like COVID will change the coding in our DNA and soon transform us to be better humans.
In the 1990s, I was concerned about have encouraged people to use the anti-septics and chlorhexidine to prepare the skin before cannulation, injections, phlebotomy for tests and surgery. Majority of nurses and doctors did not know anything about "Drying Time". According to one study staff need to wait 4 times as long (20 seconds) after decontamination before using the intravenous catheter or risk injecting microbes or antiseptic solution.
To kill germs on hands and decontamination of surface you must use 70% isopropyl alcohol as this is the most efficient. The disinfected with povidone-iodine were still not dry at 6 minutes. Pre-operative skin preparation, povidone-iodine was applied before the surgeon's hands were scrubbed, there was an interval of at least five minutes. The authors evaluated the effectiveness of two techniques of skin preparation with povidone-iodine and found the skin appeared safer by allowing povidone-iodine to dry for 10 minutes prior to surgery.
Even today, people are using "Sanitisers" to clean dining tables in restaurants, trains and even bin collecters. The number of people using these chemicals has increased to catastrophic proportion, resulting in superbugs (bacteria, fungus and viruses) mutilating and producing plasmids that help protect them and pass them on to other bacteria, virus and fungus. The person who is paranoid and obsessively use these sanitisers are defiantly colonised with superbugs that will threaten their families and friend and the situation is getting worse than you can imagine. In the USA, FDA banned using sanitisers as the ones that work are actually harmful for human use.
If this is allowed to continue, people who are colonised with superbugs on their skin will develop septicemia after a simple cut, needle prick or getting an intramuscular injection. No doctors who respect medical ethics "Do No Harm", will be happy to request blood tests, perform surgery knowing the procedure is more harmful than not performing the procedure.
Fortunately, I am strong, creative and positive and will not stop doing all that I can to protect my only daughter. I have now created an alternative, safe and inconspicuous device that can be made at home using paper or plastic sheet. This innovation will not only kill the face mask industry, reduce environmental pollution, save money but offer better protection to people who use them.
A true disrupter but with a twist, created as a birthday present to help my daughter to help her manifest her dream. If anyone is interested in joining hands and do something instead of talking, reading, watching what the tugs or scoundrels doing, please let me know.
As Albert Einstein said: "The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil (or COVID-19), but by those who watch them without doing anything."
Dr Kadiyali M Srivatsa
- Democracy needs citizens to step up.
- Is UK Club Culture Dead?
- Antibiotic Resistance Research:
- Antimicrobial resistance in sexually transmitted infections:
- Infected cuts and bruises:
- Thorn prick:
- CDC Sepsis:
- Antimicrobial Resistance: The End of Modern Medicine?:
- Bacterial co-infection and secondary infection in patients with COVID-19:
- Coronavirus: Global Covid-19 death toll passes one million.
- Antimicrobial Resistance: Tackling a crisis for the health and wealth of nations.
- Video: Bacteria and Antibiotics: Revenge of the Microbes:
- Fixation of the tracheal tube (1991).
- Srivatsa Kadiyali M, Cannulation of blood vessels using a spring-loaded device to reduce infections. Anesthesia & Analgesia: November 1992 - Volume 75 - Issue 5 - p 867-868
- End of modern medicine:
- U-Cannula:
- Srivatsa KM, Reduce Contaminated Waste 2006.
- Mask pollution:
- COVID Waste PPE:
- Iatrogenic Infections:
- Deadly bacteria on medical scopes trigger infections-Endoscope and laparoscope: 1.
- HIV Gene therapy.
- Chlorhexidine–Alcohol versus Povidone-Iodine for Surgical-Site Antisepsis:
- Needleless connector drying time—how long does it take?:—how-long-does-it-take-Slater.pdf
- Optimal Timing of Preoperative Skin Preparation with Povidone-Iodine for Spine Surgery: A Prospective, Randomized Controlled Study: