Updated 5/6/2018 - To All Investors...
BlackLion LLC has put together 4 projects we believe will have a major impact on the world! Each project has the potential to generate immense returns.
Project 1 is geared towards promotion! These very large and well put together events have never been attempted before! Though desired and well wished for, having the vision is the underlying factor in this reality! The first of only four of its kind will take place in New York City’s own, Madison Square Garden! And thanks to technology, we’ll be able to expand this event to the far reaches of the world! Also, due to the roster, returns can potentially reach ten times or more than the initial investment! In addition to the great returns, this project will allow the opportunity to network with sponsors, entertainers, and high-profile individuals!
Project 2 is extremely gratifying in that it offers a long-awaited solution for the military! It's no secret the military is not on the "to-do" list once they've served! However, we can't keep relying on the government to take care of those that take care of us! And so, BlackLion’s project will create a reality that will provide homes up to $300K for every military person! As well as a brand-new vehicle in upwards of $50K! This project will also provide employment opportunities, not only for the military but for millions throughout the United States! It will be the first ever movement for the military and their families.
Project 3 is a service offering exclusively for the 0.00005% population! As an investor, you get to enjoy a portion of these benefits for one year! In our two-year research, we've discovered the life many assume exist for the 0.00005% isn't always as carefree as it appears to be! We’ve carefully put together a very secluded and exclusive project with safety as a top priority to appeal to such a group! We’ve learned that once you reach a certain level of reality, there is an expectation of lifestyle you've become accustomed to! BlackLion will turn it up a notch offering an experience only the 0.00005% can relate to! We will be the ONLY company able to offer a real 10-star service!
Project 4 will be the largest of the four! Something that will make great use of our current realities as well as the new technology safely while providing an enjoyable experience! Over the years, we've seen many attempts to help those in challenging locations! What if I told you BlackLion has found the tools that can create self-sustainability for every country? The obvious challenges many governments face is being able to provide a real opportunity for their countrymen and countrywomen! Well, BlackLion's project4 will provide a remedy to these areas bringing out the true greatness that lies in these individuals.