- 7 sins of speaking (gossip, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, lying, dogmatism)
- H - Honesty A - Authenticity I - Integrity L - Love
- We vote for politicians with lower voices since we associate depth with power and authority
- We prefer voices that are rich and warm, we can train this
- Speakers can change tones to communicate ideas, and vary their pace, alter the volume and use silences to help spread their ideas
- You can do exercises before a talk to warm-up your voice
- Passion, if you do it for love the money comes anyway
- Hard work, but consider it type 2 fun hard work
- Practice and focus, get your head down and find something you're good at
- Push yourself physically and mentally, remove shyness and self doubt
- Serve others something of value
- Ideas, do the simple things, listen, observe, be curious, ask questions, problem solve, make connections
- Persist through failure, criticisms, rejections, a**holes and pressure
- Don't multi-task, be present and avoid thinking about other things
- Don't pretend like only your opinion is valid
- Use open ended questions starting with who what where and why
- Go with the flow, let thoughts pass away
- If you don't know, just say you don't now
- Don't equate your experience with theirs, it is never the same
- Try not to repeat yourself
- Forget the details, leave them out, people don't care
- Listen!
- Keep it brief
- Good relationships keep us happier and healthier
- Social connections are good for us and loneliness kills
- It's the quality of your close relationships that matter
- Good relationships protect our bodies and brains
- Self confidence is one of the most important skills
- Repetition is vital and the ability to practice is important, even after a failure
- Stop negative self-talk
- Reinforce behaviour through positive feedback
- Don't let other people pull you back and believe in yourself
- Some leaders are able to convey why they do what they do, and this makes them successful
- Focus on the WHY then the how then the what, not the other way round
- People don't buy what you do they buy why you do it
- Liars reference themselves less when making deceptive statements
- Liars tend to be more negative because of the guilt associated with lying
- Liars explain events in simple terms since our brains struggle to build a complex lie
- Even though liars keep descriptions simple, they tend to use longer more convoluted sentence structure
- No matter how long you've been doing something, there's always another method or room for improvements