Manhattan, one of the most moneyed spots on the planet, also has one of the greatest concentrations of people in its skyscrapers. It's also, of course, the place where every architect wants to build his tower.
Norman Foster
Model or Paper? What's the best spot?
I guess neither. My proffered spot is the MAXIMIZED VIEWPORT, this Cyan-Framed AutoCAD Screen which is unfortunately not very popular among AutoCAD Users...
You can just double-click on a Viewport to get there, to a Dark Background AutoCAD Screen and if you wish to return to where you came from, just double-click on the Cyan Frame..There also icons in the tray to do the same.
Life in the Maximized Viewport
Much more comfortable, by can zoom and pan without any fear of altering the Viewport Scale, the Layer Mgmt. is exactly as if you entered a viewport from within any Layout so when Freezing a layer it will apply only to the current Viewport. Any Annotative Features appearance is exactly as in the Layouts, You are not restricted to the Viewports Dimensions and Height/Width Ratio so Viewing is much easier, The Background color is as Your Model looks and the only downside I find, is that you can't stay there between AutoCAD Sessions, this Spot is accessible only when the file is open closing it will Automatically Minimize the Viewport...No Big Deal!
Try it' You'll like it! and if You do:
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