My Favorite Movie
My Favorite Movie
Initially, I didn't know why I liked Avengers movies. Actually, I had just started watching Hollywood movies. Avengers are different from other movies, which is what caught my attention. As I began watching the Avengers movies, they quickly became my favorites. The way numerous superheroes come together to try to save people is truly captivating.
In most movies, regardless of the language, the heroes usually act individually. Even if they're over 100 years old, they don't settle for just playing side roles. However, Avengers are different. They portray how important it is for us to help each other and work together in this world.
I've watched Avengers: Infinity War over 100 times, and it's readily available on Hotstar. Avengers: Endgame, on the other hand, I've watched 10 times. Despite this, my fondness for the Avengers movies and series remains unwavering. #avengers #avengersendgame #avengersinfinitywar #superheroes #myfavouritemovie #favouritemovie #favourite