My favorite fairy tale of all time is Princess and the Pea.
Hanna Patricia Hingpit
UX Writer & Content Strategy Lead ?? I help time-poor SaaS businesses grow their revenue through user research-driven growth strategies ?? Founder, Filipino Remote Copywriters & Blue Salmon Solutions
Yes. There are no genies, talking animals, or flying carpets.
However, something about it just resonates with me.
I particularly love this sentence from its analysis on
"And so she passes the test, for only a real princess can feel so directly despite all the layers of rationality, and social layers."
It's silly to read that a woman will get bruises after sleeping on 20 layers of mattresses with a single pea buried under them...
And yet, I absolutely love this bizarre story.
For me, it's about authenticity.
You can't just fake an essence.
If you're brimming with talent, then it will ooze out of you no matter what—even if you are stripped of all the tangible pizzazz that instantly show you're a hotshot.
You will be bruised by a pea.
It will show.