My Favorite AutoCAD Commands
Since 2009, I've been still having a great time with the AutoCAD drawing computer program. Whenever I am on a task drawing something or experiencing some Windows or AutoCAD problems I come across, I need to consider such stresses and I need to find a solution. Beyond discussing the situation of so many commands that I have to remember and use, at this point, why don't we talk about AutoCAD commands in our daily life, I'm now asking you:
"Can you speak AutoCAD?"
For someone who likes 2D drawings, isometric drawings, 3D drawings, material assignment, and/or rendering the scene e.t.c. AutoCAD is a good program to perform these tasks on a computer. The variety of file extension you can save as to your desktop, and printing the drawings with a plotter can be customized very well by user decisions.
Almost all engineers know what AutoCAD is, but today, I wanted to express my own AutoCAD commands that I very often use when I work on with AutoCAD 2024 program.
The letter "l" as the love's "l" is known for beginning to draw a line. Just as simple as you can remember, in most AutoCAD courses, your teacher wants you to draw a line from the beginning point to the endpoint. This is like a "Hello World" text to be seen on an LCD with Arduino electronics boards. So much fun to start with the letter "l" on AutoCAD to get started on the journey! Like living in a computer world.
After drawing so many different lines, I want to connect these lines to polyline by using the code "pe" and then press the enter button. AutoCAD asks you to choose the lines you want to add each other, and you can press the enter button again to complete the task. Now, you have a polyline made of so many different lines. This command works very well when you want a later 3D model of extraction or presspull from 2D to solid object (mesh or solid e.t.c.)
Are you using your mouse's wheel to zoom in and zoom out very frequently? If so, your drawings may seem to perform a low model while examining your circular drawings. You can also set this situation in the settings to define how many corners you want for a simple circle in the drawing area, but if you are unsure about the corner amount, simply zoom in to your drawing, type "re" then hit the enter button to allow AutoCAD to regenerate the entire drawings. Not all the time this code is useful, but before you print or plot your drawing, I highly suggest you run this, re, the code.
*Mouse right clicks work as an enter button
This is the most amazing command of all time I can say. Before I exaggerate, I may say, only a mouse can be enough for you to complete entire drawings on an AutoCAD scene (joke btw :)) For some simple drawings, you may not necessarily use your keyboard, your mouse's right-click option menu will also work as an enter button for you. While performing a function after you click a toolbar button, follow up the command section's suggestions with your eyes, then right-click on your mouse's right button, then boom! You have an enter button already! Sometimes you can see an ESC button behavior on that list would be so good.
Do you need to fill some 2D drawings, type "hatch" then press the enter button. You will be advised by the command line of AutoCAD to perform the area selection, then you can manage the filling option by using the Hatch window to choose your hatching style.
Whenever you get bored by 3D works, you can simply type "render" and then press the enter button will make you feel realistic. You can turn your imaginary scene into an image file that can be seen as realistic and/or modeled by the light and shadow drops to the scene or other objects.
Render is a term used for your drawings can look like when you put some lights onto them or just a generic view of the scene from your point of view to the drawing area. You can also save it as a JPG file to your folder or desktop.
Here are some other commands that I like to use, but I think making sentences is enough at this point. Because writing things on this LinkedIn page can be boring for people or people can't have enough time to read my boring text like this. Okay so, the rest of the commands are written below:
So far, these are my frequent but not limited to useable commands in the AutoCAD program. I like to use toolbar buttons, and I generally prefer to create my toolbar as a shortcut to the commands. The way you use AutoCAD will be different from the other users because AutoCAD offers great customization tools for the users. If you remember the code, you can type them in or if you don't remember them, but know their button's location in a toolbox, you are good to go! Just the last words to you, finish the project whenever its possible earlier and don't be late :p
Thank you for reading!
Hire for AutoCAD needs?
Julia Liendo
1 年Los alumnos de escuelas técnicas, en 4° a?o ya trabajan con Autocad. Qué tanto merito le dan. Personas que supuestamente son universitarias?