My Father’s Teachings
Looking at my father’s teaching and analyzing each one, I believe that there is something powerful and special in each teaching that could potentially help someone to get better.
????? (Love)? A word that some individuals are lacking family love, self-acceptance, bonding, self-love, etc. and by learning and applying this teaching will benefit them and will help them to understand that they need to love themselves, for them to have the ability to move forward strong. I am Jewish and, in my culture, we practice self-love. If we didn’t we would have not been in existence, so we understand within us how POWERFUL love is.? Our resilience to be in existence made us experience that our self-love have helped us to be and get stronger through time and has given us the ability to help each other and build stronger communities and create a better future for our youths just with one simple but powerful word ???? (Love) and through self-love, as you may know in our holy book The Tanakh, we have a very famous phrase “Love never Fails” & “Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself", the part as thyself? and that says it all (Self-Love).?
???????? (Humility) is very important and that doesn’t mean that you are going to allow others to bully you, but it means that you are already rewarded by acting humble. Hearing those words from a father is very important to a child as it builds his confidence and gives him assurance of the future. The teachings of my father have changed me from the inside out. My father told me that it is very important for an individual to express themselves in Truth, Honesty, Respect, Bravery & Wisdom.
So, I believe that the teachings? of a father are a great way to guide an individual into the light of self-respect. Individuals who understand and believe that love is the way to go. and that is the confidence and passion given to an individual to help people regardless of the person’s background and walking the talk or living what they preach will be the foundation for their success. Being who we are is definitely the key to creating a warm approach to people, and that will create trust, that is a great step towards any type of rehabilitation and me as a mental worker my goal is to be an individual-center to gain their trust and help him to reach his goals.
A father figure is very crucial in the life of a child as it helps the child to build confidence and helps him to empower his dreams. ?As professionals we recognize the importance of fatherhood, in the healing process, with respect to addiction/mental health our job is to reintegrate the individual with its roots and that is bringing them back to the very own experiences with their fathers, and the healing starts. Some individuals don't have good memories of their fathers, they just remember the unjust and cruel nature of this person that gave them life. But if we stop and analyse that father, he probably has the same story reflected in him and that is exactly what he is reflecting to his child, the same pain and cruelty that he endured when he was a child, and that trauma goes on and on, until one person decides to stop it. We call it intergenerational trauma.Fathers have a a very important role, as fathers are designed differently and the child need to perceive and learn the Father’s ways of life. The reality is that to be a father you need a woman, but within a man spirit they have the fatherhood instinct same with women they have the motherhood instinct and the child needs to learn from both for the child to grow in a balanced environment.? In my very own experience I can tell you that life wasn't easy growing up without a father, there were moments that I felt like the world was against me, no-one liked me, no friends, no-one to play with, I felt lonely and that emptiness was caused by my father, I hated him for abandoned me, for leaving me alone in this strange world. His absence caused me to go to bed hungry, lonely, as the the day came to an end I pray to God for a dad, sad, and bruised from the scorch of the bullies a cruel reminder that I was alone in this vast universe, I cried most of my childhood for my situation, my tears didn’t bring back my dad but crying became a soothing way to calm down. I found the need to work as early as eight years old for myself and mom. Work was an easy way to distract myself from the cruel reality that I was lonely but still I felt alone. Mom worked all day and it was very difficult for her to take care of me and my needs, but she did her best, she was a mother at the same time a father. My father really screwed my life up, I didn’t have him and his absence made me loose the warm hugs of my mother, as she came very late from work tired and hungry, no time for nothing else, but to sleep and go back to the same routine of her life, work work to raise me and pay my education. Those days were not easy. Lots of sad memories having to take a walk in the park and just stare at other kids playing with their dads. Life is very cruel, but gets worse when you grow up without a dad. The teaching of my father is a recollection of? memories before his departure that left a serious emptiness in my heart that hasn’t been easy to heal. My father, a serious man who enjoyed laughing, a man with the warmest smile that tears me up until today. My father is a man with a golden heart that taught me integrity, respect and to love even before I was born. My father was a very simple man that enjoyed the beautiful sound of the birds or watching a pair of playful squirrels or walking foot-naked over the grass. Seven years of his life he spent in teaching me the ways of life. He was preparing me for the unknown, but I was not prepared to endure the most difficult journey, to face the world alone. My Father? was killed when I turned seven years old. And that is why I advocate for the rights of the child to have his father by his side. For those whose fathers are not in this world, if they have good memories, embrace them and honour that man with actions by becoming good fathers and leaving a legacy of love in the heart of that child and for him one day teach the teaching of his father with pride. I have forgiven my father for abandoning me even though I know he didn't decide to leave but it was destiny who decided to separate us. I spent half of my life talking to a tree sounds crazy but it is true and still do from time to time. As I believe connecting with nature helps me to heal.?
?????????In the teaching of my father I learnt to embrace nature, Culture & Spiritually having direct contact with nature, is to hug a tree, walk Bare-foot over the grass and feel the warmth of the land where we are from.?The Spiritual life give us hope, faith and humble us, to. point that we are equal to one another and we depend of each other.
By Gorge Garcia
##UnsilenceMatters & Die/No-more