My Fascination with 3D Printing
I never knew about additive manufacturing up until a few years ago. Once I discovered it, I became fascinated with it. The possibilities are endless. The creations are amazing and very outside the box. Then I learned about iterative design software. Mind blown. Imagine making a part the same way for years and discovering not only new, less expensive ways to manufacture it but also discovering the part can be made in multiple ways that the human brain can't comprehend. It doesn't matter if the material is metal, plastic, rosin or even artificial skin!
I've also started to notice pieces that were probably printed/prototyped with a 3D printer. Have you been on one of the budget airlines lately? It seems as though their entire fleets are bare minimum accomodations all the way down to the seat and the tray table (which no longer exist on some airlines).The airlines are always looking for ways to conserve fuel. Same with automotive and other industries as well. Additive manufacturing has been a game-changer for these industries.
If you would like to discuss ways Datamatics Business Solutions can accelerate your sales revenue through content syndication, then I'd be more than happy to meet with you at the Rapid+TCT Show in Detroit from May 17-19. It will sure be good to see some familiar faces and catch up as well as meeting some new ones.
Reach out to me at "tim.kasperovich@datamatics