My Fall Internship Extension with Listeners On Call
In the climate we’re living in right now, I have become more grateful for the opportunities I’ve been given this year. One of those include receiving an extension for my internship with Listeners On Call. Looking back at the last 12 weeks with the Dallas-based startup, I can definitely say a whole lot has changed. From customizing the user experience for our supply-side Listeners on the app to changing our color palette and branding to fit the modern taste of our users, I have continued to learn and grow throughout.
One of the biggest initiatives I took on this semester was implementing Intercom, a messaging platform which allows businesses to communicate with prospective and existing customers within their app, on their website, through social media, or via email. For Listeners On Call’s use case, I implemented the push notification and email messaging capabilities within Intercom. Creating copy for each push notification and email was a collaborative effort between marketing and product, since we wanted to create messaging that educated our customers without sounding too pushy. The next step was to create the logic in which each push notification and email will trigger and send to each of our users. As the product manager of this aspect of the project, I was able to use my creativity and knowledge of Intercom from a previous role to create rules that matched the exact moment a message would be sent to our customers to prevent churn and increase the numbers of calls occurring in-app.
With confidence, I can say that all 40 or so messages created, tested and released increased our key KPIs by 10% since implementation. Becoming a subject matter expert within one area of this startup helped me appreciate the focus and resilience it requires to create something from the ground up. However, my job isn’t done yet. The amount of potential that has been unlocked with the Intercom implementation is vast and exciting. The possibilities are endless and we hope our users feel the same.
Thank you to everyone at Listeners On all for always showing empathy and allowing me to teach them the ins and outs of an awesome platform. Moreover, thank you to the team for allowing me the chance to continue working within an amazing cause! #UTDMSMKT #JSOMIntern